Almost pt2 [NAVI] final

It's The Little Things

 At that moment he wanted to punch Taekwoon, tell him it wasn't fair, that he wasn't being fair – that he hurt Hakyeon that he should have – not he couldn't tell him to love their leader in that way, he couldn't tell him how lucky he was that Hakyeon loved him that it would be amazing to have Hakyoen's affection.


He stared at the door to the bathroom where Hakyeon had locked himself up for the last two hours. He had heard the yelling and that's how he woke up. A little distorted and also very worried, he had stumbled his way out of the room and into the living room. Hyuk was Hiding behind Hongbin, a worried look on his face, while Jaehwan was yelling at Taekwoon. His eyes scanned the area and he noticed Hakyeon standing there looking – numb.


He needed to know what was going on.


Jaehwan turned to him, red faced and angry. “Tell Taekwoon to apologize – he didn't even apologize!”


“I have nothing to be sorry for. He knew my feelings before hand. It's his own fault.”


“You hurt him!”


“Again – his fault.”


Wonshik had been confused and angry, he'd gathered at that moment that Taekwoon had somehow hurt Hakyeon.


So he was mad.


Hongbin cleared his throat, and decided to explain the situation. Wonshik listened as Hongbin told him that Hakyeon had given Taekwoon a kiss on the cheek, and Taekwoon called him disgusting – and that's what had happened. He understood why Jaehwan was upset, the elders reply was too harsh. Everyone knew that Hakyeon was vulnerable, hurt easily but words.


Wonshik had tried to take a step toward their leader, but the elder rushed into the bathroom, and locked the door.


And that's how everything happened.


Honestly, Wonshik wanted to nothing more than to kick open that door and take Hakyeon into his arms and tell him it was okay and that he loved him and he would take care of him and he would show him love; and treat him like he was supposed to be treated.


But his feet were frozen.


He gulped, his throat feeling dry. He could hear the others soft cries – he could feel his own eye sting – Wonshik had to be strong. He had to help his leader – his friend.


The person he loved.


So he reached forward and opened the door, after a few times wiggling the knob, and slipped in. He quietly shut the door behind him, and bit his lip nervously. The sight before him was heart wrenching and he honestly just wanted to hold the elder.


“Hakyeon.” he muttered lowly, watching as Hakyeon shuddered through his tears. He was sitting on the floor with his knees pulled up to his chest, tears running down his face. His eyes were filled with so much pain.


He walked over slowly and kneeled down next to him, and opened his arms. Hakyeon didn't even hesitate and fell forward into Wonshik's arms, sobbing softly. Wonshik wrapped his arms around the elder's shoulders and held him close, burring his face into the youngers chest.


“I'm so stupid – so stupid.” he whispered, Wonshik shook his head, “ No you're not, you're human. It's okay.”


“W-Wonshik... I-I can't... am I really that bad?”


“You're not, that's just Taekwoon, he doesn't like anyone, god – I'm so sorry you got hurt Hakyeon please – please stop crying. You don't deserve to cry.” he whispered, holding him closer.


After a few seconds, Hakyeon started to calm a bit, he shifted and rested his head on the youngers shoulder.


“Wonshik … do you know what it's like to love someone, who won't love you back?”


“...Yes. “


Hakyeon turned a bit, and looked at Wonshik. “ … You do?” he blinked, looking surprised.


“ I do.” he nodded, “ But, I know this person won't love me back, he's my friend. And I'm okay with that. As long as I can be there for him when he needs me, as long as I'm in his life, I'm okay.”




“I'm serious, as long...” he bit his lip, and looked into the elders eyes.


“As long as I can be there for him, when he needs me. I'm okay.”


Hakyeon's eyes widened as he finally understood, and he gasped softly – “ Wonshik I ...”


“... It's okay. I'm okay – just don't cry anymore Hakyeon, you're prettier when you smile, your smile is bright ya know? Like the sun. You're like the sun. You give us life and brighten up our day... So smile.”


And despite his sadness, Hakyeon seemed to twitch his lips, slowly forming a smile.


“... Thank you.”


“I'm here for you.”


“I know.”


Wonshik smiled and pressed a soft kiss to Hakyeon's forehead.


“It's going to be okay.”


“I wish I loved you first, maybe I wouldn't be hurting so much – “


“Shhh, it's okay.”


“Will you love me?”


“I already do.”


“You do? Will you hold me, hold me back when I hug you?”


“I already do.”


“... Will you kiss me back, if I kiss you?”


“ Why don't you find out for yourself, Hakyeon.”


So he did. Wonshik felt lips press against his own and he let out a small sigh of content.


He'd always be there for Hakyeon, and now.


Almost was now not enough – because now he had it all.



I really like this one tbh

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Chapter 10: That first paragraph though XD this was cute, I liked how it was Hyuk afraid of the dark and how N like babied him if that makes sense haha
Chapter 9: Oh this was nice, I really liked this one x
Chapter 10: AAAAHHHHH THAT WAS SO CUTE OMG MY HEART ; n ; i love your writing btw! :)
Chapter 10: THATS SO CUTE UGH~^^
Chapter 10: awww, so sweet
Chapter 6: Oh Hongbin and Hyuk ;)
Chapter 6: Pleeease!! Could you write more about the Hyukbin one??
Chapter 3: Oh my god these 3 chapters are SO CUTE~^^