Chapter Eleven




Chapter 11 - The Reality


I wake up to a strange room. A strange bed. My heart pounds for a few seconds before reality finally catches up with me, and the drowsiness from my sleep stars to seep away. This isn’t a stranger’s room, neither is this someone else’s bed. This is my room, or at least that’s what everybody else says. Last night my whole life changed, for the better or worse? Who knows?


To be honest the wedding passed in a blur, I don’t recall any clear memories. A sea of unfamiliar faces, a bright smile on my mother’s face, a suspicious look on Steve’s. My father looking grim, as if he couldn’t wait for everything to finally be over… like he was the one who had been forced to attend. The exchanging of vows, my embarrassment as I was forced to quickly kiss my husband, both of us keeping our eyes shut and pulling as far away as we could without braking the shaky kiss that we forced into, to bless the start of our new life that we were also, not surprisingly, forced into.

My first dance as a married woman surprisingly passed without any hardships. I only focused on not tripping on the tail of my dress, thus having a good excuse to not look into Kyungsoo’s eyes. My next dances were with my father and my father-in-law, both even more awkward than the ones before, if that could be possible. But they too passed, and in no time I found myself dancing with Steve, his questioning eyes baring into mine. I guess somewhere along the way my façade had fallen, but I just smiled; hoping that Steve would understand and not ask me to explain because I honestly feared that I would burst into tears if I was forced to speak.

Many dances with other people followed. Some where my parent’s friends, some where my supposed family, or so I was told, and some where just complete strangers. All the time I smiled, and these strangers at least seemed to be satisfied with my happy mask. Finally I found myself in the arms of someone I knew, someone I trusted. Someone who knew just how fake this whole thing was. Yet no matter how much I tried to catch his eyes, Lay looked away from me. The music ended and he pulled his hands off my waist as if he had been burned, a small smile was sent my way before he disappeared into the crowed of guests.

At the end of the night, the party finally died down, the staff members were called to help the many guests leave. Various people lined up to give us there congratulations once more, many wishes for our happiness were made, though how sincere they were I honestly don’t know. More than once I caught envious glares on me. Young girls, some my age some slightly older or younger gazing with a longing look in their eyes. Something that I could not quiet comprehend. Would they honestly yearn for this fairytale wedding if they knew what kind of nightmare lay beneath its surface? I think not.

Before I knew what was exactly happening, I was shoved into a limousine, a bored looking Kyungsoo already waiting there for me. The final farewells were said by our parents, before the door was forcefully shoved shut. As if they just couldn’t wait to be rid of us. The driver started the car and we were driven off into our unknown future.


Throughout the hour long drive, due to the heavy traffic of the capital, Kyungsoo and I stayed silent. After the slight peck at the wedding we had tried to avoid each other the best that we could. Even in the car I could see him pressing himself to the door… as if he was trying to create as much physical space between us as it was possible.

We couldn’t have arrived at our destination any sooner. The street looked like a decent. Too flashy for my like but I guess I shouldn’t have expected in any other way. The front gate doors were opened, showing vast gardens and a bricked mansion. The house turned out to be more beautiful than I had expected. Not as big as my father’s or the Do’s, but still far too big for a newlywed couple. Even in the dim light, I could see the gardens that surrounded it, I’m not a big fan of nature but even I had to agree the gardener, whoever he or she is, was doing a great job.

The car was stopped at the front door as a middle aged man, the same age as my father or so I presumed, opened the door and helped me out of the car. An arrange of people, varying in age and gender were waiting behind him by the front door. All were dressed in neat clothes and all bowed upon seeing us. Two young maids scurried forward to take the hem of my dress and without further ado we were lead into our home.

If I had thought that the mansion looked beautiful from the outside, the inside was a whole other world. A fine balance between new and old. I had a gut feeling that Mrs. Do had decorated the place. It all just had a classy feeling that I could only associate with her. My appreciation however was cut short, because a man, who I assumed to be the head staff, was moving towards the stairs. Kyungsoo was already following him, leaving me with no choice but to do the same.

The second floor was just just as impressive, if not more, than the first. It gave off a slightly more comfy feeling, something that maybe, one day, I could call home. We walked into a corridor, both walls lined with a few doors. The butler stopped at the second door on the left and was quick to open it, before bowing and walking away. I stood rooted at my place as a I took a look at the room’s interior. This was a room that screamed male…

“What?” Kyungsoo asked with a raised brow, speaking to me for the very first time. “You didn’t think I would be willing to share the same room as you?”

His statement sparked my anger. I had just gone through a lot of nasty things in the last fifteen hours and I did not need this. The tight dress was cutting into my stomach, my feet felt like they could literally drop off my legs at any given moment, and I had not been allowed to eat a proper meal all day. This spoilt brat’s attitude was not helping any. Sure, maybe for a split crazy second at the ceremony I had experienced doubts. Doubts that maybe this marriage could work. Hopes that maybe the two of us could, god forbid, actually fall in love… but yeah, looking back, I blame Steve’s chosen wedding wov for the slight moment of hallucination. But the awkward hours that followed had led me to the belief that my life was no fairytale. Prince charming and I were just not meant to be. That is if you could call the smirking brat in front of me a prince charming.

“Don’t make me laugh,” I say, inwardly smiling at the fall of his smile. “Of course we would never use the same room. I just thought you would be more of a man than to take the room yourself and make me sleep on the coach.”

He looked at me bewilderedly. It was probably his first time getting sassed. To be honest I was quiet surprised myself. I have never been one to talk back or express my feelings. Yet, saying even that small line to him made me feel powerful. Whether I despised Kyungsoo or not, I had to acknowledge that he had done me a favor. I no longer had to live under the watchful eyes of my parents’. And that alone woke up a part of me that I didn’t even knew I even had.

It was at that point that Kyungsoo decided that I was apparently no longer worth his time. He turned around, walked into the room and kicked the door shut promptly in my face. I stood there for a moment, contemplating if going down the stairs in my gown would be classified as attempt suicide or not, when I heard foot steps behind me. One of the older women that I had seen downstairs bowed lightly to me before walking towards the door opposite of Kyungsoo’s room and opening it.

I instantly knew that this was designed to be my room. So had my parents’ and the Do’s known all along that kyungsoo and I would refuse to share the same air, let alone the same bed? Some kind of wedding this was turning out to be.
Ms. Kim, or so her nameplate read, guided me into the room before helping me to get undressed. Normally I would act shy at such a thing, but I was honestly too tired, both physically and mentally, to even care. After I had gotten rid of the dress, shoes and many bobby pins in my hair I dismissed Ms. Kim thanking her for her help. After taking a much needed bath, and thanking whoever designed this house for giving my room an on suit so I didn’t need to risk bumping into a certain someone in the corridor, I got into bed. The clock on me bedside table showed 3:47 as I finally let my eyelids drop. The first night of my new life and I was sleeping in a strange bed… alone.


Author's Note

Ok first things first, summer vaca is FINALLY here YAY! Now that I have some free time I’ll really try to update more, like maybe every two or three days? So look forward to that. Hopefully I’ll manage to finish this story by the end of the summer since I have my board exam this semester and won’t have any time write once uni starts again :(

Secondly, I’m sorry this chapter is so short but I just wanted to give you guys something for my return. Hopefully the next chaps will be longer.

Thirdly, Arranged has a two video teasers now! You can find them on the front page in the description part, so please do check that out.

Lastly, I want to thank all my readers for being patient with me (I feel like I say this in every author’s note, lol). I know my updates are VERY far between but just know that I try to update every time I can, and that I won’t be giving up on this story <3

Ok long A/N over, expect the next chapter in a few days (for once :P)

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Great story. Keep the updates coming.
dindadanda #2
Chapter 12: Poor Allison :( i reread all chapters again and i felt so brokenhearted..
Its like Allison vs the world..
Her parents seems not care about her..
Her in law seems only care about pride..
Lay could not do anything.
Kyungsoo hates her so much..
And Kai hates her too..
I found this Soobin girl is witch in disguise hahahaha..

Just make Allison with Lay.. She will be happier.. Just make Soobin dissapear, and Kyungsoo will regret every single things he'd done to Allison (Being cold and heartless)..
dindadanda #3
Chapter 13: For the first time, i hate kyungsoo in fanfic.. Please update more diligently author :D
Your story is interesting..
Dont make me wait too long hahahaha
Anyway, good job!
dindadanda #4
Chapter 12: Please update.. I hate this Soobin girl hahahahaha sorry but i prefer Allison..
Please make Lay reunite with Allie so that Kyungsoo jealous..
Please update authornim
Chapter 12: Omg!!!! Author-nim~~~
Jebal~~ update!
Yaniyang #6
Chapter 10: love this chap ... thank you for the update
beautyanddebeast #7
I love ur story!!!! Please update soon.. very interesting!!! ♥♡♥♡♥♡
Cruelfairytale #8
Chapter 5: poor D.o~ (o.o) anyway, interesting story!*thumbs up* i really really love it! :D
wonwooeu #9
Chapter 8: Lay runs into arranfed WEDDING and yells...I OBJECT!!! HOLY I WOULD FAINT OR KISS HIM OR SOMETHING! ! ^^
wonwooeu #10