Chapter 10

The Curse of the Mansion

Sitting in a cafe and siping a cup of hot coffee, Hyesung felt slightly better and he was not trembling anymore. Was it caused by the gruesome scene of seeing Jihoon hyung that caused the tremblings? Hyesung had calmed down now.

"Oh, how did you know that I am at the station?" Hyesung put down his cup and looked at Eric who was sitting across the table.

"I called the hospital to look for you and I learnt something happen to Dr Jihoon. Plus, you are being brought to the station." Eric pushed a plate of sandwich to Hyesung.

"Thanks." Looking at the sandwich which consisted of egg and ham, Hyesung felt a sense of nausea shooting up. Hyesung lost his appetite.

"Do you want  to order something else? How about another cup of coffee?" Eric noticed the paleness in Hyesung.

Hyesung nodded while supporting his head in his hands, rubbing his temple gently," Thanks Eric. I... You know... Jihoon hyung...."

The scene at the basement carpark returned to haunt Hyesung's mind. The never ending walk and the quietness surrounding you. It felt as if someone was spying on you in the dark. The red blood pooling on the ground or dripping from the ceiling pipes. The hole in Jihoon hyung's stomach with spilling intestines, the charred smell of burnt flesh and the empty eye socket! Hyesung started to tremble again and he was shaking badly.

"Don't think about it anymore, Hyesungie." Seeing Hyesung shaking like a leaf, Eric walked over to his side and hugged Hyesung tightly.

Hyesung snapped out of his thoughts. It could be Eric's gentle voice or Eric's body warmth that helped him. Hyesung was badly in need of comfort now.

Hyesung allowed Eric to hug him and he did not care for the glares from other diners in the cafe; he did not care that they should not be in this close intimancy. The heart could not withstand temptation. If one professed and the other did not reject, that would cause a wrong information being transmitted that both were willing parties.

"Why did this happen to Jihoon hyung? Eric ah, you never see the scene and that was so horrifying." Hyesung could only think of this word to describe what he had just witnessed.

Before Jihoon hyung was murdered,who did he meet with? Under what circumstance that he was murdered? Why did the murderer did this to Jihoon hyung? Why did the murderer had to burnt Jihoon hyung before dumping him at the basement carpark.

"Hyesungie, think no more." Eric smoothed Hyesung's back and brought Hyesung's head to lean on his shoulder.

"I might need to see a psychiatrist too." Hyesung mocked at himself while resting against Eric's chest. Suddenly, Hyesung realized their intimancy,"Sorry. I did not know what happen to me." Hyesung pushed himself away from Eric and noticed the stares from the other diners.

"It is okay Hyesungie. We are buddies and beside,...." Eric could not be bothered by the weird looks threw by the other diners.

"Yes, we are buddies and brothers." Hyesung interrupted Eric's sentence.

"That is right." There was slight disappointment flashing in Eric's eyes.

"Eric, I am really thankful for you to be accompanying me now, else I will be thinking all the horrible things."

"If I did not stay by your side, who will you turn to?" Eric ruffled Hyesung's hair and looked up," Another cup of coffee? Or something to eat?"

Hyesung shook his head," I guess I am heading home for a good rest. I may feel better after a rest."

"Alright. Let me send you back." Eric walked back to his seat to retrieve his blazer. At the same time, Eric called the waiter for their bill.

After walking out of the cafe, Hyesung sat in Eric's Lexus. Eric was not driving fast as he wanted Hyesung to feel relaxed after his trauma earlier. Secondly, Eric wanted to further their time together.

Maybe Hyesung was too exhausted and maybe he was traumatized by the ordeal, Hyesung remained silent throughout the journey. He looked out of the windows and was deep in thoughts.The car was traveling at a moderate speed on the road. Eric was not bothered by the silence but rather, he was enjoying his time with Hyesung. Eric turned into a small road and Hyesung's apartment was in sight.

"Hyesungie, are you sure that you will be okay?" Eric was worried about Hyesung and he had just parked his Lexus in front of Hyesung's apartment building.

Hyesung forced out a smile and shook his head."Don't worry Eric, I will be fine. I will be better after a rest." Hyesung opened the car door and alighted.

"Do you want to come up?" Hyesung turned back after realizing that he was a bit rude.

Eric looked at Hyesung for a while and smiled," Another day perhaps. You are tired today and you won't have energy to entertain me."

Eric's considerate actions made Hyesung felt warmness in his heart. " So, let me treat you to dinner another time?"

"Okay. I will wait for your call then." Eric smiled and waved his hand at Hyesung. He drove off after seeing Hyesung entered into the buildings.


Dongwan pulled a long face when he entered  into Minwoo's office.

"So, You gotten thrashing?" Minwoo was typing a report but he stopped when he heard Dongwan stepping into his office.

Dongwan cursed and pulled a chair to sit. "I don't want to talk about it! It is common to get buttered. But this time, the murder case is super sensitive. The deceased is a famous doctor and the scene is a prestigious hospital which caught media's attention and interest. My superior threatened to transfer me to an island or to clerical department if I can't solve the case fast!" Dongwan was so angry that he sent a flying kick to a nearby chair to vent his anger.

"Don't worry, your superior would not transfer you." Minwoo continued to type his report and chuckled.

"You never know." Dongwan fished out his box of cigarette," Everyone is trying to get into the top management's good book. The first 3 murder cases were still manageable as they were just unknown people. There isn't too much pressure. This time, the hospital is pressurizing my side and naturally, they jumped on me."

Dongwan lit the cigarette and started puffing away. His emotion and mind started to calm down.

Minwoo stopped typing and swirled his chair to look at Dongwan," Do you want to take a look at my report?"

Dongwan stood up from his chair and grabbed the printed out reports," The autopsy report of Dr Jihoon?"

"Yup." Minwoo rotated his neck and stretched his body," Guess what I found in his mouth?"

"What?" Dongwan thought for a moment," Don't tell me it's...." Dongwan's mind thought of the insect pupa.

"Pupa." Minwoo's answer affirmed his guess."You met Professor Yoon?"

"Yes, I did." Dongwan sulked and his cigarette was burning till the end," He said that it was the Snow worm which was found in some places in certain part of the Asian countries and was used in Voodoo, something like that.

"Voodoo?" From Minwoo's expression, it was clear that he was surprised.

" Minwoo." Dongwan was not in the modd to go through the autopsy report and he just casually placed the document on the desk. " To be frank, you have been a Forensic line for so long. Do you believe in this sort of thing?"

Minwoo knitted his eye brows," This.... this is not something for believing or not believing... Being in this line for so long, there is certain things that even science could not give an explanation which i had came across myself. However, om the topic of spell, curse, voodoo, this is really something foreign to me."

"Same here, Minwoo."

"What else did Professor Yoon talk about?" Minwoo had been busy and since the time that he send the pupa to Professor Yoon, he had not contacted his friend.

"Er that is all. I did not ask anymore from him." As Dongwan could not accept Voodoo involvement in the case, he merely took the documents from Professor Yoon and left.

"You did not ask anything!" Minwoo widen his little eyes and glared at Dongwan.

Dongwan smiled sheepishly and held up his hands. "I do not believe in those f**king curse, voodoo, ghosts etc. Do you expect me to discuss with Professor Yoon on these topics?"

Minwoo sighed and looked at Dongwan," Dongwan ah, don't you find this series mureder case creepy? Just take Dr Jihoon's case as an example. If you are the murderer, would you disposed the corpse at somewhere prominent?"

Recalling the scene at the hospital's basement carpark, Dongwan felt his head aching.

"We both knew that the primary scene of crime is not the basement carpark." Minwoo added.

Dongwan rubbed his temples," Without a doubt buddy. Based on the logic and my years of experience, this is very obvious." This is a carefully executed murder plan, judging gtom the position that the body was hanged, the inflicted injuries on the body, the deliberate burning of the right side, clearly indicating that the murder occurred somewhere else.

"Have you wonder about the murderer's motive? Minwoo supported his head on his hands,' Just purely challenging the Police? Or, this is some kind of ritual of a cult? Or he wanted to warn someone?"

"Minwoo, what makes you think this way?"

"Dr Jihoon's right side was badly burnt, one of his eye ball was dug out and pupa was shoved inside his mouth. From all these, it resembled some kind of cult's ritual and so I made a bold assumption. But why did he dispose the body at the basement carpark, a place which allowed the body to be easily discovered? All the acts were thoroughly planned and carried out and if he was trying to challenge or warn someone, it is also not impossible."

Dongwan was stunned for words and he was thinking over what Minwoo had said. " Till now, we are unable to contact dr Jihoon's wife."

" What about Dr Jihoon's family or relatives?" Minwoo asked. "With the news of Dr Jihoon dead, surely his family or relatives would contact the Police?"

" He is an orphan." Dongwan was frustrated that all his leads came to a dead end. He kicked a chair to vent his frustration.

"What about his wife's family?" Minwoo asked cautionly.

"Migrated. Her family migrated to Canada for a long time and her parents are famed doctors too." Dongwan sighed.

"Have you find out the identity of the first body?" Minwoo decided to switch the topic.

"It is still a mystery. Jinnie also checked the Missing person database but there is no results." Dongwan was a bit hopeful when the identities of the second and third body was established and linked to Dr Jihoon. However, Dr Jihoon became the next victim.

"Ah..." Minwoo felt that Dongwan's investigation was stuck. "What about the doctor who discovered the body?" Minwoo suddenly remembered Hyesung.

"He is just a houseman." Dongwan corrected Minwoo. Speaking of Hyesung made Dongwan irritated.

Minwoo looked at Dongwan amusingly," okay. So what about the houseman?"

Dongwan was disturbed by the smirk on Minwoo's face as if he was waiting for a show. Dongwan had nothing to do with Hyesung, that sharp tongued and arrogant person.

"Minwoo, there is nothing between me and that Dr Shin Hyesung fella!"

"Did I say anything?" Minwoo chuckled and shook his head.

"You!" Dongwan wanted to curse at Minwoo." Forget it. I was saying that I would need to pay a visit to him for my investigation." Dongwan had no choice because he needed to find out more about Dr Jihoon and Hyesung was the only person that he could rely on at the moment.

Both Minwoo and Dongwan were silent for a while and the office was very quiet. Minwoo spoke " This series murder cases is beginning to get out of hand just like a endless nightmare."

"Ya, I agree. I hope to wake up from this nightmare too." Dongwan groaned. " The waking up from the nightmare depend on when we can apprehend the murderer!"





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Nic_2007 #1
Chapter 41: Such a very good mystery story, I was hooked from the beginning and enjoyed to the end! Keep it up! ^^
Pou_XoXo #2
Chapter 41: Great story ! I mean, this mysterious concept makes me feel the thrill of knowing what will happen to next chapter every time you updated. Plus, the couples involved make it more interesting. Nice ending btw :)
esluve #3
Chapter 41: Its end??? this story so much thanks authornim I ll miss this story...:'( :'( :'(
lunanegra #4
Chapter 41: Aahhh, i wanna know how hyesung knows.. have you provided hint(s) on previous chapter(s). Sorry, i'm too lazy to think... >_<
Thank you for writing this twisted, full of mysteris fic.. can't wait to read another fic from you..
eflvoegyu #5
Chapter 41: Eventhough it's a pity that "Eric" died, but at least it's a happy ending!
Omg... Your story really great... I love it T.T
Thumbs up for you and your story !!!
feelgyo #6
Chapter 40: Oh no! Curiosity killed the cat, Syungie. D:
Be careful!
I'm torn between liking 'Eric' or hating 'Eric'.....OTL
Chapter 40: So Eric has twin brother...oh this is still shocking meㅠㅠㅠㅠ idk how to react....should i mad or not to eric? He killed junghoon though but why he looks pity for me? LOL
Anyway thanks for the update unnie! :)
esluve #8
Chapter 40: Hhoho...... eric ......hyesung ahh be careful u sld hv tell dongwan what u r up to.... omg