Chapter 24


-9.40pm friday

Siwon went straight into his room after his confrontation with his younger sister, he was still fuming mad over what she did just now. He walked to his study desk and sat himself on the chair, rolling it back and sighing. He had to call Sooyoung and find out how she was doing, he was sure she was pretty traumatised by what happen just now during the bonding session, he rolled the chair back to the table and took up his phone, intending to dial Sooyoung up. That's when mrs choi knocked on the door and came in his room.

"won won? Can we talk?" she asked, leaning on the door.

Siwon looked at her. "yeah what's it concerning about?"

She moved in and close the door, taking a seat on his bed.

"I think you know what I'm referring to..."

"look mum, I don't wanna talk about it, I'm pissed off by the fact that sunny was acting like this, she's never been like this before so why now?" Siwon rub his temple.

Mrs choi only listen to what he had to say.

"youngie's a great girl and I'm lucky to have her, why can't sunny just be happy for me? Why can't she just realise that it's youngie that I'm in love with and not fany?"

Mrs choi only held a hand on his shoulder. "won won, please try and sort things out with sun sun, she's after all your sister...she was wrong for acting like this in front of Soo, but please don't hold it against her....she must have her reasons."

"mum if she doesn't apologise to youngie, you can forget about me talking to her.."

"won won, don't be like this..."

"alright mum I need to call youngie and find out how's she's mind?" Siwon motioned her to leave the room.

Mrs choi only sighed and walked towards the door, opening it before taking one last glance over to Siwon. "won won, you have never ever shouted at sun sun before, least of all slapped her..please don't just let a simple misunderstanding destroy your relationship with her..". With that she left the room, leaving Siwon to think about her words. Deep inside him, he felt really really bad for slapping and shouting at his younger sister, but he was so agitated by the behaviour she showed just now. He quickly shook off that thought and immediately dialed Sooyoung's number on his phone, making his way out of the house and to Sooyoung's home.


-9.50pm friday

Sooyoung was still sniffing and crying on her bed, she curled herself into a ball and hug her knees, seohyun who had witness Sooyoung's puffy eyes the moment she came back from Siwon's place went in to check on her sister. She knocked on her door and opened it. Sooyoung immediately wiped her tears off.

"s-seo, what are you doing here?"

Seohyun sat herself beside her older sister. Without a warning she threw herself at her and envelop her into a comforting hug. Sooyoung only let her embrace her, starting to cry again in her sister's embrace.

"unnie fighting!" seohyun said out loud, which made Sooyoung let out a small laugh. Seohyun backed away a little to see Sooyoung's face. Her eyes were so puffy.

"unnie, what's wrong, why are you crying? Did something happen between you and Siwon oppa?"

Sooyoung shooked her head and looked downwards. "n-no seo, wonnie's so good to me...I-it's h-his s-sister..."

"hmmmm? Why what did she do to make my unnie tear up so badly?"

Sooyoung chuckled albeit sadly, "I-I guess she didn't wanted me to be with wonnie."

Seohyun looked shocked but she quickly reverted back to her normal self and leaned forward and nearer to Sooyoung's face. "and why would that be unnie?"

Sooyoung sighed. "I-I guess she was hoping Siwon could patch back up with her best friend.."

"hmmmmm? Siwon oppa has an ex?"

Sooyoung nodded. "y-yea....she dumped him."

"what?! Awwww poor Siwon oppa." seohyun said.

"y-yeah...when his sister found out that I was dating him, she started treating me coldly...seo" she suddenly said.

"yeah unnie?" seohyun asked.

"a-am I really not fit for wonnie? Huh?"

Seohyun only widen her eyes and lifted a finger, pushing Sooyoung's forehead. "unnie! Dont be silly! You and Siwon oppa are so perfect for each other, I never met anyone other than him who can be paired up so perfectly with you.."


"unnie dont let his sister get into your way of having a happy life, you deserve to be treated well, you deserve to have a happy love life and Siwon oppa is capable of giving you just that...really unnie, I mean it. Siwon oppa is definitely for you."

Sooyoung hugged seohyun, "thank you seo.."

Just then her phone started to vibrate, she looked to see Siwon's face on her iPhone. She looked at it for a moment. Seohyun looked down and gently tap her sister.

"go ahead unnie, answer it..I'll be going out now, If you want to talk somemore I'll be outside" she got up and headed it the room. Sooyoung looked at her phone and answered it.


" are you doing?" Siwon could hear her sniffing from the other side of the line.

"youngie...." he said. "youngie go to your gate.''


"haha just do it youngie" Sooyoung got up her bed, opening her room door and walking out of her bedroom, walking across to the house door and opening it.

Siwon immediately hug her and kissed her on the lips, the kiss lasting about 10 seconds.

"wonnie.." she said after they parted.

"hey you put your fringe up...I like that."

"Wonnie why are you here? Arent you suppose to-"

Siwon kissed her again.

Seohyun who was busy occupying herself with the tv looked at their direction and smiled.

"I prefer it when your fringe is down youngie, but man you sure look hot, you have a nice forehead."

"h-how's sunny" Sooyoung asked when Siwon suddenly pulled her out from her house.

"come on youngie, I wanna bring you somewhere, it's still early."

"w-wonnie I'm not really in the mood-"

"please won't regret it..."

"wonnie I-I"

Siwon didn't let her finish, he carried her up and started to walk to the lift.

"wonnie what do you think you're doing? Put me down....I'm really not in the mood for this.."

"youngie you won't trust me at all? I'm not putting you down until we reach my car.."

"wonnie!" she yelled Siwon only stick out his tongue and acted childishly. "not hearing it youngie"

Sooyoung scoffed and gave up, letting him carry her. As she did, a smile crept up her face.

Siwon only smiled and kept silent. He carried her all the way until he reached his car, putting her down.

"wonnie, where are you bringing me?" she asked him as she got into his car.

Siwon only grinned. "you'll find out when we reach youngie."

Sooyoung smelled food the moment she got in his car. She looked at the back seat of the car, sighting a picnic box. She turned to Siwon who just got in the car, starting his engines.

"a picnic? In the evening?" she asked him

"yeap.." he replied.

"wonnie who does picnic at night?! People are gonna laugh at us!"

"haha relax youngie, the place I'm bringing you to has no one there at all. Don't worry it's safe I can guarantee you that."

Sooyoung only looked at him and smiled as he drove off to wherever they were going.

"wonnie, h-how's sunny..." she asked again. "you didn't tell me how it went."

Siwon sighed. "youngie nevermind her.."

"please wonnie, don't argue with her because of me. Try and talk things out with her in a less intimidating way.." she tried to reason with him.

"youngie, I have never ever yelled at her before..tonight would be my first time doing that.." he explained.

"w-what?" she was surprised by his answer.

"yeah....but you know I had to do it, I couldnt let her bully you like this.."

"wonnie, please don't be mad at her, I'm sure she did that cause she missed fany.."

"what's there to miss her about?" he said. "even though she's not in Seoul they always talk on the webcam."


"I'm pissed at her."

"wonnie please for me...don't argue with her anymore.."


She held a hand to his lips. "for me wonnie..."

Siwon sigh. "alright fine...anything for you."

She smiled. "thank you babe.."

Siwon just nodded before looking at her. "you! Stop being so kind, that's the reason why you always get picked on."

Sooyoung laughed at his sentence. "haha I could say the same to you wonnie."

Siwon laughed while he continued driving to their destination


-park- 10.30pm friday

"wonnie..." Sooyoung said as she and Siwon began walking in the park.

"yeah??" he asked her while his hands were locked with hers, the picnic basket on his other hand.

"isn't this the park you brought me to the other time to have a picnic?"

Siwon laughed. "haha yes is..there arent any people here in the night" he searched for the spot that they were seated at the other time. Finally finding it after awhile. "haha come in youngie, let's seat.."

he sat her down and opened the lid of the picnic basket. Taking out the food stored inside it.

"wow..that's a lot of food wonnie"

"haha yeap, I figured it we be fine since you can eat a lot, you're alright with it right youngie?"

"haha yeap.." she said helping him with the food.

Siwon took out 2 long candles and light them up, he also took out 2 wine glasses

"w-wine glasses? Are we going to drink wine wonnie?" she asked, she didn't like the taste of wine.

"haha's sparkling juice"

"oh haha thank god."

Siwon took out the cork and started pouring the sparkling juice on Sooyoung's wine glass. She took a sip.


"haha nice?" he asked her as he pour some into his glass.

"haha its tingling.."

Siwon laughed.

"wonnie, t-this is so romantic..."

Siwon grinned. "you like it?"

She nodded. "yes...yes I do."

Siwon just smiled as they continued feasting on their food.

"youngie.." Siwon suddenly said, wiping his mouth with a tissue. Sooyoung looked at him. "how long have we known each other?" he began.

Sooyoung started thinking. "hmmm..probably about 3-4 months" she smiled

"haha.." he let out a laugh "can you remember when we started dating?"

"yeap 2 months back. I will definitely remember the date..30th of July, 2011"

Siwon rubbed his nape, laughing. "wow you can remember it eh?"

"yeap, anything involving you is what I can remember like it just happened yesterday."

"haha hey! That's my line.."

"since we're dating, we can share each others lines." Sooyoung said smiling.

Siwon pinched her nose. "haha yeah yeah.."

He reached into his pocket, checking to see whether the ring was inside. Yeap it was, safe and sound. He started fumbling in his pocket where the ring was. " do I say it?"

"wonnie is there anything wrong?" she asked as she took a sip of her drink.

" there isn't babe." he started to practise his lines in his mind

"youngie, wheres your phone?" Siwon asked.

"oh it's with me..why?" she asked

"oh haha nothing." he said "youngie you know I love you right?"

She looked at him and laughed "wonnie how many times you want me to hear that same old line?"

He laughed, he took out his phone and started messaging someone.

"who are you messaging?" she asked, curious.

"haha someone.." he clicked the sent button when he was done. Not too soon, Sooyoung's phone beep a message.

"there! nows my chance!! It's now or never!"

Sooyoung took out her iPhone and saw the message she recieved from Siwon. She looked at him confused.

"er wonnie...why did you send me a message when I'm right here in front of you?"

He moved his shoulders up.

She just smiled and read the message.

From: wonnie (bf/hubby)

"roses are red, violets are blue, if youngies for wonnie then wonnie's for youngie.





















"why is there a long blank space down wonnie?" she asked as she scrolled down to check if there were any more words.

"haha just continue looking at it youngie."

She smiled and did as she was told.

"you know I love you right??




















"haha wonnie what is this? Why are is there so little words and soooo much blank space?"

Siwon only smiled "continue until the end youngie."

Once again, she smiled and complied






































































































































Sooyoung grasped at the message. She looked at Siwon

"w-wonnie, y-you" She stopped the moment she saw Siwon on his knees with a ring on his hands.

"choi Sooyoung, will you marry me?" he asked again,looking intently into sooyoung's eyes.

Sooyoung only held a hand to , speechless. "w-wonnie, w-what's all this about?" she asked

He smiled. "haha, I know we haven been dating too long and it's abit too all of a sudden but I know something for sure..I'm madly in love with you youngie."

She stayed silent.

"haha mum gave me this ring and told me to give it to the girl that was the one for me, so I'm giving it to you. It's beautiful isn't it?"

She continued staying silent.

Siwon could feel his heart in his throat. "haha youngie? You alright? Silent means consent you know?" he said as he picked up her hand and motion the ring towards her ring finger. "look I know its too soon to-"

Sooyoung drew back her hand just as Siwon was about to insert the ring into her finger.

"y-youngie?" he asked, confused as to why she did that.

"you're right wonnie, it's too soon, I-it's to sudden wonnie I-I"

"you what youngie"

"I-I" she said. "look wonnie, tonight was great, the picnic, the candles. It was romantic and all...and the ring.. It really is beautiful but.."

"but?" Siwon said, discouraged. "there's a but?"

"wonnie, it's too early....I don't know whether I'm ready for marriage life."

"youngie, you don't have to worry about that, rest assure that I'll take good care of you, dont you love kids? We can start a family together.."

"wonnie I-I'm sorry, I can't say yes to you now..." she said avoiding Siwon's gaze

Siwon just sat there, disappointed, but he didn't want to push it. "I-I'm sorry youngie, I must have scared you right? Alright let's just take it as this conversation never happened." he got up.


"we were just 2 couples enjoying their romantic dinner here alright?"

she got up and hugged him.

"wonnie I love you, I really know that right?"

"y-yeah..." he replied, trying best not to show his disappointment

"I'm sorry babe, I'm just not sure if im ready for marriage you understand that right?"

Siwon sigh "yeah....come on youngie" he said "let's wrap up and go."


"don't worry about it youngie....I'm fine, I understand." he said as he packed everything back into the picnic box.

''Let's go then shall we?"

Sooyoung nodded and they went back into the car.


-12am saturday

"take care youngie...I'll pick you up tomorrow for work alright?" he hugged her and gave a kiss to her on her cheeks.

"alright wonnie, take care." she broke the hug and got off, Siwon drove off a little while later, leaving Sooyoung to see his car disappear. She felt bad for rejecting Siwon, but the fact was she wasnt ready for marriage yet, the commitments and all, she was terrified. She made her way back to her house.

Siwon got back home after driving back from sooyoung's house. he slump to his couch. thinking about what had happen previously with sooyoung. he sighed before taking out the ring that his mum gave him. ''i guess its probably too early to think about marriage.'' he spoke out loud.


Siwon turn around to see a bed-awaken sunny. he looked at her for a moment.

''o-oppa.'' she felt like crying.

''what are you doing up so early in the morning sun sun? get back to sleep.'' he got up and walked past her when she suddenly hug him from behind. siwon was caught off guard by her sudden gesture.

''s-sun sun?'' he asked her.

she started crying. ''o-oppa....i'm so so so SO sorry about dinner..i really didnt know what came over me..please please forgive me...i hate it when you're angry with me. i'm sorry for treating sooyoung the way i did just now. please dont be mad at me no more.''

siwon sighed before turning back to face her. he wiped her tear off. ''sun sun...stop crying.''


''look, what you did was wrong, you shouldnt have compared fany and youngie. that really made me mad.''

sunny looked down, ashamed of her actions.

''but..'' siwon started. ''i'm sorry too...i guess i shouldnt have slap you just now. will sun sun forgive me for slapping her?''

sunny started to cry again, she hug her brother tighter. ''o-oppa...i deserved it. i really did..''

''no sun sun, you didnt. as an older brother, i shouldnt have beat you, rather i should have learn to settle the problem properly. please forgive me sunny.''

sunny nodded. ''i-i do oppa..oppa has never beaten nor scold me before, i guess i really ran overboard today.''

Siwon chuckled slightly. ''sun sun, i've been patient with you all this time, whether you went overboard or anything, the reason why i slapped you just now, was because you put down the person i love so so much. i guess i slapped you because i loved youngie too much. maybe, no, not maybe definitely-'' he stop a moment. ''now dont get all worked up again, but i definitely love her more than fany when i was still with fany.''

sunny only widen her eyes. ''oppa, you really do love her that much?''

siwon smiled. ''yea, sun sun, i really do..she's way different than fany...not to say fany is bad..but youngie, she's the kind of girl i've always been waiting for. i guess she's the girl i want to marry.''

''r-really oppa?'' sunny asked. ''then go for it oppa...i'm backing you up on this one this time.''

''you arent gonna protest?'' he asked her.

she shook her head. ''no oppa, if you really love her, i should be happy for you. i shouldnt be throwing fany to you. i'm gonna spur you on from now on regardless of anything..if oppa wants to do it. then i'll support you.''

Siwon smiled and hug her tightly lifting her up her feet. ''thank you sun're the best sister in the world.''

sunny smiled. ''and you're the best older brother in the world.''

''no more arguing with each other anymore promise oppa?'' she pointed out her pinky to which siwon took it and linked it with his.

'' go to sleep..''

''what about you oppa?''

''i wanna stay up alittle longer.'' siwon said as he sat down on the couch.

''then i'll stay up with oppa too.'' she smiled and sat beside him cuddling up beside him. siwon only chuckled and rubbed her hair.


-airport- 5am

''we're landing soon, please hold on...'' the speakers in the plane spoke out.

a certain someone woke up from her sleep after hearing the annoucement that they will be touching down seoul soon. she yawn lazyly as she stretched out her hands. she looked out the window from the plane, seeing the seoul airport just outside.

''w-we reached already?'' she asked herself. ''wow..seoul..i'm finally back in seoul..'' she said rather excitedly.

''alright passengers. we've arrived at the seoul airport. please gather your belongings and wait for further instructions.''

everyone complied and started to get their belongings from the top compartment of the plane. the girl followed everyone and started taking out her luggage.

after 15 minutes of staying in the plane she finally got off and headed to the airport terminal. she soon got a message from someone.

from: jessie

''hey girlfriend!!!! you're finally here in seoul right?!?! oh my gosh oh my gosh!! we've totally got to hang out alright?! lets gooo shopping!!!'' the girl only smiled and replied back the message.

to: jessie

''haha! arent you sleeping?! yeap we're totally hanging out girl! i missed you jess. we have to go out together once i'm settled with everything alright? i probably be able to meet you at 5 in the evening tonight. sounds good? awwwww i missed you!! :') ''

from: jessie

'' :') me too! cant wait to see you tonight, well guess i'll get back to sleep, just woke up to send you this, cant be talking that much, i've got to go work later on but i'll see you at 5 tonight..toodles!''

the girl smiled and headed out the airport. she took another breath in of the country she was in. she was finally back for good after being away for a good 6 years. ''wow, i didnt thought dad would let me come back after only 6 years, guess he couldnt stand my nagging..'' she talked to herself. ''well on the bright side, i get to see him again, awwww i cant wait!''

she walked off to flag a cab.

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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
chansoolover #2
shikshiin #3
This is like the BEST FANFIC i've ever read! You're such a great writer! i'm still hanging on to your sequel..its AMAZING! I'm loving sooWon more and more!
bibilicious1598 #4
yep... the story is really good...
soowon #5
you should turn this into a book! :)
bibilicious1598 #6
...aww... the story is nice!!..
awesome fanfic about detectives...but i'd like to see more actions :)
OMO, I'm tearing up. That was just pure awesomeness! I super loved your story~ please continue writing great stories! ^_^
I've just notice that your dialog has alot of this word 'haha'...Anyway,nice story...I love SooWon couple since they are my bias in SuJu n SNSD...hope you write more abt SooWon... :)<br />