take my breath away

Oh So Fabulous

Sehun's breath hitches as Yixing's fingers ghost over the painted letters decorating his throat.

"You like that, don't you?" Yixing murmurs softly, grinding his hip down against the younger man's to make his point.

Sehun would gulp at the very idea that his beloved Yixing-hyung knows exactly what he's doing and its effects on him, but there's a thumb pressed against Adam's apple and he it's suddenly very hard to draw breath.

"Tell me," the older man whispers, warm breath ghosting over the shell of his ear. "Tell me what you want me to do to you."

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Chapter 5: Oh oh the last chapter is from exo's showtime XD
Chapter 5: oh my gahd pls give me more ing with fem!xing ;; <3
Chapter 2: It's really great i love it so much i hope u write more ing <3