Yoona...Please Let Me Replace Him...

I Am Not Worthy



By the time she stopped crying, I sent her home!

She looked very pale! How many times did she cry a day?

I’m worry!

But I was also happy what she has said!


*Flash back*

Yoona : Khun oppa! Thanks you for everything!

Nickhun : My pleasure!

Yoona : I don’t think I could do it if you didn’t by my side today!

Nickhun : Yoona! Remember me okay? When you’re sad or happy share it with me!

                  I’d love to do it for you, anytime!

Yoona : Thanks oppa! I’ll remember! Remember every moment you were with me today!

             Bye oppa! Have a safe back home!

Nickhun : Bye! You too! Good dream okay?

Yoona : Okay!

*End of flash back*


I’m happy when you trust me!

I’m happy when you call me oppa!

Yoona! I want to insure you every minute we stay together…

By the time I’m thinking the house’s door open

Showing up Taecyeon!

Who’s always been the same expression when he back!

Nickhun : Where were you going?

Taceyeon : Somewhere!

Nickhun : Yah!!! Somewhere!

Taecyeon : Yes! Somewhere that you shouldn’t know!

Nickhun : Yah!!! We’re friend right?

He didn’t bother to reply my question and went straight to his room like always

I don’t know what to do with this guy?

I very wonder what’s going on with him.



I didn’t bother to look back at him!

I knew he was very worry about me!

But I’m also worrying about her.

I’m very hopeless now!

I went out everyday to search for her…

But there was always no sight of her…

What to do???

Where are you right now???



Having taken off his clothes, Taecyeon goes straight to have a bath…

As Nickhun come into his room

Nickhun barely come into his room…

But today he was very worried of Taecyeon!

So he made a cup of hot coffee for him!

As soon as Nickhun goes into Taecyeon’s room

He could hear the shower sound from the bathroom.

He realizes that Taecyeon is bathing

So he just sits on the edge of Taecyeon’s bed

Waiting for him…

As Nickhun around the room, he sees a photo of Taecyeon

Which caught Nickhun eyes the most…

He goes to that photo and picks it up…

It’s like the time he was at Yoona’s house!

He looks on that photo silently!

It’s a photo of Taecyeon and his friend

Their arm was around each other neck

Taecyeon’s friend who catches a lot of attention from Nickhun

He seems like someone else!

Someone that Nickhun also saw at a photo at somewhere!

By that time Taecyeon is out from bathing!

Taecyeon saw Nickhun’s looking at that photo!

Like he was wonder at something!

Taecyeon : It’s my friend who’s died by a car accident several days ago!

Nickhun : Died? What do you mean?

Taecyeon : Remember a time I said I had something to do with my friend?

Nickhun : So?

Taecyeon : A friend of mine that involved in a car accident?

Nickhun : Yes! I knew!

Taecyeon : He died!

Nickhun : Really?

Taecyeon : Yes!

Nickhun : What’s his name?

Taecyeon :  Lee Donghae!

Nickhun : Was it because of him that you became like this?

Taecyeon : Not at all!

Nickhun : Then what is it?

Taecyeon : Nothing! I need to rest, now!

Nickhun : okay!

Then Nickhun walks out of the room!



Because of his girl friend!



Not because of his friend!


What is it?



The darkness has already covered the sky!

It’s night!

Time to sleep!

*Tomorrow morning*

[At school]


Yoona is walking alone!

Then a group of girl bumps into her!

Cause her book to fall on the ground!

But they didn’t say sorry or help her with the book!

Instead of that!

They want to argue with Yoona!

Girl : Yah!! Didn’t you have eyes?

Yoona : You and your group bumped into me first! Why didn’t you say sorry or anything?

Girl :  Huh?? Sorry?

Yoona : Yes!

Girl : Can we say sorry by this?

That girl put her hand up into the sky about to slap yoona

But someone catches her hand!

It’s Nickhun!

Nickhun : Yah!!! What do you want to do with her?

Girl : Slap her!

Nickhun : say it again!

Girl : Hmm..Nothing!

Nickhun : What?

Girl : Nothing! Let’s go!

That girl and her group gone when they saw the angrily in Nickhun’s eyes

After Nickhun done with all of those girls!

He turns to Yoona and helps her with her book which felt on the ground!

Nickhun : Are you okay?

Yoona : Yes!

Nickhun : Want me to sent you home?

Yoona : Okay!

Nickhun : let’s go!


[In front of Yoona’s house]


Nickhun : Yoona!

Yoona : Wae?

Nickhun : Let me be your side from now on!

Yoona : You’ve already been by my side!

Nickhun : No! I mean let me protect you!

Yoona : Oppa!

Nickhun : I want to replace him on your heart!

Yoona : Oppa! It’s too fast for me!

Nickhun : It’s okay! I give you some time to think!

                  I want to protect you every time, every moment, everyday

                  From now on!

Yoona : Oppa!!

Nickhun : Hmm…Think about it! I’m leaving! Bye!


Then Nickhun return back to his house!



Should I?

Should I not?

Donghae : Yoona!!! Pro…Promise me?? Be ha….happy…O..Okay?

Donghae oppa words keep reminding in my head…

Should I?






To be continues…



Thanks You 













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yoonyun #1
This story is so beautiful.i hope you will continue making good stories about taecyeon and yoona. :)
Nae! thanks for your reading.:))
I love you made this story end with TaecYoon :)<br />
And I love u put a little KhunToria moments :)
Taecyeon and Yoona married, yay happy for them.
@Minyoontaem: I'm sorry! Because i decided to make Taecyoon a happy ending not khuna!<br />
@Limxiyong: Yes, Donghae was dead!<br />
@Taeyeonlover: Yes it it! The end here! Thank you for reading my fanfic and subscribing !
wanna nickhun and yoona!!!!!!!<br />
not taecyeon!!!!!
Hm i Just read the final one ! i wanna to Ask is that Donghae dead away ?
taeyeonlover #8
Eh? ur fic is over already? WOW!!
Thank you!!! I know i wasn't good at all with the proposing words!<br />
But after saw your comment like this!!! I'm happy! Thank you!! ^^
Not bad at all, or should I say it was good!^^Taecyeon was like proposing on the wedding day^^