

In the sea of blue and black gowns, Minzy felt invisible.  She was always the quiet one, out of the four, but when they were gone, she felt alone, isolated.  She knew she was pretty, as every guy who tried to take advantage of her had told her that (before she punched them in the nose), and she knew she was fairly popular, as the soccer team had gone undefeated for two whole years, but she felt incomplete as a person whenever her sisters weren't there, like part of her was missing.  She hummed quietly in her spot, as she rocked back and forth in her black heels.  She adjusted her blue gown (girls wore blue, guys wore black) and checked to see if her cap was staying on.  She hated that cap with a burning passion - it was ugly, uncomfortable, and it hid her gorgeous red hair.  She checked to see if her Highest Honors cord was staying on, as well as her National Honors Society cord.  Her Celebration of Excellence medal hung perfectly around her neck.  Minzy was always slightly OCD when she gets bored.  She blew a raspberry in exasperation.

The cute guy sitting next to her turned around.  He smiled at her and asked, "Excited?"

Minzy was in no mood to talk to anyone, even if he was cute. "Yep."

He was not to be deterred.  "Any plans for the summer?"

"Yep," she responded.

"Like what?"

Like not anything to do with you. She sighed, "I'm going to South Korea."

The guy could not get a clue.  "That's cool.  You going to see family?"


The poor boy cleared his throat, and tried again. "Well, I'm going to Florida, catch some rays, you know, and boogeyboard."  

Minzy just stared at him.

He continued, slightly self consciously, "My family has a vacation house down there. It's really fun."

Minzy still did not reply.  

The boy, ears red, turned away.  His friend sitting next to him started to chuckle and mocked, "Shut down by the queen." 

Minzy reached out her hand and slapped the friend in the face.


Chaerin was getting frustrated watching Minzy not socialize with one of the most eligible guys at the school.  He was fairly cute, although he did have a bad case of back acne (according to her sources).  But then again, he would not be producing any children with Minzy, so a little fun would have been alright.  Chaerin yawned, as she stared back at the stage.  Was it the principal talking right now?  Perfect.  She looked around and made sure none of the teachers were watching as she took out a beach ball from under her gown.  She hunched over and began to blow it up.  Once fully blown, she released it into the crowd of students, who began to hit it across the convention center.  She chuckled as the overweight vice principal began to chase after the ball.  Score.  She patted her belly.  There were a couple more blowup balls ready to be released.


Dara and Bom, having the same last name, were sitting next to each other, playing footsy and poking each other.  They were the lucky ones in the foursome, having a companion during the boring hour of speeches before they could receive their diplomas.  Of course they saw Chaerin stick out her tongue at them after she had released the ball.  Of course they saw Vice Principal Jones lumber after it.  Of course they laughed at the goofiness.  Bom even cheered.  The teacher at their section of the alphabet glared at her.  She winked back at him. Dara stifled her laughter, as the teacher turned bright red.  He was young, freshly out of college, and this was his first time teaching high school students.  And Bom was pretty attractive.  

Dara whispered, "Bommie, he's ugly."

Bom whined, "Dara-yah, I'm bored." 

Another beach ball flew past their head.  The girls shrieked.  


Chaerin laughed, as she released her third beach ball.  Graduation was supposed to be fun.  The graduates at Ohio State got to decorate their caps, yet she, the fashionista, could not, so in retaliation to the dumb school rules, she decided to release beach balls during the ceremony.  As the youngest in her family, her older sister having graduated five years before her, she had no worries about what the school could do.  


Minzy smiled as she watched the beach balls go past.  Whenever her sisters did something crazy or dumb, she felt whole again, not as lonely, because she knew that they were present, somewhere in that auditorium.  Minzy clapped.  Way to go Lee Chaerin.




"Congratulations, girls!" Minzy's mom cheered, as the four girls posed for pictures.  It was after the ceremony, and they had gathered to get group pictures.  Chaerin was the only one without a cap, having lost it after tossing it.  She personally didn't care; it was too ugly to stay in her closet.  

"Let's do funny pictures!" shouted Dara, after their parents had taken hundreds of them smiling.

Bom jumped onto Minzy's back, as Chaerin grabbed Dara in a head lock.  "Cheese!" the girls yelled.

The cameras clicked, forever capturing the four girls together in their moments of pure happiness.


A/N:  It's a slow start, but I wanted to set the stage as to their relationships to each other and their different personalities.  Thank you to all of my lovely subscribers.  You all make me so happy :)  Lots of Love!!! <3<3<3  

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I guess I overestimated my abilities to be able to work on this piece this week. Hopefully it'll be updated soon


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Chapter 3: The necklaces that dara gave them. . Its so heart aching, now that after a year they were disbanded
Chapter 13: oh my god. how come it took me this long to find your story? it's amazing!
from the way you write the girls to the way your story progresses... just wow!
the sister bond is beautiful and the way you write each of them is so unique and so 2ne1-like.
everything is incredible.
hoping you continue this!
HnHana #3
Please update
kpopkenia21 #4
Chapter 13: Please Update
2NE1Blackjack000 #5
Chapter 13: Mama minzy is awesome lol
mm0923 #6
Chapter 13: i love dara's moments the most you go dara so badass and motherly
Rie10278 #7
Chapter 12: I love this! In a way this reminds me of Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants but at the same time, not exactly too. Because your story is still unique. Esp the the necklaces that is so cute and way more convenient. And I love how you made the characters stick to how we see 2ne1 in real life. I really love this. Also I was like omg she is used an actual scene that occurred on roomates! Really enjoying your story. Keep it up. Thank you for your hard work. I will anticipate every chap ;)
Chapter 12: Love Bom and Dara scene! So cute and Dara, being the Chaerin-like! Bom, you should confess already and Bomna is just to cute. DaraX10membersofExo!
Chapter 11: chanbom so cute ❤️
cathyisawesome #10
Chapter 11: Chanyeol and Bom