the warmth of your hand drives me to distractions

Oh So Fabulous

The moment EXO barrels through the door and into the accommodation for the night, Sehun powers through the foyer and into the house proper, the rest of the members watching him with bemusement.

He's exhausted, all those late nights rehearsing choreography, lines, answers to potential interview questions finally catching up to him, and all he wants to do is take a late afternoon nap. But he can't just yet - there are still some things that need to be decided: what're they going to eat for dinner tonight? Who's going to buy the food? Who's going to cook it? More importantly, what'll they do between now and dinner?

For now, though, he is determined to find the bedroom, because at least then he'll be able to lie down whilst everyone decides their plan of action.

He finds it in his first go, flinging himself onto the bed nearest the door.

"Shove over," he hears a familiar voice say as warm hands find their way under his jacket to push him towards the wall.

It's Yixing, who flops down next to him on his back. Sehun automatically rolls back over and presses himself into the older man's side, flinging a leg over Yixing's before pulling it back so Yixing can bend his left leg. He can feel an arm snaking around his waist, and the warmth and weight of the arm causes his chest to tighten, his breath to hitch.

Then there's loud voices coming in through the door, and he's glad for it, serving as distraction from the warmth of Yixing's hand pressed against his side.

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Chapter 5: Oh oh the last chapter is from exo's showtime XD
Chapter 5: oh my gahd pls give me more ing with fem!xing ;; <3
Chapter 2: It's really great i love it so much i hope u write more ing <3