
I Never Knew You Like This


“Hyung! Stop playing you're stupid guitar, it's annoying!” Jungshin's little brother yelled through the bedroom door, followed with banging his fists furiously. Jungshin sighed, irritated.


“No way! If you don't like it, go outside!” He called back to his little brother. He heard his little brother go 'aish' then listened to his quick pitter-patter down the stairs. Rolling his eyes, Jungshin began to strum his bass again.


He was revisited by the pitter-patter as he started the riff over again. Then he heard the familiar banging, and the high-pitched voice.


“Mom says you have to stop playing!” his little brother yelled with a smirk in his voice. Jungshin paused a moment, then rolled his eyes.


“I don't believe you, ba-bo~” He said, drawing out the last word mockingly and not even waiting to pick the tune back up again.


“Aishh!” he heard his brother whine furiously. His brother ran back down the stairs, and Jungshin thought this was the end of it, but before those feet could reach the end of the stairs, they stopped and switched directions.


“What now?!” Jungshin called angrily.


“Dad's coming~!” His little brother retorted in a sing-songy voice.


Jungshin cringed. “No he's not, so leave me alone!”


“Oh, you're gonna get it so bad!” his brother said with a snicker. “He's on his way right now, hyung~!”




Outside his door, his little brother shook with excitement on getting the upper hand on his older brother. Their father, stoic and stern, knocked on the door.


“Shin.” it wasn't even a question, it was a statement. Their father waited a moment for a reply, but didn't get one. He reached for the door knob, and the little brother couldn't wait to see his anger when he discovered that it had been locked. Locked doors were strictly against the rules in this house, yet Jungshin has managed to put a lock on without his parents finding out. Without his dad finding out.


But before his dad could grasp the knob, the door unlocked and Jungshin swung it open. He walked past his dad and his little brother hurriedly with his bass swung over his shoulder in it's soft case.


“I'm going to the community center.” he said, rushing for the door.


He could hear his brother whine as he walked out of the house, making him annoyed. “Spoiled brat,” he mumbled under his breath, as he always found himself doing so.


His father has been his father since he could remember, but it was no secret that he's wasn't Jungshin's biological dad. He had met Jungshin's mother when she was 5 months pregnant. Jungshin didn't like the distance when he was young, but he grew to appreciate it as he hit his teens. His father was a prick towards him and ever since his little brother was born, it only got worse.


Jungshin shook those thoughts away, though.


I don't want to think about them. he thought as he approached the community center. It was a bit chilly outside, so he was eager to get inside quick.


The community center was a building set up, well, for the community. It had a common room, a play ground and basketball court outside, and a recent addition that Jungshin liked very much; a music room with a piano, amps and a small make-shift recording studio that many of the kids had grown fond of. When Jungshin couldn't play at home, he'd often come here to practice.


He walked through the entrance and headed for the music room in the back. The music room was built partially sound-proof, so when he opened and closed the door while entering, it didn't make much noise. He smiled when he saw the amp he liked to use and headed for it, but was stopped when he heard something peculiar.


Someone was in the little recording room. And obviously hadn't noticed Jungshin enter, or either just didn't care, because they—he—was rapping. Jungshin didn't normally have an interest in rap and tended to lean more towards soft rock, rock and jazz, but something in this guy's voice caught his curiosity. It almost sounded good to him.


Yet, still embarrassed that he walked in on this guy's private session, he wanted to leave quietly as if he hadn't been there. He turned around, which was coincidentally facing the recording room, and began to tip toe his way out.


Then he noticed something that shocked him into freezing where he stood. The rapper's back was to him, but he seemed oddly familiar.


No, Jungshin thought. That can't be him.


Jungshin looked into the recording room more and noticed that the man wasn't alone. There, sitting on the floor, was a boy he had seen somewhere, and he was busy writing something down on a piece of paper.


Jungshin looked from the back of the unknown guy, to the familiar boy, then realized that he'd better get out of there. So, without taking his eyes off the two, he commenced his escape once again. Before he could take another step, however, the boy looked up and noticed him.


Ah. This is bad.


The boy spread a smile across his lips and waved his hand at Jungshin. Jungshin didn't know what to do, so he awkwardly smiled back.


And then, all of a sudden the rapper must have noticed his friend waving, because he abruptly stopped mid-rap and turned around to see the culprit. And then both of them gasped in shock.





Both of them said each other's name in unison.


“What are you doing here?” Jungshin asked, dumbfounded that this timid person who had just confessed to him hours before was standing right in front of him, rapping.


Seunghyun couldn't hear anything out of the recording room, but he could guess what his crush has said. A light pink began to crawl onto his cheeks as he realized that Jungshin had been listening.


Neither of them spoke. Impatient, Seunghyun's friend got up from the floor and exited the recording room, taking a reluctant Seunghyun with him.


“Hi, I'm Jiyong!” he said. “But my stage name is G-Dragon, and this is T.O.P.!” he added enthusiastically, making gestures with his hand and inflecting his voice as if he was announcing pro wrestlers.


“Oh, cool..” Jungshin said, still feeling awkward, especially since Seunghyun wouldn't look him in the eyes. “I'm Jungshin.”


“What's your stage name?” Jiyong asked eagerly, pointing in recognition to Jungshin's bass. He had almost forgotten that it was there.


“I don't really have a stage name or anything. I just like to play.” Jungshin answered, holding onto the strap strung across his chest.


“So how do you know Seunghyun?”


Jungshin paused and his eyes flickered to Seunghyun, who's eyes had done the same. “U-uhm.. we've just talked before, that's all.” he said, looking Seunghyun in the eye. “But I didn't know that he rapped.”


“Yeah, this guy is shy about it, but he's really good!” Jiyong laughed. “And he's so serious about it, too.”


Jungshin nodded. “It was really good.” he said directed towards Seunghyun. “I don't normally like rap, but you sounded really cool.”


Seunghyun's cheeks grew darker and he cast his eyes away bashfully. But, although he was embarrassed, he couldn't help but smile a little at the appraisal.


“Such smugness,” Jiyong playfully swatted his friend, causing Seunghyun's smile to grow.


Seunghyun looked back to Jungshin, his smile still lingering. “Thank you.” he said with a little bow.


Jungshin felt his ears heat up. “N-no problem.” he said.


What is this? He wasn't like this earlier... This is weird. Jungshin thought, un-tucking his hair from behind his ear.


Still, Jungshin could feel his heart beat slightly faster as Seunghyun's 'thank you' repeated over and over in his head.




A/N-- ah so this is pretty long... more on it's way! :D thanks for reading~

Thank you OI__33 and urvictorian !!!!!

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i dont approve of but THIS is actually interesting and eye catching!!
Omg omgogomgomg oooo soooo y please pleaseep pleasee update soon ;______________;<br />
Nikki likey!! Update soon!!