

After a few weeks of living out in the country, you started to get a feel of things and it got a lot easier. Today was Thursday, which means you and Kai had to go to the market to pick up some things for the big dinner you always had on Friday nights. You were excited because that also meant you’d get to see Rick. You met him on one of your market trips with Kai. He was really cute. Not as cute as Kai was but he did give you the kind of attention Kai didn’t.

Hurry up before all the fresh, good stuff gets taken”, Kai said suddenly.

You didn’t even notice he was in the room while you were picking out an outfit.

Okay! Get out so I can change then we can leave!”, you said as you rushed him out.

I don’t understand why you have to get all dressed up when we’re just going to the market”, he mumbled as you pushed him out and shut the door.


Kai was searching all around for ______. She ran off again as soon as they got to the market, leaving him to get everything they needed for dinner. Not that he minded, he just hated going around searching for her in the crowds of people afterwards. He didn’t know where he’d find her this time but he had an inkling about who he’d find her with. He was right. As soon as he rounded the corner, he saw her sitting with Rick. His arms draped across her shoulders as they laughed. He felt himself getting mad at the sight. He walked up to the two.

Come on, it’s time to go back home”, he said bluntly as he looked directly at ______, completely ignoring Rick.

Can’t we just stay a little longer?”, she pouted, leaning into Rick more, as if to try and get her point across.

Seeing that just made Kai even angrier.

Fine”, he spat.

You can stay here if you want to. I’m going home”.


Wait!”, you shouted.

You wiggled out of Rick’s grasp and ran after Kai. You were panting by the time you caught up with him.

Jeez, why are you like this?”, you asked between breaths.

You should stay away from him if you can help it”, he said, still looking straight ahead.

Why? I kinda like him”, you admitted shamelessly.

Because he’s bad news”.

Whatever, you’re probably just jealous”, you replied nonchalantly.

After you said that, he stopped mid step and then continued walking again like nothing happened. He didn’t say a single word the rest of the way home.


Was he jealous? Is that why he kept getting angry every time he saw them two together? Kai tossed and turned in his bed as his thoughts ran amuck in his head. Rick was really popular with the girls. He was always messing around with a new girl every week. What made him so good? Why did the girls always fall for him and his sweet talking? Kai didn’t understand it. All he knew was that he didn’t want ______ to get involved with Rick anymore.


Kai knew this day was coming. He knew ______ would get hurt by Rick if she kept it up. He peeked into her room. She was sitting up in her bed staring out the window with only the light from the moon lighting up the room. He knocked. She didn’t respond. He knocked again and announced he was coming in. He took a seat next to her.

Are you okay?”, he asked.

No reply.

I told you that you should stay away—

If you’re going to be like that, get out”, she said with a shaky voice, cutting him off.

He looked at her face for the first time since he came in the room. The moonlight sparkling off the two streams of tears falling from her eyes. She was crying. Was she crying because of Rick or was she crying because of what he just said to her? Nonetheless, no matter the reason, it still didn’t change the fact that she was crying. Usually, Kai wouldn’t know what to do in this situation. He was terrible with stuff like this, but seeing her like this made his heart ache. He instinctively reached towards her and wiped her tears away.

I’m sorry”, he apologized softly.

She stared at him with shaky eyes and trembling lips, the moonlight highlighting her features perfectly. Even in this state, he finally realized how beautiful she was. He finally understood why he got so mad every time she was with Rick. He liked her. He gently pulled her into his chest and held her. Soon he felt her slender arms wrap around his waist. He lightly her hair like it was the most natural thing in the world.

It’ll be okay. I’m here. It’s okay”.

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Chapter 1: Was nice!!
ReinaPark #2
Chapter 1: its really sweet... jongin your good boy haha
LeeXueyun #3
Chapter 1: Short but amazing!
Chapter 1: U should do a sequel to this story!!! :)
Chapter 1: OH Kim Jongin, how can people hate you if you're THIS SWEET? <3
Chapter 1: WOW!!!!!!!!!!
110 streak #7
Chapter 1: Cute ^_^ This is really different :)
Chapter 1: So cute.. >.<
huehuehue #9
Chapter 1: Wow. XD so cute~