
She is Hot! We Get It!
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I could never tell Yerin, the Korean girl I’d fallen in love with and was best friends with that all the guys she wanted to date didn’t like her for who she was, only because they thought she looked hot. I wasn’t going to deny that I, too, thought Yerin was stunning with her mid-long light brown hair, cute bangs, and cool sense of style and, not to forget, her amazing body. It might not surprise most that this girl worked as a model outside of school. She’d been on the covers of some of the biggest magazines in South Korea, which made it quite difficult to be in love with her, since literally everyone wanted her. I had been her best friend for some time now, and it wasn’t getting easier to be honest. Every day I had to stand next to her and smile at whoever the guy in front of us was. I’d tried to tell Yerin several times that not all guys are really interested in her, but her body and . Yerin had laughed at me first time I’d said it, second time she’d rolled her eyes and nowadays, she just got super annoyed. The funny thing was that I wasn’t that far behind in popularity comparing to her. I’d done some photo-shoots, much thanks to Yerin’s tip about me, and I’d had girls crushing on me now and then. Not that I ever felt interested in any of them; I only had Yerin on my mind.

We lived in the same building as well, so we’d always take turns driving the other to school – let’s just say our family aren’t exactly on the poorer side in society. Anyway, I lived on my own in my quite spacey apartment and Yerin across the hallway in her own quite spacey apartment. Each morning we’d meet outside, by the elevator, complimenting each other’s clothes or overall looks, then we decided which car we were taking this morning and went to whosever car we picked. We arrived at school twenty minutes later, parked the car and got out of it. Now here’s where it gets strange; Yerin and I hang out with the same people, which astonishingly enough isn’t only guys but a few girls too. The girls usually started their day off by gossiping about others while the guys – cool as we are – talked about which homework we hadn’t bothered doing, which teacher we’d annoy the most that day and other random things like what we were planning for the weekend. Okay, I admit, I’m not too proud of being one of ‘the cool guys’, but it’s really the only fun thing to be when you’re in high school and don’t really feel like studying, that and staring at hot girls. But like I’ve told you already, my mind is set on Yerin, no one else.

Anyway, moving on. I had tried telling myself for months that the only true reason why I hung out with those cooler guys was because Yerin wouldn’t hang around anyone else, basically. You may think she’s pretty shallow, though that’s not entirely true. She acted like that in school simply because she didn’t bother trying to be nicer or smarter than anyone else. She proved herself on the tests instead. So, one might even say that she’s a modest girl. What I liked the most about her was how funny she always was. She’d joke around no matter what mood you were in yourself, cheering you up and making you smile. I loved how she’d get a little wrinkle on her nose whenever she laughed, the sparkle in her eyes and her beautiful smile. I know, I know. I’m crazy about her, I get it. The question was just how I’d get her to get that I liked her as much as I did. I mean, it’s pretty hard to tell if a girl likes you or not when you do have a key to her apartment – extra key, but still – and you spend lots of weekends going out clubbing, dancing and cuddle on the couch during a movie. And we gave each other nicknames like ‘baby’, ‘honey’, ‘y’ and so on, too. Those were all things that couples did, but we weren’t a couple. So how would I know if she really liked me in the same way I like her? And still, with this problem in mind, I’d come to realise that it isn’t even my greatest problem. The first thing I really had to do was make that lunatic girl understand that none of the guys around us like her for her. But that I, her best friend Luhan, actually did. However I was going to make her get that was a completely different story!


“Yah, Yerin! Come on! Aren’t you going to the pool party at Jonghyun’s tonight? You gotta be kidding with me!” Woohyun – a pretty popular guy – loudly complained over the whole classroom. I rolled my eyes at him. How dramatic could one get? I wondered.

“Sorry, Woohyun~” Yerin cooed. “I’m having a movie night with Luhan. We might join the party later though.” I gave her a glance in dislike. Yerin smiled innocently, making me sigh.

“Fine,” I muttered.

“Yay! We’ll be there later, Woohyun! Save me some Soju, all right?” Yerin yelled over to the guy. In the corner of my eye I saw him give her a thumb up. Hm, I can bet all my money that he’s picturing her either in bikini or in his head right now... I thought to myself. Yerin rested her head on my shoulder. “What are you thinking about, Lulu?” she asked, biting her lip cutely.

“I’m trying to break my record in solving the rubric’s cube...” I replied. Yerin lay down on the bench, observing me as I spun the colourful block in different directions. With her looking, concentrating got way harder so I gave up as I saw the clock ticking passed my current record. I heaved out a heavy sigh. “Baby, you’re distracting me,” I told her.

“Well, honey, I can’t stand that thing getting more attention than me!” Yerin retorted playfully. I raised my eyebrows at her. “What? I’m really jealous!” Yerin exclaimed, sitting up. I chuckled and shook my head amusedly.

“Yeah, all right,” I answered. “What movie are we watching tonight, by the way? It would be great if we could make it to the video store before it closes. We just have to get out of this hell-hole first.”

“Yep. Ten minutes left...” Yerin hummed while drumming her pen against the table. “What about we watch a romantic movie?” she asked.

“A romantic movie?” I questioned sceptically. Yerin nodded. “Like one of those movies with that English actor Hugh Grant?” Yerin smiled mischievously. “You wanna kill me?” I added, seeing the spark in her eye.

“Aw, come on! It’ll be super fun! I promise. And it’s not like you won’t enjoy staring at some foreign girls. I know the kind of girls you like,” Yerin said confidently. No, you don’t. I tried to look optimistic.


“Of course I do! It’s not that hard to figure out,” Yerin replied. “Although, those girls might not be in any Hugh Grant movies...” She scowled, furrowing her eyebrows tight together. She was so adorable! “All right, you win, again. We’ll watch a horror movie.” I smirked proudly.

“I knew you’d give in for my charms,” I . Yerin stuck out her tongue.

“Whatever, Lulu,” she snorted and brought up her phone, placing it in front of her beautiful face so that I wouldn’t be able to see her as good. I chuckled, but returned to my rubric’s cube instead of bothering her further.

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Hey guys! New story is up! ^^ It's called Compelled to Love with Luhan and an OC in the mains! Also other EXO members! Please check it out! :)


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Chapter 1: they're so cute togethr
Bleak_night #2
Chapter 1: Haha Luhan is so cute but he was acting cold towards , they are funny.
Chapter 2: wowww .. this story so cute >.< good job author-nim ^^
TeddySandcastle #4
Cuuuuute! :D
Chapter 1: So cute and playful! Good job:]