

Living life married to Yoo Youngjae, member of one of Korea's boy bands wasn't the easiest thing.

Especially when no one other than s knew of your marital status.




Another short drabble from me! This time it features Youngjae and Zelo/Junhong from B.A.P~


Jaehye hated the awkward situations she was placed in. She hated them so much that, sometimes, she wondered if Youngjae was worth the heartache and pain. When she married him, secretly, she knew what she was getting herself into. Of course she did. Jaehye sacrificed everything for him, her parents, her friends, her old life. She knew what marrying an idol meant, she knew she couldn't reveal their marriage to the public, she knew how hard it would be. Of course she knew. 

But she didn't know. Jaehye didn't know how hurt she would be, day in and day out. She didn't know how much her emotions would pain her. She knew they had busy schedules as B.A.P, she'd accepted this years ago when she started to date Youngjae but she didn't know properly. She didn't know until she was alone in their home for months on end. She didn't know until she ate dinner alone every day. She didn't know until she experienced it all. Being married to an idol wasn't easy.

It became harder when the company chose her husband, her Youngjae to star on the scripted show where he had an onscreen wife. It hurt. More than anything.


But why did Jaehye stay with Youngjae? Why did she marry him in the first place? Why?

Because she loved him. She loved him so much that she would do anything for him. Staying beside him, supporting him, being the rock in the river. Anything.



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GDragon24 #1
daebak! i loved it! moreee!