Chapter 2

As Long As You're Mine

                        “you really didn’t have to send me all the way to the airport, Hyewon-ah.” Yunho frustratedly sighed as the younger girl decided to tag along with him to make sure he gets on his plane.

Yunho had been putting off this trip for two weeks until Hyewon finally had enough and decided to put her foot down. She called his secretary and scheduled him for a 4-day 3-night trip to Scotland and all business calls should be directed to her. So the day after she stormed into his office, Yunho was now all packed and ready to head to his vacation.

            “you might get a call from work and escape, oppa.” She glared.

            “how can I when you threatened my secretary to have all calls to be directed to you.” He rolled his eyes.

            “hyung, here’s your boarding pass and passport. Your flight leaves in an hour so I suggest you get in now.” Changmin handed him his documents and Yunho neatly tucked it in his coat pocket.

            “thanks, Min.” Yunho eyed the girl in front of him who had both her arms crossed. “I’m going in now, you finally satisfied?”

            “not until I see you inside the gate and your plane off the runway.”

            “give him a little break, Hye, he will be on that plane when it takes off and besides you already have airport personnel keeping an eye on him.” Changmin chuckled; Yunho raised an eyebrow.

            “you don’t really have much faith in me do you?”

            “not when you always use an excuse to bail on vacations.” Hyewon said proudly. “now off you go.” She said shooing him.

People were starting to look at their direction now. Yunho was a very well known bachelor in the country plus the power couple, international model and heir to Shim Electronics, Shim Changmin and Korea’s ice princess, Choi Hyewon. They didn’t have time for an impromptu fansigning and photo session so they had to leave asap.

After a few brief instructions from Yunho, Hyewon finally pushed him towards the boarding gate.

            “call me when you get there, screw time difference and just call me, ok?”

            “yes, Hyewonie.” Yunho chuckled and waved at the couple as they waved back.

Changmin and Hyewon walked out from the airport and got into Changmin’s black Aston Martin.

            “you think he’ll be fine on his own?” he asked.

            “he will and he definitely needs this time to himself to sort things out in his head.”

            “he still isn’t over JiMin noona?”

            “I think he’s scared to get hurt if he finds out she moved on or something.” Hyewon brow creased in a sad frown. Changmin reached over to her and held her hand.

            “he’ll sort it out, Hye, and you’re right maybe this time off will help him.”

            “I sure hope so.”



South Oban, Scotland


            “sir? We’re here.” Yunho’s driver woke him up from his slumber.

Hours of travel were just spent of him sleeping making up for the days he lacked of it. Still feeling woozy and groggy, he looked out the window and saw only a huge field and on top of a small hill was a cottage slightly protected from the afternoon sun by some nearby oak trees. He left Korea mid morning and he was now in Scotland almost a day later.

            “do you need assistance with your luggage, sir?” the driver asked. he was booked by Hyewon in advance to pick him to and from the airport.

            “no need.” Yunho said his voice slightly deeper from sleep.

The driver just took out his luggage from the compartment and placed it from where Yunho stood and gave him a small bow and a tap from his cap.

            “I will come pick you up in four days, sir. Good day.”

Yunho took a deep breath and exhaled. He thought Hyewon and Sooyeon were probably right; the countryside air might just do the trick to relax him.

He grabbed his luggage and started up the hill. It was just a two-minute walk and with his long legs, he reached it in no time. He opened the front door and into the warm foyer of the lobby.

There was a fire lit in the fireplace, even if it was spring Scotland was still very chilly. He looked around and saw photos hanging on the walls and some stood on shelves. He unconsciously smiled looking the pictures. He felt a slight warmth as he gazed into the various scenery of Scotland and some of candid shots of people, he assumed some of the guests and villagers.

            “can I help you?” a woman’s voice said from behind him. He turned around and saw slightly plump old lady smiling at him.

            “ah yes, I have a reservation.”

            “oh right, Claire did mention a new guest today.” she clapped and ushered him to a small counter by the door. Yunho followed her.

            “you’re not the owner?” he asked.

            “oh no, I am just helping out. The owner is out on an errand, she wont be back for a few hours.” She pulled out a logbook. “name please?”

            “James Jung.”

            “ah yes, here it is, four days and three nights right? Sign here please and would like to settle your payment now or later?”

            “now would be fine.” He handed her his credit card.

            “ok, here we go. Breakfast is at 7, it’s same as all the guests, and the dining is just beside the common room, over there.” She pointed at the area just a few feet away from the living room. “if you prefer a later time you can inform us in advance so we can prepare a separate meal for you.”

            “thank you.” He said as she handed him his key.

            “if you’ll follow me I’ll show you to your room.”

She walked out of the counter and turned left, she walked a few feet to the end of the corridor and pointed to the room on the right.

            “here you are. I apologize if you expected a room on the upper floor but we are a bit occupied with vacationing couples at the moment.”

            “it’s not a problem.” He smiled and opened his room.

            “if you need anything just call for Mrs. McLeary, that’s me.” she said and bid goodbye.

Yunho closed the door and looked around his room. Truthfully, it wasn’t what he was used to but the room was cozy even if it is small. A small table by the window facing the lake, a dresser in front of the bed and a small tv in front of it. the bed looked comfy with it’s thick covers and the lamps on the bedside table left the room with a warm glow.

Not bothering to change his clothes, he took off his shoes and jacket and leaving his sweater on, he dove into the bed and sank himself into a deep sleep.


Next Day


Yunho groaned from under the covers. The incessant thudding from outside his window woke him up from his slumber. He reached for his wrist watched and realized he had been asleep for a good 15 hours. He felt energized minus the jet lag. He figured he had gotten over it by sleeping more than half a day. He walked to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. He changed into a cream-colored turtleneck sweater before stepping out for breakfast.

The smell of freshly cooked ham and eggs greeted him when he opened the door and casual conversation and laughter was heard from the dining area. Upon reaching the room he saw three pair of couples and two guy backpackers having breakfast together.

            “Mr. Jung, so nice of you to join us.” Mrs. McLeary greeted carrying a jar of fresh-squeezed orange juice. “had a nice rest?”

            “I did, thank you and please call me James.” He smiled. Mrs. McLeary introduced him to the other guests and they shook hands with each other.

He’s used to using his English name when going abroad and it’s also convenient for business partners to remember.

Mrs. McLeary gave him a plate of eggs, ham, sausages and a glass of orange juice and he thanked her. The backpackers were right beside him and from their accents he assumed they were American.

            “so James, what is it that you do for a living. You’re from Korea right?” Norton, one of the backpackers asked.

            “I run the family business back home.”

            “cool!” said his friend Damien. “what kind of business are you guys into? Our parents are partners in this car dealing business thing.”

            “we just own a few stores.” He said casually biting into one of the sausages on his plate. He really didn’t want to delve into his business further.

            “oh. Typical Asian kid then.” sniggered Damien.

Yunho just ate his breakfast quietly he was just thankful the backpackers will be leaving that morning so he wouldn’t have to face them longer than he would’ve wanted.

            “Heidi, can you help me with the door?” a girl’s voice called from behind the kitchen door.

Something from inside Yunho froze. That voice was strangely familiar; he knew it from somewhere. It was somewhere in his memory buried deep in his head; he was unconsciously holding his breath as he watched the older woman pull the kitchen door open.

JiMin stepped out from the kitchen carrying a basketful of bread and a jar of milk. She smiled at the older lady and said thanks and set the breadbasket on the table.

Yunho stared gaping at what he was seeing. He couldn’t believe his eyes; he did not want to believe that the woman he so desperately wanted to see was now standing right in front of him pouring milk into the guests’ glasses. She obviously hasn’t seen him yet. Slowly, he stood up, his eyes slightly wide and his mouth agape.

            “oh Claire, this is our new guest---“

            “JiMin.” Yunho said in an audible whisper. He was breathless.

JiMin looked to his direction and paled.

            “Yu…Yunho.” Her hand shook and the jar fell to the floor with a loud crash.

Mrs. McLeary ran towards the shaken girl and fussed about asking if she was hurt. But she and Yunho just stared into each other’s eyes, frozen on the spot.

JiMin broke the contact first.

            “Heidi, I’m fine. Excuse me for a moment.” JiMin rushed out of the dining room and out the back door.

Yunho didn’t know why but he ran out after her. He saw her ran into the forest and went running. She knew the forest better but he was obviously faster. The moment she was only at arms length away Yunho grabbed her arm and pulled to a stop.

JiMin tried to free her arm but Yunho had already held her in place both of is hands on her arms. They were both panting really hard and JiMin already started to tear up still trying to pull away.

            “stop running…away from me.” Yunho panted staring straight into her tear-filled eyes. He had already seen her hands earlier. No rings, she wasn’t married or engaged.

            “please let me go.” She knew of the double meaning of Yunho’s words. She ran away and hid from him for five years and just now she ran away when she saw him in the cottage.

Yunho’s heart sank deeper than when she left him. His hand shook as he freed her from his hands. JiMin stumbled back and fell back and sat under a tree while Yunho leaned weakly on another in front of it.

            “five years, JiMin. You left me.” he choked, tears started to well up in his eyes too.

            “I…I had to.” she looked away from him. “if I didn’t you wouldn’t have let me go.”

            “of course I wouldn’t! I loved you!” he yelled sounding frustrated. She flinched and when he saw it he stepped forwards and kneeled in front of her. “and I still love you.”

Tears flowed out of JiMin’s eyes now. He didn’t follow her request; he did not forget her nor did he even obviously try. He still loves her as she still loved him.

            “we can’t be together anymore Yunho, too much has changed this past five years and you’re---”

            “I’m not engaged anymore nor am I married.” He said gruffly.

She looked at him in surprise.


            “I broke off the engagement two years ago.”

JiMin stared. She didn’t ask why; she just stared at Yunho, at the man who she missed. She traced every inch of his handsome face with her eyes. He had become more mature these past five years, a little bit thinner than he used to. Her hand twitched wanting to touch his face but she held back.

Yunho’s phone suddenly rang and jolted both of them back to reality. Jimin hurriedly stood up and Yunho followed.

            “sorry, I have to go back, I have errands to run.” She didn’t look into his eyes and turned away but before she could leave Yunho managed to hold on to her hand.

            “can we talk? Later?” he pleaded.

JiMin looked at Yunho and nodded before she turned away walking back to the cottage.

Yunho stared at her as she left and felt the urge to stop her. He let her leave him five years ago and right now even though he was still very confused he wanted her to explain. A part of him still wanted to keep her; if he were honest with himself he would openly say that.

The incessant ringing of his phone snapped him out of his reverie.


            “oh good you’re still alive.” Hyewon’s irked voice echoed from the speaker. The sound of her heels clattering in the marble floors of the company building could be heard on the other line.

            “sorry, I fell asleep as soon as I arrived.” His voice was somber and Hyewon immediately noticed his sullen mood.

            “is there something wrong, oppa? You don’t sound okay.”

            “she’s here, Hyewon-ah.”

            “who’s there?” she sounded confused.

            “Song JiMin.”

There was a long silence on the other line then a loud ruffling noise could be heard and the sound from Hyewon’s heels as she ran.  A loud bang from what Yunho assumed was the door erupted then Siwon’s yell of surprise.

Hyewon clicked on the loudspeaker and slammed her phone on her brother’s desk.

            “sit and listen.” Yunho heard her command her big brother.

            “What the hell is going on, Hyewon?!” Siwon sounded irritated. Hyewon didn’t listen and talked to Yunho.

            “why is she there, oppa?!”

            “I don’t know. I saw her, she’s really here.”

            “this is so confusing. Of all the places she could go, why Scotland?”

            “apparently she owns the inn I’m staying at”

            “so you mean Sooyeon unnie met JiMin unnie last year? Daeeebak!” she sighed in amazement at the twist of fate.

            “wait wait! You mean JiMin is there? With you??” Siwon interrupted in shock and surprise.

            “she’s not with me. she went back to the inn. The meeting did not…go well as you think.”

            “I expect not.” Siwon mumbled.

            “sooo…how is she?” HyeWon asked.

            “she seems…fine.” Yunho replied a bit vaguely.

            “you are so informative, oppa.” Yunho smiled as he could already imagine Hyewon rolling her eyes.

            “we haven’t talked yet.”

            “then get to it. better yet if she’s still single woo her in three days and drag her back here.”


            “I know I know, I’ll leave you two to resolve whatever it is you need to fix blah blah whatever. But if you must know, if there’s anyone I’d love for you to end up with it’s her.” She said and Yunho could not find the right words to respond.

            “hey, Yun, just do what you need to do.”  His bestfriend encouraged. “see you in a few days and good luck.”

            “thanks.” He said before he hung up.




As soon as JiMin got back to the inn, she ran into her room and shut her door. Five years of hiding and he just happened to stumble upon where she was. This was impossible, she thought. This kind of places isn’t even the kind of thing he is used to so why here, why now?

A knock on her door snapped her out of her thoughts and Mrs. McLeary came in with a soft smile on her face.

            “can I come in, Claire dear?”

            “sure, come in, Heidi.”

JiMin sat on the edge of her bed and Mrs. Mc Leary joined her. She gave JiMin’s hand a soft pat like every comforting mother would and JiMin smiled at the gesture.

            “are you fine, dear?” she asked sincerely concerned.

            “yes, Heidi, thank you for asking.”

            “how did know that new guest, Claire? You looked really surprised when you saw him and he did too.”

JiMin looked at her friend but could not bring herself to open . She didn’t know what to say to her. Should she say he’s her ex that she ran away from in Korea when he got engaged? Or an old friend who she did not want to know she’s here?

But Mrs. McLeary beat her to it.

            “is he the reason why you left Korea and came here?”

That was all it took and JiMin burst into sobs. The older woman hugged JiMin and rubbed her back to comfort her.

            “you loved him, didn’t you?” JiMin managed to nod in between her sobs. She sat up and looked at the woman with tear-filled eyes. “and you obviously still do, dear.”

            “but I…I can’t…we can’t be together anymore.”

            “why not?”

yes, why can’t they be together again? He did say he already broke off the engagement.

            “because we just can’t and things have changed, he’s changed, I’ve changed. Too much have happened these past five years.”

            “I know that dear.” She smiled and put her hand on top of JiMin’s chest just over her heart. “many things did change but this did not.”

            “but I…” she started but her friend patted her hand and stopped her.

            “five years is already too long, Claire. I think it is time for you to face what you ran away from or you’ll spend your life regretting what could have been. Talk to him, at least to give the both of you some proper closure.”

Mrs. McLeary gave wise words that could only come from her years of experience. Realizing she was right, JiMin dried her tears, smiled and hugged her friend thanking her for her advice.




after the evening chores, JiMin closed all the windows and locked all doors. With a sigh she hung up the newly washed rag and went out the kitchen. The inn was very quiet and only the cackling of the firewood could be heard. Tired, she sank onto one of the chairs in the living room and closed her eyes.

She had been avoiding Yunho all day, but she didn’t find it too hard as he was out all day too. She knew they had to talk at some point but she just didn’t know how to start it.

            “if you want to sleep, you should go to your room or your back will hurt.”

JiMin’s eyes snapped open and she looked up. Yunho was standing there with a small smile on his face.

            “I’m not sleeping, I’m just resting my eyes.” She replied.

            “there’s always a difference with you, isn’t it? even if they’re really just the same.” He chuckled. “mind if I sit?”

she shook her head.


Yunho took a seat on the couch with just a small space between them. They were both quiet unable to start the conversation that needed to happen. Both of them did not want a repeat of what happened that morning. They want a proper conversation where two adults talk about the loose ties that they had left.

            “I never thought you’d be able to leave your office for a vacation, Yun.” JiMin broke the silence without looking at Yunho.

There was a slight tingle that ran in Yunho’s spine as her old nickname for him came out from her lips. It was a simple nickname but she was the only one who called him that, or at least, the only one he allowed to.

            “this really isn’t my choice to be honest.” He replied with a low chuckle looking at his hand.

            “Choi Hyewon?” JiMin guessed sounding amused. This time Yunho laughed openly.

            “who else?”

            “how is she by the way?”

            “she’s fine. She retired from the ice after the recent Olympics. She’s now the Marketing Head of the company.” Yunho felt relaxed and satisfied that they have started with small talks; at least there wasn’t any tension. “and you were right about something.”

JiMin looked at Yunho she almost regretted it at once. The glow from the fire had a magical effect on Yunho’s face. It made him look warm and princely. JiMin quickly looked away.

            “right about what?” she said as normal as she could but there was a slight choke in her words.

            “about her and Changmin, they are together now.”

            “really?” she exclaimed in a happy surprised. Yunho looked at her and a smile formed in his lips.

JiMin’s happy expression really made him feel elated. Looking at her now, it made him miss her even more. He wanted to touch her face again like he used to, to hug her and smell her hair. He missed everything about her.

            “yeah.” He said forcing himself not to sound sad.

            “I bet Siwon oppa feels a bit more relaxed now.” JiMin giggled remembering the headaches Hyewon gave her older brother when she went on dates with guys.

            “he is…” Yunho paused. “and he’s getting married too.”

            “really? I guess it’s about time for him to. anyone I know?”

            “I think you do. His fiancé was the one who suggested I take my vacation here.” He said. JiMin’s face was full of confusion.


            “Kwon Sooyeon. Name ring a bell?” JiMin’s eyes widened and she sat up from her seat now fully facing Yunho.

            “Sooyeon?! Really?!” she exclaimed disbelieving. Yunho laughed, as JiMin was finally becoming the JiMin he used to know. The lovable, happy and bright JiMin.

            “yeah, and according to her, she met Siwon after her trip here so I guess this place is their lucky charm.” His voice was low now as he looked deeply into JiMin’s eyes. “I hope it could be mine too.”

JiMin stared back at him in silence.

            “five years is a long time, Yun, a lot of things have changed.”

            “have they really, JiMin?” he stared into her like he was staring into her soul. His gaze held her in place that she could not make herself to away.

            “why didn’t you forget me? why didn’t you even try?” her voice sounded accusing and her eyes started to brim with tears.

            “I tried but in the end I realized there’s no use in trying when you honestly know you can never forget.” Yunho reached for JiMin and wiped the tear that fell on her face with his thumb. “you obviously didn’t forget yourself.”

            “I am fine sacrificing what we had for you not to have tension with your family.”

Yunho gave her a pained smile.

            “didn’t you know that being a martyr is overrated?” Yunho’s expression became so pained that it hurt her even more knowing she was the cause of it. “I sincerely want you back, JiMin. All these years, it’s still you; it always have been.”

            “but we can’t, Yunho-“

            “why can’t we? Wasn’t it you who said if we met again it would be fate that lead us together?” JiMin was speechless now, Yunho still had his hand on her cheek keeping her from looking away.


Yunho didn’t want to hear anymore and cut her off by pulling her to him as he leaned in and kissed her full on the lips. He felt her hand on her chest, he feared she’d push him away but only felt her hand closing on his sweater. He held her face with both his hand and moved her lips against hers.

JiMin felt her tears fall as she felt Yunho’s lips on hers. It surprised her that five years of not having to kiss him it still felt familiar. She couldn’t bring herself to push him away. She wanted to feel happy even just for a moment, even just for this moment she wanted to be selfish again.

She gasped when Yunho roughly pushed her down the couch and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue in . She welcomed him fully and started to kiss him back. Her arms s around Yunho’s neck and slowly pulled him towards her.

After what felt like very long minutes, Yunho pulled back for air. Panting, they looked deep into each other’s eyes with such a passion it could burn holes through their heads.

Their nose still touched feeling each other’s breaths over their swollen lips. Yunho leaned forward again and showered her with small small pecks and slightly nipped her lower lip eliciting a small smile from her.

            “God, I love you.” He said with all passion and sincerity he could muster.

JiMin’s lips slightly quivered even as she smiled. She could not lie anymore to Yunho and to herself. She didn’t know why they could not be together when he wasn’t engaged anymore. It could just be her pride holding her back or fear that Yunho just felt she was familiar that’s why he wanted her back. But right now there was no place she wanted to be but in this man’s arms.

She ran her fingers on Yunho’s face and his eyes fluttered shut at the touch.

            “I love you, Yun.” She pulled Yunho to her to feel the warmth and love of his embrace again.

With overwhelming emotion, Yunho met his lips hers and wrapped his arms around her waist expertly moving his lips against hers as their tongues did their dance together.

Lost in the moment’s heat and passion, Yunho and JiMin just filled the past empty years with all the love they still evidently had for one another. The moments missed, the times spent away; they tried to make up for everything right now in each every kiss and every touch.

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