2nd Stage: 'Really Really'

That Boy Opposes

13 year old boys, Ricky heads over heels, still in love with the now pink haired L.Joe, and some bits of twists. <3

Ricky's POV.

I woke up this morning feeling giddy all of the sudden. Why was I feeling like this? Is it because my birthday is coming up very soon? Am I just excited because I'm turning 14 soon? Maybe. I sat up from the bed and searched for my phone. Where was it? Out of all of the things, why must I lose this very important one. I sighed and stood up from the bed, when my feet touched the floor, it was freezing, I think I forgot to close the windows last night. No wonder I have those damned mosquito bites all over me. I grabbed my blankets and threw it to the floor, I was still searching for the phone. Is it under my sheets? I pulled off all of my sheets and when I pulled it even more, I heard a little thud, I looked left and right on the floor, wondering what that was, and wow-- my phone was dismantled, parts of the phone scattered around the floor. I sighed and sat down on the floor, I place the parts back altogether and switched on the phone. What a relief, it still works. I stared down at my phone wallpaper, it's so cute, no, HE's so cute. My *jagi, L.Joe, it's nice to see him in my phone wallpaper every morning every time I wake up from my slumber. It's like he's with me, in my room. But, that phone of mine was lost, under the bed sheets, I wouldn't want to wake up from a husband who's under my bed sheets all night, that would be really creepy though. I looked at the time and widen my eyes, I was searching for the phone for 20 minutes?! I quickly ran into my closet and changed into my school uniform and rushed downstairs. It looks like I'm not going to take a bath today.

"Hey, honey~" My mother said as she was cooking breakfast for us, my older twin brothers were sitting down on the table, eating their breakfast like pigs. Aren't they supposed to be in a rush like me as well? And since when I cared for them this much? My dad was flipping through the newspapers, I just smiled at them and kissed all of their cheeks, and when I was about to run out the door, I turned back and waved my hands at them.

"See you later, guys! Love ya'!"

I said as I was rushing out the door, the bus just came, what a relief. I ran to the school bus and greeted the bus driver, he just glared at me and shook his head. Gosh, there's not a need to be that angry in this fine morning! I looked around, the students didn't really look happy today, why is that so? I shook off the thought and tip-toed a bit, searching, if I could see my husband. Good thing the bus wasn't moving yet. I saw him! There he is! He's at the 3rd row of the bus, on the right side, and taking the side where he's near the window! The seat next to him is not taken yet! Yes! I ran to the seat that was not occupied by anyone that was next to L.Joe. He just glanced at me and looked back out of the window. I smiled at the sight, even when he looks out the window, he looks so handsome! Something looks awfully different about him though. I stared at him with my huge eyes. He looked at me for a bit and huffed, looking back out the window. Oh! It's his hair! It's color pink now!

"Jagi! You colored your hair? It suits you!", I said to him, he just ignored me and continue to look out the window, I pouted and looked at the front. Just who or what was he staring at? Who dares to steal his attention away from me? I just needed to do something, so that he could turn his attention to me. I stared at his hair for a while. Could I do anything to do with that? I smirked and pulled a strand of his hair. He screamed for his life and there was tears forming in his eyes, he was finally turning his attention to me. Finally. I'm going to do that from now on! Just to get his attention.

"What the!?! Ricky?! Why did yo-- URGH!" He got mad at me. Don't get mad at me... I hugged his arm and cuddled with it. He just sighed and looked back out the window. I looked out the window, due to my curiosity because he was not looking at me this whole time when we're at the bus. It was him -- Lee Chanhee, I stared out the window, was L.Joe taking a liking of this guy? He can't! Chanhee was also as known as Chunji, and, L.Joe! You're out of his league! You're shorter than him! We are 1 centimeter apart and I'll still accept you! And, why isn't the bus moving?! And, can't he just come in already? It has been 11 minutes, he should be in by now! The bus horned. The bus just read my mind. Chunji flinched and smiled, scratching his head for a bit and ran to the school bus. I sighed, "So slow..." I mumbled under my breathe. When Chunji came in, L.Joe laid his eyes on him, yah! What about me?! I've hated him ever since. No, it was not a few minutes ago, but when we were 7, he kissed L.Joe's cheeks during recess. Good thing L.Joe was my first kiss! I got him before you!

The bus finally reached school, I place the little letter next to him, I really hope he reads it though. I kissed L.Joe's cheek and ran out the bus,  I needed to run a bit of errands for today.

end of Ricky's POV.


L.Joe's POV.

Ricky kissed my cheeks and ran out so suddenly. I thought he was going to hug me or something. I guess that ignoring thing worked. And those cats were sniffing each other's butts, that made me so anxious. Thanks, cats, you made me ignore Ricky the whole bus time. I waited for the students to get out, I preferably prefer when they all go out, I don't want to get pushed by people. I looked at the students that ran out of the bus, I sighed. I stood up from the seat and saw another letter on the seat.

'From: Ricky, To: L.Joe' I read. I just grabbed it and stuffed it into my bag. Off the trash you go later. I stretched and ran down the bus. Okay, who now is very close to Ricky? Changjo. Okay, I needed to find Changjo. Changjo is Choi Jonghyun. He's supposedly Ricky's bestfriend. I'll give some questions while he gives out the answers. I need to know how he, Ricky will leave me alone.

In the middle of searching for him, there are no classes at all. All of those sad faces turned into smiles. The teachers were in a meeting for a whole day, so it's much more easier to find Changjo now, with no teachers or annoying hall monitors asking for your hall pass. I saw CAP passing by with his friends, seniors, he is one too. I pulled onto his shirt and he looked back.

"Yo! L.JOE!", CAP smiled as he saw me.

"Minsoo, you remember Changjo, right?"

"Yeah...your wife's best friend~"


"Jokes, don't take it seriously. You need to calm down once in a while. Changjo is in the A class I think. The year...same as yours"

"Thanks. See ya' later!"

He's in the A class. Damn, he's smart. I was looking through the classes and I saw it. The sign, 'A'. I came in and I got surprised, the students in here...All of them...they're...reading. That's...WOW. Now, where was he.

"Excuse me, where is Changjo?"

All of the students still had their eyes on their books, but their fingers were pointing to some particular guy at the middle. I called him up and he stood up, closed his books, pats his shoulders, and walked to me.

"Yes, middle class?"

"Never call me that. Ever."

"Wait, who are you?"

"You're Ricky's best friend, right?"

"Yeah, but I don't want to befriends with a middle class"

"Ricky is in the same class as me"

"Well, he's an exception! Unless you...No way."

"Urgh. You're no help."
, He's much more meaner than CAP when it comes to asking questions. I turned my back on him and when I was about to head out the classroom, he quickly exclaimed,

"Wait, wait! Are you...by any chance...L.Joe?"

"Yes", I replied back to him, I was facing him again.

"Ah! I'd like to know why were you looking for me?"

"Do you mind answering some questions?"

"Anything for Ricky's husband"


"...who does he hates?"

"People who are always in gloom"

"No! Specific people, a person he hates!"

"He loves everyone, he half-heartedly loves his brothers though"

.........I don't want to date his brothers...

"In this school?!"

"Nope. He's lovely Ricky."

"...thanks though..."

My plan, is ruined. Why...why must he love everyo-

"Wait! I just remembered who he hates!"


"When we were really young, you know...when you moved in...he hated...Chunjo...? Chunji...?"

"Chunji? Chanhee?"

"That's the one! That's the one!"

He hates Chunji...but why?

"Because Ricky said he kissed your cheeks, I think. I can't really remember"


"You are most welcom

I bowed down to the students of the class, I smiled at them and walked away. Ricky hated Chunji because Chunji kissed my cheeks? That's so idiotic. Jealousy. Where's Chunji?!

I walked down the hall and there he was, organizing his locker. I didn't know he was schooling here. I think he was the same age as CAP? I walked a bit faster to him. I patted his shoulder and he just turned his head on me.


First impression: He's taller than me. And I just promised myself that I would date someone who's at least 2 centimeter taller than me or shorter than me. Well, this is just to get rid of Ricky, right? I'm going to try this one. What type of question is okay to ask him?

"Would you like to be my boyfriend?"


Umm...that was easy.

"But, --"


"Let me finish"


"I don't even know you? Wait, I take it back, if you really want me, try to catch me"


"Make me fall in love with you"



end of L.Joe's POV


Third's person POV

With Chunji and L.Joe were walking side to side, down the hallway, people didn't care that much, but Ricky really did took it big time. He looked at the two with a frown plastered on his face. When L.Joe and Chunji were passing by Ricky, L.Joe just took a quick glance on Ricky and singed happily in his head. Finally! L.Joe just hugged Chunji in front of Ricky and Ricky just stared at the two and hugged his books to his chest.

After all of that running, getting away from the two couple that were hugging in front of his face. Since when L.Joe was with Chunji, he thought. He sat down on the stairs and thought again. Did L.Joe really like Chunji? Ricky stared into his eyes just now. His eyes weren't sparkling at all, he thought. He thinks that maybe they are not in a serious relationship. But maybe they are. Just maybe.

"B-but...L.JOE IS MINE!!"

Ricky screamed as he stood up from the stairs. He did not care about the weird stares they were throwing about at him. He didn't care what people think.

L.Joe belonged to him. That's that.


The two were already dating for a week, Ricky was still looking at L.Joe and Chunji from afar. He was examining them. This was what he got.

- L.Joe was still awkward with him.
- Chunji looks bored, judging from his face.
- L.Joe still looked somewhere else, not at Chunji.
- When Chunji pulled his shirt sleeve, L.Joe just glared at him and looked somewhere else.
- L.Joe belonged to Ricky.

How he just had to write down the last one very large and said it was a true fact in his 'L.JOE BOOK'.

Chunji and L.Joe were sitting on the bench in the lunchroom. Chunji tried to feed L.Joe, but L.Joe just pushed his spoon away and eat it by himself, without any of the older one's help. Ricky kept that in his notes. While Chunji was sulking around the table, with that sudden rejection from L.Joe. CAP walked by to the table and grabbed Chunji's wrists, saying that he wants to talk to Chunji for a while. They were at the corner of the place, and Chunji just looked shocked, it just shows because he was covering his mouth as well.

Ricky just wondered what happened. And L.Joe on the other hand, doesn't give a damn about Chunji, just focused on Ricky, so that he wouldn't come close to him or anything.



A/N: *jagi is a short form of 'honey' if you're wondering. ^__^;;

i hoped you guys enjoyed it. I enjoyed writing this chapter, I tried to make Ricky cute+funny+creepy. xD yeah...i posted it up because I don't feel so good today. And I don't think I would be on for a while, because my mother took away my laptop. She said I can't use it because I was still sick, anyways, it's still the same, 3 comments and more, posting it up. Sorry if I won't though. But I still have the new chapter with me, chapter 3...and 4 is almost finishing.

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angel2311 #1
i really love this story >_< please continue this stpry pleaseee T_______T
Chapter 4: Was this story abandoned? The link to the author doesn't work anymore.. I'm sad.. this story is entertaining.. I wish it would be continued :c
Chapter 4: Ohh please update soon! Poor ricky... ljoe why dont u just love ricky back...
Chapter 1: Oh i liking this style of writing ^o^
LovingKitty #5
Chapter 4: OMG poor Ricky aish LJOe didnt read the letters makes my heart hurt T_T uhhh cant wait for next update ^^
Poor Ricky:(
Lkae21 #7
wooo hoo! MAI_DRAGON! <3<br />