Chapter 12

The thing that brought us closer together

"Are the both of you ready to see the new Chaerin?" Francesco got out of the special room to ask both Chanyeol and Baekhyun. 

"Hurry! We can't wait!" I could hear both of them replying to Francesco excitedly.

Then, Francesco made his way back to the room. I was jumping in my seat as I saw him walking towards me, he grabbed both of my hands and look at me. "With Francesco's work, you look like someone new! I can't even recognize you," he said.

"I really thank you for making me beautiful Francesco. I really do," I thank him. 

I really feel thankful for whatever he has done to me for the past few hours. Tears were starting to form in my eyes when Francesco suddenly smacked one of my hands. 

"Don't cry young girl! Don't ruin the make up! You've gotten what you've wanted. Embrace your new makeover," He joked at first but finished the sentence by saying something meaningful to me. "Oh before we reveal you to the impatient boys. I need to ask you a favor," 

"What is it?"

"Promise me you'll destroy your glasses and start wearing contact lenses. For god's sake, you look hideous in those glasses! It destroys your beauty to be honest," 

I chuckled at his favor, "I will Francesco, I will," I caressed the top of this hands. 

With that, he pulled me up to stand on both my legs. These five-inch high heels are literally killing me. Knowing that I wasn't used to using high heels, Francesco held my hand and guided me to where the curtains were. Any minute now, the both of them are going to have the shock of their lives. I took a deep breath before nodding my head at Francesco. 

"And, I present to you the new Chaerin!" Francesco said. Two women draw the curtains and I slowly walked my way out. 

"Hi boys," I greeted the both of them when I saw them. 

Chanyeol and Baekhyun stood up from the grand sofa, with their mouths agape and eyes staring at me up and down. 

"Who are you?" Baekhyun look up and asked me. 

"I'm Chaerin, you pabo! It's really me!" I turned around in a circle. 

"Y-your H-Hair...It's blonde," Chanyeol said. "Y-your outfit, your make-up and you're wearing heels," He continued and began walking towards me. 

He stopped in front of me and placed his hands on either side of my arms. "Hmm, Chanyeol? Are you okay?" I asked him. 

Out of a sudden, he pulled me into a bear hug which almost suffocated me. "C-Chanyeol, y-you're crushing me on the i-inside," I whispered. 

"Omona, I'm sorry!" He quickly pulled away. 

I managed to arrange my outfit and take in a few breaths. Francesco then stood beside me and placed his arms around my shoulder. 

"So, are you guys impressed with my work?" He asked. 

"We're beyond impressed. Thank you Francesco!" They went toward him and hugged him. 

I just smiled at the three of them. While they were busy talking to themselves, I went to one of the mirrors and looked at myself. Wow, this makeover have done great to my features. Blonde hair, make-up and new style of outfit, I'm already loving it. 

I was busy checking myself out and busy touching my new hairstyle when I saw a familiar guy looking me at the mirror. I turned around to see whether he was still there. He is standing outside the shop. Now, he is smirking at me and his lips in the process. 

Okay, I am not ready for this. The fact that one of the students, a badass one, saw my new makeover, I don't know what to so right now. Then, he lifted up his hands and gave me a thumbs up. I just rolled my eyes at him before making my way towards Francesco, Baekhyun and Chanyeol. 

Jiyong doesn't deserve a smile or anything from me. What is the meaning behind the thumbs up he just gave to me? Hmm, maybe some foolish prank or action he's going to plan when I attend school on Monday. 

"Chaerin-ah, we have to go home now. We need to surprise our eomma and appa! Let's go," Chanyeol grab my hand. 

"Wait, I need to-"

"We don't have time Chae, we have to go now!" Baekhyun said and ran first. 

I turned to Francesco and shouted to him 'Thank you' loudly before walking with Chanyeol. Francesco just gave me lots of flying kisses in return and waved at me. Chanyeol then started pulling me towards him and quickly ran to the parking lot which is three storeys below the hair salon. 

"Chanyeol! Stop, stop! I cannot run!" I said, struggling with my five-inch high heels. Darn it. 

Chanyeol stop to wait for me take off my heels when I was suddenly being carried by him, bridal style. He ran towards the escalator and began going down. A lot of shoppers were looking at us but we didn't care. While we were making out way down, we past by the person that I saw outside the salon, Jiyong. 

Chanyeol did not notice him at all. When we past by him, I looked over Chanyeol's shoulders. We had a moment for awhile where the both of us stared at each other. He gave me a very cold one while I gave him a 'I'm lost' stare. He quickly got off of the escalator and that's where the both of us lost the eye contact. 



What just happened? Did I just saw Chaerin? I mean am I dreaming right now? Chaerin with that blonde hair and without glasses is smoking hot. I saw her at the hair salon, while making my way to the CD shop right beside it. I stopped walking when I saw her checking herself on the mirror. 

At first, I couldn't tell whether it is really the girl whom I've met at school today. She really look a hell lot  different! Well, all I know is this is going to cause a stir in school on Monday. The girls are going to get bloody jealous while the guys are going to fall for her. And...there will be drama of course. 

As I got off of the escalator, I made my way to the flower shop that was just nearby the escalator. I was greeted by the old ahjumma, as she was busy cutting the thorns of the vase of rose. I began finding the type of flower that I wanted. 

Roses, sunflowers, blue roses...Hmm, there's nothing much here. Then, there was this flower which caught my attention. A bouquet of daisies. I lifted a bunch of them up and showed it to the ahjumma. 

"How much are these?"  I asked her. 

"$30," she simply replied and gave me one of her sweetest smiles. 

"Can I get a discount? $28 at least?" The bouquet of daises are kind of expensive for a small amount of it. 

"Hmm, okay young man," She replied and made her way towards me. "Who are you buying these for?" She asked and made her way behind the counter. 

"A girl that I like," I replied to her and made my way in front of the counter. 

"She must be very special young man. Truthfully, I've never seen any of my customers buying daisies for their girlfriends or lovers. Most of them buy the most common flowers of all, which are roses," she told me. I laughed a little. 

"Hmm, ahjumma, do you provide delivery service?" I asked her. 

"Yes! We do provide delivery service!" She replied to me excitedly. "Oh, you want to surprise that special of yours am I right?" 

"Yes! But, I'm not sending it today, tomorrow or even during the weekends. I plan to send it on Monday. Is it okay?" 

"Sure! I don't mind young man. Well, I would like you to sign this form," she took out a piece of paper from under the counter. She passed me the paper and then placed a pen on top of it. "Write down your name, phone number and your school's address and the girl's class. Oh and the girl's name too!" 

I gladly write all of them down as instructed. When I'm done, I took out my wallet and paid for the flowers as well as the delivery fees. "Thank you," she said before putting in the money in the cash register. 

"Oh Ahjumma! I need to write a note for her!" I reminded her. She then gave me a small card for me to place a note. I write my note there, without even writing my name down. It is a secret. 

Once I was done, I gave the small card to her. "Thank you Ahjumma! Oh and please ask the delivery guy to not mention my name when he sends the flowers to her, I want to keep this as a secret," I said. 

She laughed a little. "Yes, yes. I know and don't you ever worry about it! Every thing will go as planned and you will remain anonymous," 

"Thank you once again Ahjumma!" I said before leaving the flower shop. I let out a huge sigh of relief. This is the first ever time that I've bought someone flowers. I hope she really likes it though. Because if she don't, I really don't know what to say. 


Once the gates were opened, Chanyeol parked it at the side, as always. Afterwards, one he was done parking, he immediately stopped the engine. Both him and Baekhyun turned benind and looked at me. "Okay, you'll wait here in the car and we'll bring them out okay?" Chanyeol said. 

"Yup. Instead of bringing you into the house, why not let them come out of the house? I mean, it's going to more more fun when they see you step out of the car," Baekhyun giggled. 

"Oh, and here's your high heels. Wear them too," Chanyeol passed me those killer high heels that I took off while he was carrying me. 

"Thanks," I said and wore the heels. 

"So, we're going to made our way inside now. Once a knock the door, you're going to come out of the car. Okay?" Chanyeol said. 

With said, the both of them got out of the car and left me in the now warm and stuffy car. I am surrounded by a lot of shopping bags. Ugh, it's so hot and stuffy in here. I began fanning myself with my hands. Soon, I could hear the voices of Mr and Mrs Kim as well as the remaining of their children walking towards the car. With the very dark tainted windows, I looked through it. 

Each and every one of them were blindfolded with a cloth, preventing them from instantly looking at me once I got out of the car. My heart is beating at an unbelievable rate right now. I'm more nervous than ever. Tiny bits of sweat were running down from my forehead. I rubbed my hands together to calm myself down. 

The moment finally came when someone knocked in the door. I took a deep breath before going out of the car. I could see everyone standing in a row, right in front of me with their blindfolds on. Chanyeol held my hands as I got out of the car. He closed the door and made me stand beside him. Baekhyun, who was standing behind the family, gave Chanyeol a thumbs up. 

"Okay everyone, you can take off your blindfolds now!" Chanyeol said. 

Each and everyone of them impatiently took the cloth off. Mrs Kim was the first one to get the cloth off. With slightly agape, she looked at me in a very shocking manner. She's not the only one. The others also followed her expression, some of them covering their mouth in the process. 

Instead of saying something or even a word, I smiled at them and shrugged my shoulders. Mrs Kim walked in front of me and took my hands. 

"Chaerin, omona," She said. " look so different. I love it!" She looked at me. 

"Thank you Mrs Kim. All thanks to Baekhyun and Chanyeol who planned out everything," I replied to her. 

"Is it? Omo, my boys are really that helpful?" She asked. I nodded my head in return. "Aigo, now I feel like getting a daughter in law," she said. I laughed at her remark. 

"Mrs Kim!" I said, blushing at the same time. 

"What? You know you have the potential of being my daughter in law," she further joked about it. 

"I'm still eighteen Mrs Kim. I'm too young for any commitment," I slightly squeezed her hands. 

"Now I wished we had a daughter like you," She said. 

"Well, at least in your so called goddaughter right?" I gave her a smile. She nodded in return and pulled her in for a hug. She reminded me of Eomma, but a more understandable woman than what Eomma is. It's only been a day since I flew in from Japan and within hours, everything around me change drastically. Never thought life in Korea would have an impact on me. 

Our moment of hugging got interrupted when the boys started walking towards me. I pulled away from the hug and looked at them. Well...not all of them were walking towards me. Jongin was still standing beside his dad, crossing his arms and sulking. What an attitude he has. Might as well don't come out and even bother to look at me

Kyungsoo started touching my hair while Sehun placed his hands on my arms. Okay, this is getting a little bit weird for me. They're being a little touch here. Chanyeol or Baekhyun, help me! Chanyeol saw how uncomfortable I felt when he reminded the both of them to stop whatever they're doing, especially Sehun. Sehun creeps me out a little right after he did that. 

 "You look better than before Chaerin!" Kyungsoo said. "I mean, I'd prefer you not wearing glasses. Please tell me you're going to use contact lenses from now on!" He clap his hands together.

I ruffled his hair in return. "Yes, I'm sticking to this," I giggled. Considering our height difference, with me using these heels, I'm basically towering his short height. He looks like a little boy to me. A cute one with his round, owl eyes. 

"Yay! I'll be able to stare at you more often when we face each other," Kyungsoo said. Okay what? Stare at me? That sounds wrong...

"Pabo" was what I said to him after that and then ruffled his hair once again. Sehun then grabbed my hands and place it towards his chest. 

"Can you feel that Chaerin? My heart is beating fast for you," he said. 

"Uh, what?" I replied to him awkwardly. Sehun is getting really creepy and weird! Oh my goodness, I have to keep an eye in this guy. Sehun could feel that I was getting very uncomfortable at this action when he suddenly let out an hysterical laugh. 

"Oh my, you should look at your expression when I did that!" He continued laughing. Then, Suho stood behind Sehun and later flicked his ear, as if he was giving him a punishment. 

"Stop being rude Oh Sehun!" He said. Sehun's face scrunched up when he felt that sudden flock from Suho's hands. It's my turn to laugh now. 

"Hyung that hurts!" He complained. 

"That's what you get when you play around with others, especially girls," Suho said sternly. Then, he directed his gaze towards me. "Oh, you really look stunning Chaerin. I love your new look," He complimented me. 

I could feel myself blushing up a little. "Thank you" I thanked him. 

"Okay guys! I think that's enough! It's going to be seven in the evening right now. I'm obviously not going to cook. So, Kyungsoo, are you going to cook for us tonight?" Mrs Kim asked Kyungsoo.

Wow, that guy can cook? I'm impressed. "Nope, I'm tired," he whined. 

"Well then, let's go to one of the nearest restaurants! Hurry up and get ready boys!" Mr Kim said. The boys, except Chanyeol and Baekhyun made their way to their rooms and get ready. Then, Mr Kim look at me and gave a two thumbs up. I knew what he meant by that and smiled. 

"Aren't the three of you going to change or wash up?" Mrs Kim asked. 

"What for? We're already dressed. While all of you are getting ready, the three of us are going to put the shopping bags into Chaerin's room," Baekhyun said. 

"Shopping bags? Did you guys go shopping?" She looked mischievously at the three of us. 

"N-No! It's not my idea. The both of them decided to pick up a bunch of clothes for me and bought them. I don't have anything to do with this," I defended myself. 

"Oh, how much were the clothes altogether?" 

"$1005" Chanyeol and Baekhyun replied. 

Wow, they were really being straightforward! I thought that Mrs Kim would blow up at them, but she remained calm. "Oh, okay," she said before making her way inside. 

"Mrs Kim don't get mad at the both of you when you guys overspend?" I asked them. I was obviously curious! If I were to spend that much, Eomma would kill me! 

"Usually, she does. But when she heard that we bought the clothes for you, I guess she's fine with it?" Baekhyun said before opening the passenger's seat. I stood aside a little, to give him way. Once he opened the door, the started passing chanyeol at lesst five shopping bags. He gave me three while the rest, he carried them by himself. 

"Maybe she's starting to treat you like one of her own," Baekhyun said. 

"I doubt so. Maybe she's thinking of getting you married to either one of us among the six brothers?" Chanyeol said before opening the door the house.


What seemed like an hours drive to the restaurant, we've finally arrived. My stomach's churning. I'm very hungry! The last time I ate was when I was at school, which is during lunchtime. I'm in the car with Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Suho. The others followed Mr and Mrs Kim on the other car. 

And guess who drove? Chanyeol. We were already in the parking lot and have already found a spot to park the car when the guy just had to park the car perfectly. As he rolled down the windows, I could see Mrs and Mrs kim, Sehun and Kai standing beside the car. 

Mr Kim was getting annoyed by Chanyeol's actions. "Yah that's enough! It's already perfectly parked," Mr Kim said out loud. I could hear him saying that to Chanyeol, despite being in the car. 

"No dad, it's not," Chanyeol replied, still determine to park the car perfectly. 

After replying to Mr Kim, the car moved forward and the reversed once again. "Chanyeol, thats enough. We're all hungry," Suho complained. 

Chanyeol stopped the car right there and then. We were finally out from the car after a good whole 10 minutes of watching Chanyeol park the car properly. With that, the whole family make our way towards the Italian restaurant that we're going to have our dinner in. 



"Welcome to The Italian's diner. Table for?" The polite female worker greeted us. 

"Eight please," Mr Kim said. 

The female worker  took a bunch of menus with her before directing us to the table of eight. Surprisingly, there were not many diners in the restaurant. We took our seats once she showed us our table. I was sitting beside Chanyeol while Baekhyun was sitting beside him. Later did I know, Kai took a seat right beside me.'s Kai. 

Then, the menus were passed around the table. 

"If you've decided on your orders, just signal to my one of the waiters and they'll attend to you shortly,"  she said before walking off. 

"Order whatever you want," Mr Kim reminded us. 

It took about 10 minutes when each and everyone of us finally decided what we wanted to eat. I was esting the same dish as Chanyeol ; Beef lasagna. 

"Are you all done? I'm going to call the waiter now," Mr Kim asked. 

"Yup, we're done," Suho said.

Mr Kim began looking around for one of the waiters. I lifted his hand up slightly before whistling. 


author's Note; 

4th update for today? (i guess) I can't believe it myself. I hope you resders really like this update! Oh, I'm sorry if there's any spelling errors. I'm not updating this using my computer. Instead, I'm updating this via my ipad so I apologise for that! Don't forget to comment okay! I need to sleep now. I'll see you guys soon! 



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ABCD123efg #1
Chapter 28: Wow this boom is awesome
hopelicious #2
Chapter 28: waaahhhh if only I had someone who could surprise me wid those things KRIS did to CHAE on their date :) lol
hopelicious #3
Chapter 27: thanks for the update :) KRIS is sooo sweet preparing this date for CHAERINNIE :)
ABCD123efg #4
Love it so much
Chapter 26: Omggg. Kai is such a ghood sport. Even though he likes chaerin, he still tries to help her. ♡♡
seemstobeadream #6
Chapter 26: Thanks for the update <3
I'm glad you keep updating chapters, it's a good story <3
hopelicious #7
Chapter 26: aigoooo I'm glad cheer KAI up :) CHANYEOLIE why did u say those things to KAI aigooo smh!. does KAI still like CHAE??
quinnchocho #8
Chapter 25: Oh no...Kai don't cry T_T
I hope Chaerin will comfort him.
I need some ChaeKai.
Chapter 25: Poor kai!! :((( it's okay Kai. Chaerin's there for you.... I think. Lol.

Definetly liking skytempo!! ♡♡♡ I don't know why. They just seems so cute. ♡♡♡ very sweet too!!