Roman Wish


The girls had originally planned on sending handwritten letter to each other during the summer, using the good old fashioned post mail system.  Twitter was too mainstream.  However, as the girls were literally going across the globe with no set address, Chaerin in Europe and Minzy in Korea, they realized that the method would be too slow.  Instead, they had agreed on emails to stay in touch - long emails directed to the group that told every delicious detail about what was happening.  

Later that night, they had set rules for their travels.  The rules did not necessarily make sense, as Bom's sister had snuck in some alcohol into her special concoction.  As Minzy had the neatest handwriting, even when slightly drunk, she was the designated scribe as the girls babbled.  


The Rules for Summer 2k14 Adventures of Sandara Park, Minzy Gong, Chaerin Lee, & Bom Park

Rule Number 1: Do not do drugs, smoke, or participate in any activities that would poison the body

Rule Number 2: Do not pick your nose

Rule Number 3: Kiss a cute boy

Rule Number 4: Dance in the rain

Rule Number 5: Souvenirs are a must!

Rule Number 6: Contact your sisters at least once a week by email.

Rule Number 7: Love yourself 

Rule Number 8: Try something crazy and different every single day

Rule Number 9: Do not go broke

Rule Number 10: Never give up




Chaerin already loved Rome. Cerulean skies, rolling hills of green pastures, baby blue mountains in the horizon, the bright blue distant sea, earthy buildings of a bygone era conglomerated with those of a modern age...  The air was filled with the sound of horns honking, pedestrians talking, bicycles dinging, tour guides shouting, peddlers bargaining...  The smell of baking bread, sweat, gasoline wafted into her nose... The hot Italian sun warmed her bare shoulders.  Her sister, Hyori, was right.  Rome was magical.  

Chaerin refused to dress like a tourist, but as she was painfully hobbling in her brand new Adidas, her sister was walking comfortably in her old hiking shoes.  While she burned under the blazing sun in her Jeremy Scott tank top and jeans, her sister was comfortable in her old t-shirt and worn shorts.  While her head went unprotected (she had just redyed her hair to a nice gold), although she did have on Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses, Hyori had a baseball cap and sunglasses as well.  Rome was ripe with pickpocketers, so she had to carefully guard her Coach bag, while Hyori carried a small purse that she had hidden under her clothes.  Chaerin decided that she would listen to her older sister next time.

But her love for Rome was undeterred.  She had already had some Nutella and tiramishu gelato and decided that she had tasted Jesus.  She had already visited the Vittoriano and stood on the rooftop, feeling the Italian breeze caress her skin.  She had already had multiple security guards tell her to watch her language (the Italians were very religious).  She had already had a wonderful lunch in a small cafe by the Piazza della Rotunda - eggplant ravioli in a rich tomato sauce, while Hyori ate bacon and cheese ravioli in an alfredo sauce.  

Before she left, she had promised Dara that she would get a picture with a cute European boy in each city she visited.  She was doing some serious scouting.  But boy hunting could wait, as Hyori wanted her to be enriched culturally.  Hyori dragged her to the Pantheon.

Chaerin, although a bright girl, really did not care for the building, but as it was her sister, she politely listened.

Hyori began to recite, "The Pantheon was originally commissioned by Marcus Agrippa during the reign of Augustus, but was rebuilt by Emperor Hadrian in 126 AD.  The building is circular with a portico of large granite Corinthian columns..."

Chaerin then decided to block her sister out.  It was great that it had the world's largest concrete dome that was not reinforced... It was great that it was now a church.  

The two girls stepped into the building.  Chaerin, stunned by its beauty, whisper-shouted, "Oh my God!  It's f**king beautiful."

The security guard heard her and corrected her.  "It's 'Oh my goodness.' And do not use that word that begins with an f." 

That was the fifth time that day.

Chaerin ran ahead of Hyori as she stared at the seventh century statue of the Madonna and Child.  There was a guy in front of her, doodling.  Curious, she peeked at his drawing.  She laughed involuntarily.

The guy glared at her.  

Bowing her head, she quickly apologized, "Mi dispiace!"

The guy only stared at her.

Chaerin tried again, "Uh... sorry?"

He started lecturing her on the value of his piece, "Do you not feel the magnificance of this line?  It represents despair, while this curve represents a mother's love."

Chaerin guffawed, "That is one ugly drawing.  Sorry dude, but that looks nothing like the Madonna and Child."

Angry, he whisper-shouted, "This is a masterpiece in the making, little girl."

 She scoffed, "Masterpiece, my .  That is a circle with a line 'holding' another circle."

"I am an art student, studying the European classics.  I. Know. Art," he growled.

"No, what you are is delusional," she shot back, as she turned away.  Chaerin sighed.  Men.  And he was pretty hot too.  

Chaerin found Hyori by Raphael's sarcophagus.  She pulled on Hyori's arm and whined, "Unnie, let's go to Trevi Fountain."

Hyori sighed.  Her sister was a piece of work.  




Trevi Fountain was crowded with tourists throwing pennies into the water, but Chaerin didn't mind.  She wanted to throw a penny in herself and make a wish.  After pushing and shoving people aside, she and Hyori wedged themselves by the foot of the fountain.  She and her sister both pulled out a European ten cent coin piece closed their eyes.  With their backs to the fountains, they both made a wish, and threw the coin.  

Chaerin wished to find her Prince Charming.  Hyori wished that she could marry a millionaire.

However, unaware, Chaerin's bracelet got caught on the necklace that Dara gave her, at the same time someone bumped into her.  Losing her balance, Chaerin fell into the fountain and her necklace went flying, smacking the face of the artist she had met inside the Pantheon.  

The magic was beginning.   


A/N:  I personally loved writing this chapter, because some of the experiences in here I have had (especially the food, the picture with the European boys, and the run in with the security guards... )  Minzy is next!! (Bangtan!!!) Thanks for subscribing!!!!! Lots of Love <3<3<3<3<3<3 XOXOXOXOXO



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I guess I overestimated my abilities to be able to work on this piece this week. Hopefully it'll be updated soon


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Chapter 3: The necklaces that dara gave them. . Its so heart aching, now that after a year they were disbanded
Chapter 13: oh my god. how come it took me this long to find your story? it's amazing!
from the way you write the girls to the way your story progresses... just wow!
the sister bond is beautiful and the way you write each of them is so unique and so 2ne1-like.
everything is incredible.
hoping you continue this!
HnHana #3
Please update
kpopkenia21 #4
Chapter 13: Please Update
2NE1Blackjack000 #5
Chapter 13: Mama minzy is awesome lol
mm0923 #6
Chapter 13: i love dara's moments the most you go dara so badass and motherly
Rie10278 #7
Chapter 12: I love this! In a way this reminds me of Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants but at the same time, not exactly too. Because your story is still unique. Esp the the necklaces that is so cute and way more convenient. And I love how you made the characters stick to how we see 2ne1 in real life. I really love this. Also I was like omg she is used an actual scene that occurred on roomates! Really enjoying your story. Keep it up. Thank you for your hard work. I will anticipate every chap ;)
Chapter 12: Love Bom and Dara scene! So cute and Dara, being the Chaerin-like! Bom, you should confess already and Bomna is just to cute. DaraX10membersofExo!
Chapter 11: chanbom so cute ❤️
cathyisawesome #10
Chapter 11: Chanyeol and Bom