Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty

She was the most  beautiful girl he had ever seen. Her delicate eyelashes, her cute nose, her lips as red as the blood that flowed in his veins  -  her everything was perfect. And she was lying on the bed surrounded by dry rose petals. The slumber that continued for a century had left her features unmarred. She was as beautiful as her portrait on the wall.

Damn, thought Chien, I must hit that.

He got closer to her and held her cold hand in his warm one. He wondered whether her lips were cold too.

He leaned closer and closer. Her breath was hard to catch even from such short distance.

I hope she didn`t kick the bucket., Chien said in his mind while he was placing his lips on hers.

Suddenly her eyes sprang open and she  crushed his cheek with her fist.

Chien blinked and fell unconscious.

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