Jongin's Fear.

Scenarios and Oneshots starring SEKAI


During the ten seconds of silence, the shooter ran to leave the scene of the crime. All colors left Jongin's face and once his mind processed what had happened, he immediately ran to the corpse of a man named Oh Sehun.

Oh Sehun is Jongin's lover ever since junior high school. Today is one of the days during Jongin's vacation in Seoul and something unexpected happened. Sehun became a victim of quick thieves. Instead of letting them go, Sehun ran for them because they stole something valuable from him. It was the bluish diamond that Jongin told him to take with him wherever he goes. During the incident, Sehun was with Jongin so Jongin ran for Sehun who ran for the thieves.

During the struggle between the thief and Sehun, the othe thief shot Sehun with his pistol and it went straight to his heart. Jongin had just arrived in the scene when the thieves left the scene of the crime. Once he realized what had happened, he ran to the corpse of his lover.

"Sehun... No... Don't die yet! We made a promise! We're going to adopt a child once we're rich enough to feed three people, right? Sehun, you can't leave me yet... Not now...", Jongin cried as he hugged the corpse. Slowly, the body temperature decreased until the corpse felt cold. Jongin's tears won't stop flowing. His clothes were stained with blood but he didn't care. The love of his life just died. He couldn't even save him. He shook the corpse violently, trying to wake him up. He knew he was too late but he kept on shaking the corpse.

He reported what happened an hour after the incident. He had told the police what had happened. With a heavy heart, he left the police station.

He stayed in his room for days, going out when he needs to eat. He looked dead and his eyes were swollen from all the crying. He clutched onto the frame which had the picture of him and Sehun on their first anniversary. Sehun wore a bright smile, something that only came up when Jongin was there. Jongin, on the other hand, wore a simple smile. Apperantly, Jongin is doing something important so when the picture was about to be taken, he just looked to take the picture and went back to his work.

Jongin became thinner. He postponed his flight back to London because of what happened. He continued to be depressed on what happened. Until one day when he read a message written by Sehun.


"Hello hyung! This is Sehun. I wrote this when I was around 16 years old. I know you won't be able to do this but I hope you can smile and continue living (not surviving!) when I die. I know it's weird to talk about death but it must be talked about or death would feel jealous. If you can't move on, at least try to smile and go back to the old Jongin we all loved. You'll just trouble the people around you and that isn't really nice. Smile for me. I love you."


Jongin clutched onto the message, his tears falling down. He faced the mirror and forced a smile. For some reason, he felt... happy. Sehun's message made him happy. Knowing that Sehun wants him to smile, he will smile for him even if he isn't happy. Maybe for Sehun, he could live.





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opikonew #1
Chapter 12: puahahaahaaa T.T
Chapter 9: emegesh TT_TT
Chapter 8: awwwwwwwww >///////< i'm giggling when read the entire story~~
Chapter 5: What's with the letter D_O ghost Sehun wrote it? Or Sehun wrote it before his death?
Aaaand~~ OTL those thieves, dayum, why did you shoot him ㅠ.ㅜ ...
Chapter 4: ㅠ.ㅠ no happy update means ....angst??? I hate angst ;(( please don't write too much angst. I might die from dehydration~~ ¬_¬...
Chapter 3: (>_<。) Sehun is so so sweet I want him too~~ ¬_¬. See you on friday author-nim! ^^