Strong Love

When they reached your house, about 5 minutes walk from the bus stop, they were wide agape. “Wow, you live here? I know I should’ve suspected something when we walked down this neighborhood.” Chanyeol nudged Baekhyun’s side.

‘It’s my parents’ house. My parents’ money.’ You signed at them, well, Zitao actually. They let a long ‘aaah’ when Zitao translated it for them.

Your sister was the one who opened the door. “. I thought you already die –‘ Your sister didn’t manage to finished her sentences when she spotted Minseok besides you. “Who are you? Who do you want to meet?” your sister asked rudely. Obviously, she didn’t notice the others.

Baekhyun who heard your sister answered, “We’re her friends.” Your sister smiled and it’s sickening. You knew it was your cue to pay along. “Really? I didn’t know that she have friends.” You sister said with a little too annoying voice. Minseok faked a gag when your sister continued to act in front of the other.

You told them to wait downstairs because you wanted to pay Jongdae. You ran upstairs to grab a few bucks to give to Jongdae.

When you arrived downstairs, your sister literally throw herself over Baekhyun making you grimaced. Baekhyun was attractive, not that it’s his fault though. You could see that Jongdae and Chanyeol were laughing their off at Baekhyun while Minseok seem into your garden.

Baekhyun was the one who broke the silence with a little too loud “hey” which snapped you back to reality. You took Jongdae’s hand and gave him the cash. Jongdae smiled – how can you didn’t notice how beautiful Jongdae’s smile was – and put the cash in your cardigan’s pocket. “My treat.” Jongdae ruffled your hair.

Your heart was beating so loud you afraid that Jongdae would be able to hear it.

“Thank you.”

“We’ll get going now. See you again, Yejin-ah.” Chanyeol half-shouted. All of them bade you goodbye.

“You didn’t tell me that you have normal friends, boys not to be mention.” Your sister said sarcastically.





It had been exactly three weeks since you last saw them. You were buying groceries when someone tapped your shoulder to ask you where he can find butter. Oh – it was Minseok.

Zitao was not there to help so you just used your phone to communicate with them. It was pathetic, you thought.

That was the main reason why you never have friends – normal friends – because you cannot talk, they won’t understand your sign language and mainly because you cannot talk.

When Jongdae went to find for his favorite chips, Minseok started to ask you about your sister.

‘So, it was your sister? The one that sent you there.’ Minseok wrote and you frowned when you read it. Yes, it’s true that your sister was cruel and mean, but that doesn’t mean that you would go and tell people about it.

 ‘No, I was just lost. I forgot to bring my wallet and phone. It was partially my fault to begin with. She’s just worried.’ You had to lie. You didn’t want to lie, you hated lying but you had to. She’s your sister.

‘I know you’re not telling me the truth from what I heard.’

‘Can we just let this go… please?’

‘Tell me when you’re ready kay. Nevermind about that. Do you want to join us for dinner?’

‘Umm you guys did save me last time. So, how about I cook for you and take it as a token of appreciation for saving me.’

Minseok beamed with your reply. Jongdae who just came were dumbfounded when Minseok started to hug him and twirl him around.


I am really sorry for the late update and short update, I am truly sorry. Just, I've been busy these past days. 

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I'm sorry for not updating. really, i'm so damn sorry. its just there's a lot for me to deal for now. i'll update as soon as i am free.


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skyblue98 #2
Chapter 1: nice story..I like it.. update soon author nim..
Chapter 1: love it love it love it