Last Day in 2012 - He knew it already! Oh, fish!

: I Love You, IDIOT !

It’s been a while since 2012 has passed. I missed my memories with my teachers. All my friends are saying, ‘Happy New Year. Hope we’ll in the same class. 




It was Saturday, our last day of school. My professor said we have to come to school on our last day because she will announce our class for next year.


I come early to school at 6.25a.m. I was searching for my best friend her name is Nie. She always comes early to school. “Boo!” Suddenly someone surprised me and it startled me. “Ow, fish! “ I turned around to see who surprised me. “Pheew, it’s you. “ I let out sighs of relief.


“Haha. Let’s take a walk while waiting for the bell ring. “Nie said and both of us take a walked together. “ Fiz, you know which class will you enter? “Nie said while drinking her drink. “ I don’t know yet. Why? “ I asked. “Hmm, I think you will be entering 5B class. The smartest class, you know~“ She replied. “haha, no~ I should enter 5A class, I’m not good in English. I hate English.  “ I stick my tongue out. “ Hey, you’re very smart. You always got First Ranking from year 1. “ She said never give up to reply it. “ Whatever.”




The bell rang. All the students ran and went to assembly point. We sang a National Anthems song. After that, my professor will give an announcement. “Students, today I will announce your new class for next week. Start from year 5.” She said. “Prof! Wait for me! “ Someone was shouting far away from the assembly point. “Am, hurry up! All of them are waiting! “ The professor yelled. Without wasting time, the professor continues to tell us. I looked at Am who are now sweating because of running fast. “ Hey, here’s some tissue.” I approached him and give him tissue. “ Thanks! “ He smiles. Oh gosh! His smiles are pretty I thought.


“5A will have 25 above pupils and 5B will only have 10 pupils. I will inform pupils who enter 5B, and the rest will enter 5A. “ The professor eyed me. I was afraid and stand properly. “ Fiz, Nie, Min, Nad, Am, blabla~ will enter 5B the rest will enter 5A. You may go now. “ All of the students walked away.


“ Yes! We’re in the same class, yohoo~ “ one of my bestfriend said. Then, we can hear someone clear his throat. “ehem, ehem. “ We stare at Am. He look at us confusedly. " Wha...what? " 


Then, he grabbed his bag and went to 'our' new class. " Fiz, did he know you... you know what I meant? " Nad smirked. "Aish, of course he doesn't know. I didn't tell him yet. " I said shyly. " Guys, we should go to our class before our teacher's coming. " Min said and we walked together holding hands and swinging our hands together. 




" Look who's here~ " I can hear someone was appear from behind the big tree. " Who... a..a..are you? " I stuttered and froze. " He didn't tell you about me? Im from Year 5C last year. " he said and smirked while looking at me from head to toe. " what do you mean by 'He' ? " I curiously asked him. " Of course, Am. He's my enemies and the rest of his friends. " He then try to grab my wrist, but it was Epic Failed.


I run away from him and went to my class.  There I can see Am and Min are chitchat together. I stared at them and went to my seat where it is behind him. I take out my pen and my diary. I wrote on my diary, I like you, Am. 


After that, Am approached me. " Hey, what are you doin' ? " I was surprised. I quickly take my diary and hug it tightly. " " I shyly stuttered said. " What's that? Can I see? " He suddenly smirking. He stood up from his chair and stand in front of me. " " I said didn't blink my eyes and stare at him. Suddenly, he harshly grab my diary from my hands. " Let me see~ Front page is .... " I was about to grab it from his hand, but it was too late. he already read it. 


" Do you like me? " he said curiously. 





Hey guys! done for chapter 1. kekeke ><


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Am: So, you like me? *Smirk*

Fiz : If  I say yes, what will you do? 

Am : I will give you this. *kiss on lips.*

Author : Guys,  she's already blind. Blind because of loves. ><

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