
Hello Baby




Kris blinks his eyes open and searches for his alarm clock.


He blinks at it and goes back to sleep thinking he won’t be need at work till 8:30. He snuggles under his warm blankets and basks in peace. Peace? Wait what is peace? Peace as in Silence? He opens his eyes again and frowns, thinking that something is amiss. That’s when it hit him. He never woke up to feed his son and never had he heard him cried while he was sleeping.


He jumps out of bed throwing blankets and pillows in the air, running out and almost busts down Sehun’s door. He searches frantically at the plain white room, his gaze landing on the empty crib.


He runs out of the room, grabs his keys in the foyer and was about to open the front door when he realizes that he’s only wearing his boxers.

“OH !”

He runs back to his room grabbing whatever clothing he gets a hold of and speeds away once again to the front door. It’s probably a skill to run will trying to put on pants and a shirt. Kris arm was halfway out of his neon green training shirt and other arm reaching out the door when a voice calls his name.


He stops and turns around and sees Chanyeol with a messy bed head ()holding up Sehun who is happily his milk bottle, both of them staring at him. He gives a sigh of relief and mentally smacks himself for forgetting about Chanyeol. “Yeah?”

“Where are you going?”

“Uh. Gonna get the paper.”

“But it already arrived.” As if to make his point Chanyeol holds up the newspaper he was reading on the comic strip section.

“Oh, I want another kind of newspaper.”

“But…aren’t you already subscribed to four?” He points to the 3 more newspapers lying innocently in the coffee table in the corner.

“Oh well, to be honest I just wanna go out for a jog.”

“With leather pants?”


“Er, okay then.”

“Well, see you in a bit.” He needs to calm himself because that bed hair is just sinful. Also he doesn’t wanna admit to Chanyeol he panicked looking for Sehun.

“Breakfast will be ready in 30 minutes.”

“Okay. I won’t take long.” He opens the door and goes out into the elevator.

“Kris!” Chanyeol appears in front of the elevators that’s about to close and Kris feels like he’s in a drama where the other lead will confess his undying love. “Yeah?” But sadly, he’s not in one.

“Your fly is open.”

And then the door closes as Kris’ face resemble that of a ripe tomato.



It’s been a week since he came to work for Kris as his son’s babysitter/nanny/housewife/housemaid. The last one isn’t actually in his job description but he likes cleaning the penthouse. It was originally a bachelor pad but with Sehun and Chanyeol in Kris’ life, the house now smells like a home. Well, most of the time it smells either of cookies, baby powder or baby poop.

Chanyeol had to quit his job as a DJ and a waiter in the café because taking care of Sehun is kinda a full time job but it’s not that stressful since Sehun is all sweet and dandy, he still doesn’t get it why Sehun dislikes his dad though. He can study and take care of Sehun with minor difficulties, mostly when Jongdae goes screaming in his phone that he needs to come to the office asap because Sehun is unleashing hell while he’s in the middle of class.

Chanyeol wakes up, prepares breakfast, wakes Kris up, feeds Sehun, gives Kris is coffee and breakfast, bids Kris goodbye for work and then gets ready to go to school. Thank God he only has 2-3 classes per day. He would drop Sehun off in a nursery and go to his classes.

Today they’re taking Sehun to see Dr. Junmyeon for his weekly checkup since he’s a bit malnourished. They came in with Sehun in his arms and Kris carrying the baby bag. They sat down in one of those plastic chairs in the hospital waiting for their turn and Chanyeol can’t help but feel a little fidgety since most of the people there are mothers with their child. They’re sticking out like a sore thumb over there not only because they’re guys who are over 6 feet tall and maybe looks like a couple and have their own baby but mainly because its just Kris. He’s wearing a tight fitting suit that’s probably illegal in church plus he’s over all presence screams “I am a King. Bow down before me”.

Thankfully they didn’t have to wait long; Dr. Junmyeon assures them that Sehun is becoming healthier with the nice chunk of weigh he gained for the past week. The check-up was really uneventful but Chanyeol was surprised when Kris drove off in the opposite direction from home.

“Hey Kris? Where are we going?”


“Ahh for?”


Chanyeol scrunches up his nose at this. “But doesn’t Sehun already have full stocks of diapers, milk and all other stuff that could last for 3 months? You like ordered them all online.”

“Yep but you said his room is too plain.”

“But you could order it online. I mean aren’t you busy?”

“Jongdae is managing the fort. He’s the general of my galaxy.”

“What? “

“Jondae can handle the company when I’m gone.”

“Oh.” The younger one nods his head and tries to shake away the weirdness that sometimes spurts out of Kris’ mouth.

They arrived at the mall and went to baby shops, again attracting attention since Kris is kinda at celebrity status level. No one dared to come close though coz Kris’ face mode is on which is pretty scary. People already knew that Kris Wu has a son with socialite Oh Minhye when the news of the car accident broke out. What people expect though is that Kris will hide his son from public view so imagine to everyone’s surprise when Kris would bend down and smile to his son (though Sehun would just give him back a poker face stare).

“I like this color.”

“But that’s black.”


“You can’t decorate a baby room with black. They need vibrant colors to enhance brain function and development.”

“Oh. This one then.”

“But..that’s like black too.”

“No, its not, its midnight blue. It’s totally not black.”


“Oh come on Yeolie-ah.” Kris pouts at him. Sometimes Kris would just unexpectedly do this cheesy aegyo that Chanyeol just wants to punch his face.

“No. I like this one.” He grabs a wallpaper with hues of pink and little drawings of cotton candy and lollipops.

“But that’s too pink!”

“What’s wrong with pink?”

“Just look at Sehun.” They both look at the bored baby giving them the ‘can we go home now’ face. “He’s a man!”

“He’s a baby.”

“He’s a man baby!”

“Your point is?” Chanyeol thinks that Kris wants him to get a boy color.

“You should choose this one!” Kris grabs an equally girly pink wallpaper with duckies and teddy bears.

“I don’t see how this screams manly.”

“Baby ducks and teddy bears are way manlier than lollipops and cotton candy.”

“Oh. Really?” Chanyeol looks intensely at the wallpaper he’s holding. “I didn’t know that.”

“Now you know and look Sehun totally digs this one. Gimme your wallpaper and let’s see how Sehun totally likes mine more than yours.”

Kris holds the one that Chanyeol choose in front of Sehun and the baby just stares at it. The dad gives the sitter look that says ‘see he doesn’t like it’ and then holds up the one he choose infront of his son. Sehun looks at it like the last one and then blinks and Kris gives Chanyeol a triumphant smirk. “Told yah so.”

“OMG you’re so totally right!”

The store clerk who was assisting both of them contemplates if he should call security and wonders if stupidity is contagious.


They purchase a lot of stuff including some toys, baby books and cute rilakkuma and animal onesies. Chanyeol asked Kris to buy a camera to take picture of Sehun which delighted Kris. He was so excited for Sehun baby pics that he bought 4 cameras. A camcorder, polariod camera, digital camera and that huge dslr camera which both of them don’t know how to use yet. They bought some photo albums and picture frames as well.

After shopping for Sehun, Kris drags Chanyeol to an Armani store and says that its now their turn. Kris was looking at the designs with the store clerk rambling about details and such completely ignoring Chanyeol and Sehun.

“Hmmmm.” Kris holds up two suits in front of the mirror. “What do you think?”

“Both designs fit you very much sir.” The store clerk pipes up.

“Chanyeol? Which one should I pick?”

“Huh?” Chanyeol sees the store clerk looking at him in distaste. He probably thinks he doesn’t know anything about fashion. “Anything suits you.”

“Come on, just pick one for me.”

“Well.” He steps up and inspects each suits and then points to the one on the right. “This one is nice.”

“You like this one?”

“That design is a classic and one of our bestsellers.” The clerk tries to establish himself in the conversation.

“Yeah. Well, you already have the other one at home.”

“What?” Kris and the clerk stares at Chanyeol.

“Yeah. I mean,” he touches the suit at the left “this one is is the Slim-Fit in Micro Pinstripe wool isn’t it? You already have this one.”

The other two stares at him.

“But if you’d ask me, I think this one will look good.” He grabs a suit in one of the racks and holds it up. “Cool wool, Darts, Herringbone, Short sleeves, Zip, Button closing, three pockets, two inside pockets, lined interior, Lapel collar, Mid Rise, Five pockets.” He nods as he recites the details. “Also the Chevron design is quite eye catching and it’s pretty nice but it’s up to you.”

“How do you know all these?”

“Oh rember how I told you I got disowned by my parents? Well, they’re kinda filthy rich too and would always have me wear stuffs like these. My mom wants me to be well versed in the language of the rich.”

“Jesus Chanyeol.”

“Sorry for not telling you.” Chanyeol shyly drops his head at how Kris’ shocked expression.


Ahh here it goes, he’s gonna ask me about my family. The younger one thinks.

“You didn’t tell me.”

“Sorry Kris.”


“Yeah…wait what?”

After that they kept on talking about the points of a good dress shoes, cons of wearing blazers and bickers over Raybans versus Oakleys. At some point, Sehun falls asleep and since Kris still isn’t done with the shopping spree on buying Chanyeol almost everything he sees that’s nice, Chanyeol drop Sehun of at the mall’s day care nursery so as not to disturb Sehun drifting off to dreamland. Chanyeol goes up to catch Kris in the Givenchy store only to almost bump into his mother.


“Excuse me but I don’t remember having a gay son.” His mother spats out in distaste. It hurts really that his parents don’t accept him for who he is. “I don’t believe you belong here child. As from what I’ve gathered you can’t even pay your tuition fees let alone step inside a store like this.

Chanyeol was really hurt and was about to leave when a hand wraps around his waist. He looks up and startled to have Kris staring at his mom intensely.

“Anything wrong babe?”

The younger responds by mimicking a fish with his mouth closing and opening repeatedly.

“Kris Wu? CEO of Galaxy?”

“Yes and you are?”

“I’m Park-”

“I’m sorry I don’t think I know you nor care to know you.” He says as he effectively cut the woman’s introduction and turns to look at the younger boy beside him and looking concerned. “Yeolie baby are you not feeling well?”

“Um yeah.”

“Ah let’s just shop again next time.” And then he drags Chanyeol away. They head straight to the elevators that was thankfully empty and Kris suddenly hugs Chanyeol. “It’s okay Yeolie-ah, I won’t let her hurt you anymore.”

And with that Chanyeol cried in Kris’ arms.





Junmyeon gathers his things as he finished his checkup with his final patient. Finally he could go home but a knock interrupts his thoughts as a nurse pokes his head inside his office.

“Dr. Kim you have a visitor.”

Visitor? “Bring them in.”

He encounters a lot of people in his life as a doctor but certaintly the person walking through his door is one that he could count as a first.

“Hello Dr. Kim, I’m Oh Minhye nice to meet you. I’d like to talk about my son Sehun.”

He never had someone who was presumed dead to be in his office.

Hey guys! For now I'mma focus on main story first since its just gonna be a few chapters left before its done. Probably just two more chapters.

Don't worry though! I have loads of extra stories for you and more TrollDae, BratHun and DumbYeol! Hahahaha!

Pls anticipate! And sorry if this chapter isn't as good as the previous ones. Oh and a little warning -> ANGST COMING IN

Yep angst will arrive in the next chapter. *cries* lets support our KrisYeol daddies okay!

Thanks everyone! 


Have you guys read my Dragon Phoenix fic? lmao <3

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[Hello baby] Finale is up. Thank you for the support


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melmoon1102 #1
Chapter 9: Your plot twist was so awesome!!! Hahahaha
melmoon1102 #2
Chapter 1: Omg love it already ~~
Chapter 8: reread bc ive got nothing to do and i miss krisyeol
Chapter 8: This was awesome! It has three things I love: troll Jongdae, baby Sehun, and genius Sehun. This is honestly one of the best stories I've ever read. Your plot twists are awesome. I loved this! ❤
Chapter 9: I love your twist plot...;-)
Chapter 1: Wow, This is JOLLY GOOD! Thank God i found this fic. Ughhhh, the story is really promising. Mmhh.. poor baby Sehunah~ I hope he's getting better after Chanyeol taking care of him
Chapter 6: This chapter made me cry ;~;
Syanamyun99 #8
Chapter 9: i liked this story a lot<3
ihartkyuhyun #9
Chapter 8: .....I'm in absolute shock. This is such an amazing but confusing fic...I'm at a total loss for words....*claps* great job!
Chapter 9: The link is a no go