I love you.

Scenarios and Oneshots starring SEKAI

As their other friends left them to go home, Jongin and Sehun stayed at the park. They sat still on the bench with their hands on top of each other. Sehun glanced at the other who was staring at the cherry blossom tree. He sighed, a small cloud formed once he did. The older one looked at him with a curious look. His sigh was like a really deep one.

"What's wrong?", Jongin asked. He squeezed Sehun's hand to slightly comfort him but it did nothing. Sehun sighed once again, and Jongin asked again.

"Hyung, I like you.", Sehun finally spoke. "More than a friend. I've found out since last week but I don't know when it started.", he added. A minute of silence and Jongin let out a soft chuckle. He, then, laughed until he was satisfied. Sehun looked down, tears ready to fall. He thought that Jongin must have seen him as a stupid friend.

"Sehun, you're really filled with surprises.", Jongin said, done with his laughing. He scooted closer to Sehun, resting his head on the younger one. "I like you too, ever since I spoke to you.", he confessed. Sehun was surprised because of twothings: Jongin likes him back and his tears are fallling. He tried to stop them from falling but they rebeled and kept on falling. Jongin felt Sehun's tears and wiped them for him. He hugged him tightly, so tight that Sehun felt Jongin's warmth. It was something he first felt during a certain winter day when he was in fourth grade. It was something that made him fell for Jongin.

No one spoke a word. Only the sound of the wind was heard by the two juniors. Jongin stood up a minute later, pulling Sehun up with him. He dragged him to the part of the park where only an iron fence keeps the citizens from falling to the river. He leaned against the fence, smiling softly.

"Remember when we first interacted? We were in third grade and one of the destinations in our field trip is this park? You loved the river so you stayed here to watch this instead of playing with the other kids. I stayed beside you to keep you company. Your small smiles and your eagerness made me like you. Once I knew what is love, I immediately thought of you and that's when I realized I fell for you.", Jongin said, looking around then at Sehun. Sehun gave him a shy smile. He felt an arm wrapping around his thin waist and of course, the arm belonged to Jongin. He rested his head on the older one's shoulder, sighing in content. Jongin kissed Sehun's forehead, something he does everytime they are alone. It held a special meaning between them but no one knows what except for the two.

After sun set, Jongin takes Sehun home. Before Sehun goes in, Jongin hugged him tightly, resting his chin on the younger one's shoulder. He whispered "I love you and good night." to him and kissed his cheek. Sehun blushed. Jongin never did that to him before. It was only his forehead he kissed but maybe because they've taken another level of relationship, Jongin changed the place where he kisses.

"Hyung, I love you.", Sehun said when Jongin pulled back. Jongin just chukled and patted his head, turning away to go back home. Sehun got confused. Why did Jongin not say anything? Before he could go in, he heard Jongin shout,



"I love you too, love."





Jongin calling Sehun "love" because that is the Shanks way! HAHAH I'm going to double update today because I love you all. Don't expect any happy update later! MUAHAHAHAHHAH

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opikonew #1
Chapter 12: puahahaahaaa T.T
Chapter 9: emegesh TT_TT
Chapter 8: awwwwwwwww >///////< i'm giggling when read the entire story~~
Chapter 5: What's with the letter D_O ghost Sehun wrote it? Or Sehun wrote it before his death?
Aaaand~~ OTL those thieves, dayum, why did you shoot him ㅠ.ㅜ ...
Chapter 4: ㅠ.ㅠ no happy update means ....angst??? I hate angst ;(( please don't write too much angst. I might die from dehydration~~ ¬_¬...
Chapter 3: (>_<。) Sehun is so so sweet I want him too~~ ¬_¬. See you on friday author-nim! ^^