Of Him and Her

Believe, Not

Double update! Start from chapter 12. :)




Her eyes squinted tight together, her ears felt icy as it was exposed to the cold. Unlike how she remembered, she had her bag under her head and a warm piece of cloth over her small body.

The moment she peeled her eyes open, she saw her fingers which had curled itself around a slender pale finger. Before, she had felt a disastourous mixture of emotions inside her. Now an unknown calmness had took over as if it was from the skin contact of the finger she refused to let go. 

Then the sound of a book snapping intruded her mind rudely, her eyes squeezed together as she brought her other hand to her ears. Her ears are especially sensitive whenever she wakes up, not to mention what happened a while ago. Her hearings must've been disastrous.

"Omo," A voice called out, she felt a warm grip tightened around her wrist, pulling her arm away form her ear. "Sorry, I didn't know you were awake." 

Slowly, she peeled her eyes open one by one. When the blur cleared, her eyes first focused on the knots of the eyebrows. Those familiar dark eyes and pale skin, it was similar to him. His sudden change of hair color made Her doubt this person before her a while until she realized it was really him, black suits his hair more than any else in her opinion. 

The light makeup especially the eyeliner made his eyes looked a little braver and rebellious. Unlike the usual huge baby eyes of his...

A hint of red crept on her cheeks was she stared with her jaw almost falling, why is he here? 

"Does it hurt a lot? Minjae? Yah," His eyes narrowed in annoyance as his lips pursed into a thin when he realized it was just her trying to ignore him. 

"J-jungkook." She gulped as her eyes wandered itself up and down on him. Her eyes pinned itself on him, his face covered the blazing prick of sunlight with its shadow. He smelt like fresh flowers, she couldn't help to find him mesmerizing. 

His eyebrows loosened as he  sighed at her response, he pulled away from her and sighed. "Gosh, don't scare me." 

The clouds took over her view as she blinked at them in daze one moment before coming to her senses. She jerked up with her eyes widened as she turned to the boy embarrasingly, she apologized immediately as he stretches his back tiredly. "S-sorry."

After that one long yawn, he smirked and made a look on their still lied hands purposely when he replied. "Sure." 

"..." She blushed harder after this, she flinched away instead. "S-s-sorry!" With her back arched 45 degree, she made a sincere bow out of the blue awkwardly. It was so embarrassing tha she couldn't bring herself to open her eyes even when her head is lowered facing the ground. 

Her fist gripped on her skirt tightly as she waited for his response nervously for a moment, only to find him absolutely incapable of replying. He would have want to laugh at her now, but the sudden sight of his hand now rendered him speechless. 

His finger where she held on a while ago was stained in bright red color, how much he hoped it wasn't what he thought it was. Her eyes widened when she looked up and met the uneasiness in his eyes that were demanding for an explaination. Before she could hide her hand to her back, he had already hold on her wrist and pulled her hand to him for a better view. 

She only bit her lip and fisted her hand to over that ugly deep cut on her palm. 


She looked away and shook her head. 

"Let go," He demanded as he tried to pry her fingers away. 

She shook her head again. 

"Let me heal you," 

She shook her head vigorously. 

"Are you kidding me?" His temper is out of the usual calm Jungkook. She was taken aback by his sudden tone, she didn't have to look at him to know he had a bothering frown in his attractive face. She didn't dared to say anything, little did she know her little  act of defiance is driving him to the edge of insanity. 

She heard him groaned in annoyance and she bit her lips guiltily. Then, she felt something raked through her hair and pulled them back gently as it rested on her head. 

"Yah," Her eyes widened when she felt it tugging her head up gently. She gulped nervously when his face was so close to hers. If it weren't for the force on her resting on her head she would have looked away now. She couldn't handle her heart anymore.

It was so unfair, her heart was beating like crazy and it all showed on her face but he looked calm as ever.

He muttered softly just enough to be heard by the two of them, "Stop looking away when you're so stubborn to listen. It makes me want to force everything on you." This time, he made sure everything he said goes into her mind when he bore his eyes into hers.

When she only stared back at him blankly, it was so frustrating that he felt like giving up. A sigh escaped his lips as he let his hand slide down her hair and fall back to his side.

"Say Minjae," His tone came back to the normal bored and calm voice that belonged to the Jungkook she knew. 

It was that familiar tone that made her heart went wild. "Y-yes?" She gulped anxiously. Although his hand was no longer pinning on her head, the distance between them was threatening enough. 

"Why don't we make a deal? You let me fix your hand and I will tell you everything about myself." 


"Everything I can afford to tell. I promise it will be sufficient, deal?" 

This time, he had finally pulled away. It was then she realized she was holding her breath the whole time, it was so suffocating. She had only started breathing until he snuck his fingers into her hands and entwined them together before she could actually give him an answer, he didn't cared if she agreed or not at the first place. And now she had just stopped breathing again. 

"W-wait, you can't take back your words okay?" She was close to pouting, like the usual Minjae. He could only laugh at this,  how can she go this close to pout but not actually just going for it? 

He teased, "How desperate could you get just to know about me? First the book and now pouting? Are you sick, Minjae?" 

She reddened instantly,"I am not pouting! I didn't want you to do this.." She held tighter on his hand and lowered her head. 

He looked at the nervous expression on her face when she bit her lips for a long time. When she didn't hear him reply, her body tensed as she knew he was almost doing it. She couldn't help but to shut her eyes at the thought of taking his healing. Every inch of her felt weird now though he hadn't even done anything yet. The skin contact is just pure magic. 

This time, he didn't say anything when he does his healing. He is aware that she was guilty about this. Even so, he hoped to make it less nervous for her. He's been having his gaze on the girl's face, studying every pinch of expression assembling on her face now. Her eyes were pressed so hard that her eyebrows creased together.

When he felt the flow of energy gathered on his hand that was holding on hers, the girl's hand flinched and almost pulled away but he held firm on her hand until he felt her cells grown over the cut to stitch it back completely. In less than half a minute, the cut is healed perfectly. 

He opened his eyes and took in a breath to ease the uneasiness he felt after the healing he used. It felt like a part of him is away. However a mischievous smile took over his expression as soon as he looked down on the girl. 

 The girl wasn't aware that it was over as she held on tight, squeezing his hand although he wasn't holding back anymore. He tried to suppress his laugh but ended up chuckling at her crumpled face. "Say, why are you so nervous?"

"H-huh?" She stuttered and peeled her eyes open. A flush of red crept up on her cheeks immediately when she realize her hand clutching his. Her hand flinched away instantly back to her side, "Omo."

He laughed at her reaction as she ran her eyes on her hand, examining it with a gawked expression. This time it was a clean stitch, leaving no scars behind.

"Satisfied?" He speechless reaction. She look at his smugged face and just scoffed annoyingly.

"Beyond that." She rolled her eye and scooted beside him. She brought her legs near her chest and hugged them before turning to him, "You better start explaining yourself now, I'm choking on my own guilt for letting you to heal me."

His lips formed an 'O' as he recalled their promise. He narrowed his eyes, that playful side of him vanished instantly. "Oh, that."

He averted his gaze to her as she stared back directly at him. She tilted her head like a confused child waiting for an answer.

A dry laugh escaped from his lips, he felt hopeless suddenly. Why is she so anticipating for this? She wasn't like that yesterday when she saw what he did. 

"By the way," He said her name dimly but she hadn't feel the sternness in his tone. 

"Yes?" She cocked an eyebrow at that. 

He a mouthful of air, it wasn't his intention to pop her bubble but he didnt want any regrets to be left over either if them. "You know I'm a cop, Minjae. There isn't a cop who hasn't tainted their hand before." He peeled open his palm, the one that had held her hand a while ago. Her blood made a mess on his hand too. 

She watched him study his hand with an unreadable expression on his face, he said. "Are you sure you want to know this?" 

This time, it was him who avoided her gaze. She pressed her lip into a firm line at that, she hadn't seen him this anxious. It wasn't like the usual calm and collected Jungkook she knew. He felt so small now. 

His eyes stared in daze at the smear of red on his hand, this vision, he had seen it most often than anything else. He was caught off guard in his thoughts until a pair of small, tiny hands came into his line of vision as it took his hand. They wrapped around his so lightly, and gently.

She had her eyes fixed in his hand of a moment. They were so huge and thin, her hand would fit perfectly against his. Then her thoughts drifted back to the night before, the view on the blood on his hand flashed back all the scenes yesterday. So much blood on the knife she held, dripping from its every edge.

Her hands start shaking at the slightest bit but he felt it. He said nothing and waited for her to react herself until she finally made a move. Her thumb ran over the stains on his hand as she rubbed it away roughly. She hadn't replied for a moment but concentrated on getting rid of the stains. 

"There's a difference between stain and taint." She spoke silently, her hands stopped moving on their own. "Those bad blood stained your hands, they don't taint your hands." Her voice wavered, despite what she said, the view played before her eye now kept causing unwanted scenes to replay in her head. It's driving her crazy as the fear crept up to her bit by bit. 

"They deserve it, Jungkook. So tell me, I'll accept whatever it is. Let me believe in you." She tasted metal only to have realize how hard she had been biting in her lip. Her hands tightened around his without her noticing, he felt those unnecessary fears she felt now. It wasn't hard to guess what she was thinking. Beneath all those emotions of hers, lays one particular emotion that concerned him. 

"Actually Minjae," She looked up at him when his hand clenched and held her thumbs. "I can feel you." 

When his eye bore into hers, that look on him doesn't look like he was joking. "You sure you are not hesitant?"

She looked at him with a frown, "I am, it's not like I can lie to you if you can feel me. This sounds crazy but I can feel you too you know? In the most slightest, unnoticeable inch of your emotions. What have you done to me? It's your abilities isn't it?"

He was taken aback when she asked straightly without doubting. She didn't plan to run away anymore, whatever it is, she wanted to understand him. Even if it's the slightest details. 

She didn't know such determination of hers made him relieve so much more than ever. She had noticed this since the beginning, yet she hadn't turned her back against him. He finally found the courage to let these words roll off his tongue. "I am a Trader type of ability user," He started. 

"You were crying, Minjae." She swallowed her saliva at the way he mentioned her name, "I said I would take away your pain, and I did." He looked away sheepishly and rubbed on the back of his neck cutely. He always does nice things  to people from time to time, but it was first time admitting to someone. "I guess it has a lingering effect still, it will go away soon. I apologize if it makes you uncomfortable."

His voice rang in her head like how it happened that day, he said. 'I'll take your pain away. Don't cry.' It wasn't a clear memory, she had almost never remember it. She was crying too hard back then, she couldn't feel anything.That time, he had held her cheeks, wiped her tears. All to assure her that everything is alright, and to make her stop crying. 

Yet, she owned him another one. He had done too many things for her recently, she  didn't know how to repay him back. She brought a hand to her chest and squeezed the piece of cloth in her hand, it reminded her how broken she felt there that day. "It hurts there, yet you bared with it all along? Like you've been feeling the pain I felt back then?" 

He nodded. "Twice as clear. Even if I don't do that I can still feel you by a simple touch. You're crying so hard, it'll be hard for me too. I don't know how to make you stop. You don't look like you want to stop." A sigh escaped his lips. "Don't ever feel guilty about this, I'm the one who force it on you." 

"Touch..." She muttered and looked down on their hands. "Isn't it bothering? Like, I hate it when I hear people's thoughts too. I wouldn't like to  touch people if I were you." 

"I don't." His reply made her speechless, she stared at him as he just looked away.

There was an awkward silence when she'd realized it. He didn't like it, yet he was still holding her hand now. He didn't loosen up, like he hadn't planned to let go. She cursed the butterflies in her stomach this very moment. Worst of all, he might be feeling this. He knows.

"I'm sorry," Minjae muttered as she tried to speak up to fill the silence. Maybe she shouldn't have talked at all. The reply was a foolish one.

He laughed, "What are you apologizing for, idiot. You're rather comforting now, I was anxious." 

"Why is it?" 

"If there's a give, there's always a take for Traders. I give healing, it shortens my lifespan, if I take something what do you think will happen?" 

"It increases..." Speaking of so, he did have to take something in order to achieve that. And she was clear what is to be taken, she had seen it that night. "You take people's abilities, like how you did that day.." Her eyes narrowed dimly at the topic. All the flashbacks  still bothered her. 

"Exactly. It was all my fault that you have seen it, I'm sorry." All he wanted was just to protect her, yet it all haunted her. That one night did because of his own careless mistake. 

"Was it an order to kill him?" 

Her question was so direct that he wanted to deny so. But he only nodded forcefully at last, "He touched you. With that tainted hand of his, it's the taint you say Minjae." She wasn't looking at him anymore. 

"Your hand is shaking, Minjae. Let's stop-" 

"What he does?" 


"Say it," 

That one moment, he was out of his mind to actually tell her the truth. A wave of fear hit him, it was hers. He raked a hand through his hair before pressing a hand in his temples. "He sells children ography."

"..." One moment she couldn't process what he'd said, then her lunch suddenly became alive and tried to escape from her stomach. She had actually fought the urge to hold from almost puking. What a sick feeling. 

"Minjae, are you okay? We should stop here, please." He frowned, the guilt flashed in his eyes blamed himself more than anything else. She couldn't reject that so she nodded. 

He sat there and waited for her to settle down herself before deciding to see her off to her dorm.

"We should get goin-" 

He just started talking and the sound of door creaking open alerted them both. Jungkook almost choked when he recognized that minty green hair of Suga's. 

He was smiling with his eye barely visible as he waved the papers in the mid air while approaching them excitedly. "Minjae! We brought you homework and-" Her eye widened and immediately jerked her hand away from Jungkook's. The boy groaned in annoyance. Suga had definitely saw what's going on there since he had the ability on seeing for views. 

Both of them knew his tongue will start doing its job soon when his one centimeter small eyes widened a millimeter. She saw Jungkook rolling his eyes.

"Holy peaches! Guys, Jungkook is harassing Minjae! Oh my- pfft." Suga was being loud when Jin just nudged his stomach hard enough to shut the young man up. It saved them.

Rapmon came in and dramatically rubbed his temples. "Sometimes you just need to shut up. Can't you see the lovely atmosphere here? Six of us gone blind moments ago to keep it going. And you peabrain ruined it." He shook his head and sighed. It was then the rest of them came out from nowhere and start laughing at the two.

"Uh, Minjae you need to stop blushing." Jungkook teased and joined the boy's laughing a while later. "You're making me feel embarrassed like a little girl too." 

"Shut up. I can't believe this! You knew they were here? Yah!" It was a futile attempt to try to push him, he hadn't moved an inch. "Ugh! This is so embarrassing." She buried her face in her palms and turned away.

"You're red like a tomato," He teased, she just shot him her infamous icy glare. It shut him up, she looked like she was going to cry soon. He did tried to stop, but she was just to cute to not laugh at. Holding his stomach, he said "Sorry," which was obviously filled with leaked holes of insincerity.

"Ok ok, we should really stop guys." Jimin announced, not like they had stopped. He looked at Minjae and smiled. His lips formed an 'o' as he leaned down and took her wrist to observe her hand. She looked at him curiously.

"Hm, I see our Jungkook did a quite decent job there."

"Guess you wouldn't need these huh," She watched him stuff his hand into his pocket and hooked out a ball of white bandage. He grinned sheepishly and dropped her hand.

"Thank you for your compliment." Jungkook interrupted before Minjae could say anything to thank Jimin. "I know I'm good at what I do, I'm flattered." He simply smirked. Jimin's grin was gone instantly.

"Why you cocky little-" Jimin hissed as he threw the ball of bandage at him as Jungkook just caught it skillfully and laughed.

He turned to Minjae and stuffed the bandage in her hands instead. She blinked at him. "There, it's yours."

"Thank you." She smiled and then turned to Jimin. He took a few steps back and gulped. She looked like a holy goddess descended from heavens, he thought. 

"Er.. W-what? " He blushed at the way she looked at him. It wasn't an everyday thing to have a cute girl to look at you like that, who wouldn't feel embarrassed at it?

Then she blushed too and quickly looked away as she accidentally caught Jimin off guard. She had totally forgot her ability to read thoughts after she'd been with Jungkook this whole time. "T-thank you. For the bandage.. A-and I don't think I would look anything like a Goddess."

"..." There was a moment of silence before anyone spoke. Even the boys looked stunned at the sudden awkwardness.

"." Jimin said.

"AHAHAHAHAA," It wasn't long until the boys started laughing too, it was another level of craziness compared to just now.

"Dude, keep your thoughts to yourself!" Hoseok was holding his stomach. He punched Jimin hard in his abs and went back to laughing.

Jimin seemed to be very embarrassed, she hadn't see him like that before. "I did hyung!" He protested.

"I forgot she's a Reader. Ahhhhh!" He wrapped his head with both of his hands and crouched down in embarrassment.

"I-I'm sorry.." She fiddled her fingers nervously. Although she didn't read him on purpose but she felt faulty.

"Yah yah yah," Suga flung an arm around her shoulder and sat down beside. She blushed, still wasn't used to be surrounded by people. "Wasn't your fault okay? He didn't mind, so you shouldn't too."

Suga grinned evily when the young man looked up at him. "Right?" Minjae gasped when Suga sent a punch on Jimin's stomach.

His eyes looked like they could fall now. But he just laughed dryly and agreed. "Y-yea.."

He held his fist up and made a gesture to punch at Suga as he mouthed something at Suga, pissed. 'You want to die?' She saw him mouthed.

Suga dropped his arm from her shoulder and just made a face at him. It seemed like he had finally crossed the line when Jimin couldn't stand it anymore. But to him, it was more of a joy when he was raged.

Suga was enjoying his time teasing Jimin until he remembered something, he turned to Jungkook and smirked. "You said you're good at what you do? Bet you hadn't see that red spot on the other side of her face. She was slapped, I assume."

When she heard Suga, she pressed a hand on the left side of her face. She hissed, it stung but she had totally forgot about it. Stupid Eunjoo did slapped her.

"Where?" Jungkook grabbed her wrist and peeled them off her cheek to get a look at it. No one would've noticed it unless if they paid attention to it. It might become more visible after an hour or two. She let out a hiss when he touched her cheek. When she closed her eyes instinctively and wait for him to heal her, she felt nothing but he just pulled away. She exhaled, she hadn't notice herself holding her breath.

"I can feel you, Minjae. If you don't like it, I won't do it this time." He sighed and continued. "Take care of it, okay? If those people bother you again, tell the boys."

She nodded. "But how did you guys even know?"

"Ah, your friend Yukiji came to us. She said you got into a fight and looked really worried so we rushed there. You weren't there so we thought you might be at here." V stated while approaching to find a place for himself to sit. When she looked up, it was then she noticed the boys had already settled down. Suga and Jimin were sitting on the floor while Hoseok Jin and Namjoon shared the bench.

"I see," She said as she watched what was happening next interestingly.

As soon as V sat down beside Jungkook, the boy casually plopped his head on V's lap while V started blushing. She smiled at the two, so cute, she thought.

V slapped him on the cheek to wake him up when Jungkook had closed his eyes.

"Get off." He shooed him away coldly but Jungkook just opened his eyes lazily and clung on his blazer.

"Don't wanna, I'm tired." He muttered in his hoarse voice.

"Ugh," V groaned. He knew he couldn't shake Jungkook off when he does things like a helpless kid. He had a soft part for his dongsaengs too. So he just let him sleep while he picked up the book about Paranormals and started flipping through it.

Jin laughed and shook his head. "Aigoo, Kookie. What are you doing today then, clubbing? Black suits you though, and that suite." He blew a raspberry and smirked. "Hot."

"Just some formal greetings," Jungkook muttered.

Namjoon sighed at the boy. "You sneaked out again, did you? What is it for this time?" Even he feels tired for him. Why can't they understand that Jungkook is just a boy?

Namjoon watched Jungkook sat up and stretched his back. His gaze rested on the girl before him when he straightened up, "Nothing." He said.

'Ah..' She realised it was because of her even if he hadn't said it. Because of her pain, he probably felt it too a while ago.

'Sorry.' She mouthed.

He only smiled and turned away. The boys stared curiously at the two before Jungkoook announced it's time to return to dorm.





Double update guys! Ok, so its been a very long tie since I've wrot so my brain had probably grown rusted over time. I had a hard time figuring how to put these scenes into words but I'm eager to update for the new years, so please bare with me!  It was probably a lousy update. I apologizse for that, but anyways, Happy New Year guys!

P/S: Kookie in black hair is hot hot hot. (Sudden obsession over black hairs nowadays). And Vkook ship, my friend likes it so yeaaa I wrote it hehehe. Next year gonna be a big year so it'll be hard to make up time for this.. //sighs ><

 Anyways, a big thank you for reading the story guys. <3

























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To the 101 subs of this story, YOU MADE MY DAY GUYSSS! Thank you and I'll make sure to be a better writer in the future! :)


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Chapter 24: I thought you forgot this story alr T.T
birdyg7 #2
Chapter 22: Thank you for the update! Its great♥
Chapter 22: wow, that's such a long chapter..... BUT I ❤ IT THO HEHEHEHEHE
Ariari1004 #4
Chapter 18: Dae to the bak... update authornim i want to know what will be happen next.
elusoto #5
Chapter 18: This story is amazing, I'm so happy that I found it, great work I'm so exited for the next update
r_umbrella_ #6
Chapter 17: Please update soon!!!!!!!!! I love this story so much!!!
adorbstae #7
Chapter 17: wahh, you already updated! haha, i liked it, very very much.
adorbstae #8
Chapter 16: i just stumbled upon this story and i must say, it's really good! i really love the relationship between jungkook and minjae. i love minjae's personality ans the supernatural mysteries the most. it's really interesting!