
of all kisses (i like yours the best)

Luhan eventually took out his dorm key after a frustrating struggle of searching through his cluttered bag. He huffed in exasperation after 5 minutes if standing in front of the door because all he wanted to do was to get inside and plop down on the couch; maybe update his blog and relax or something. With an aha! of relief, he forced the key into the slot and turned it unlocked, pushing the door open to slip in and quietly slam it closed behind him.

"Sounds like you were having some trouble out there," claimed Minseok from his bed full of homework. His eyes were stuck in a textbook, not bothering to look up at the boy tossing his bag against the wall next to the door. Luhan hung up his coat and sighed, ignoring his roommate's statement.

"Still doing homework? You don't have any classes tomorrow, though." Luhan made his way over to his drawers to change into comfier clothes, still paying attention to the conversation.

"I know, I'm just trying to get caught up. I still have 3 classes worth of homework, and this essay is due at midnight."

Luhan walked into the room to see Minseok now focused on his laptop screen, furiously typing away at the keys. "Haha, for you." He plopped down on the couch and pulled his laptop onto his lap, earning a "shut up" from the boy. Luhan opened his blog and decided to update like his readers expected him to daily. Apparently they cared about his everyday life and he would gain a point of cockiness every time he gained a reader or when someone would comment enthusiastically. (Luhan claimed he was internet-famous. Minseok pretended to agree.)

Minutes after his update, comments from his readers started pouring in. Luhan scrolled through them with a smug smile on his face and stopped when he noticed one in particular. One of his readers had sent him a picture with a caption of 'Luhan! This is such a cute idea~'. He clicked the picture to view it and was faced with not a picture but words. It was titled with 'The Meaning Behind Each Kiss' and showed an explanation of what the different kinds of kisses meant. (Luhan's head flooded with ideas when he eyed a certain boy not too far away.) He saved the image to his laptop and closed it.

Luhan was now stuck with an empty list. There was nothing to do and for once, he actually wished he had homework or just something to keep him occupied. There must be something to keep him busy. Clueless about what to do, he set his laptop on the coffee table and lied back on the couch. The image he came across earlier reappeared in his mind and all he could think about was going over and smothering his boyfriend with kisses. But he had at least some self-control and forced himself to respect Minseok's assignment and that it needed to be completed and turned in in two hours. But that doesn't mean he has to wait for him to complete any work after that...

So just two hours until he can do whatever he wants to his roommate. But on another thought, who said he can't do anything while he's working? At least something small to suffice him for the next two hours.

Luhan got up and moved to sit on the edge of Minseok's bed, staring at him to get his attention. When he finally glanced up, he caught Luhan's eyes and responded with "what are you doing?"

He nonchalantly answered, swinging his legs back and forth, "just sitting here."

Luhan then impatiently added, "are you almost done?"

Minseok kept his gaze on the laptop screen. "Uhh, kinda." Luhan nodded silently because that most likely meant no. But he couldn't be selfish; he was in the the same situation just a few weeks ago and didn't let anyone touch him until he was finished, including Minseok. He knew how big of a deal these essays were and even missing one of them could drastically change things for the worse. Luhan would have to wait.


11:58 PM

Luhan was on his stomach, lying on the couch with his face turned towards Minseok. His eyes glared right through his face, distantly tracing his features as he accounted every twitch of the boy's eye or lip or every time he would scrunch his nose and Luhan just wanted to throw everything off his bed and crawl into his lap and squish his cheeks and smother him and just ugh. His patience was nearly running dry and he stopped checking the clock a while ago. If time doesn't start speeding up, he'll be asleep in the next five minutes.

"Minseok-ah, I'm so tired." Luhan put all his effort into keeping his eyes open.

"Then go to sleep." Not looking up once, the boy didn't put much thought into his response as he typed a mile a minute, desperately needing to finish that last paragraph in the next minute and a half.

"But I can't." After not receiving a reply, Luhan flipped over to lie on his back. He stared up at the ceiling and could only think of what he was going to do when he finally got a hold of his boyfriend.

"Uggghhhh, one more minute." Minseok frantically panicked to himself while Luhan sat up at his words with a pleased expression, all tiredness thrown out the window. It's about time...

Forty seconds left on the clock and as Luhan noticed him hurriedly skim over the last paragraph, he made his way over to his bed and sat down on the edge.

Minseok visibly sighed. "Ahh, I think it's as good as it'll get. Twenty seconds to go and-"

"Wait! Don't submit it yet!" Luhan quickly scooted closer to Minseok along the edge of the mattress and, with no time to spare, leaned in to plant a small kiss on the boy's nose.


"Okay, now submit it!" Luhan motioned to the laptop, and Minseok quickly brought his attention back to the screen and with eight seconds to spare, clicked the submit button with a relieving sigh. With a successfully submitted on the screen, he shut the laptop and just sat there, inhaling slowly to relax his brain.

After placing his laptop on the nightstand and clearing all the books and papers off his bed, his mind suddenly flooded with what happened moments before he submitted his essay. As he was about to turn and ask Luhan what that was all about, Luhan climbed into Minseok's lap, straddling him and looping his arms around his neck.

Luhan's stare was intense and he wanted to take advantage of Minseok finally being essay-free to do whatever he wanted.

He finally broke out in a smile. "Have I ever told you I'm an expert on kisses?"

Minseok squinted his eyes questioningly. "Is this why you kissed my nose a few moments ago?"

"Maybe. But you know, kisses on the nose mean good luck."

"Ahhh. How do you know?"

"I'm an expert on kisses, aren't I?" Luhan stated matter-of-factly.

Minseok laughed. He knew where this could he heading and he couldn't like the idea more. "Why don't you elaborate?"

Luhan knew what he meant, but played along anyway. "Gladly."

With a playful smile, Luhan began. "Okay. Allow me to demonstrate. You see, if I were to kiss you... here." Luhan grabbed one of Minseok's hands and kissed the top of it, then doing the same to the other one. He looked back up to meet his eyes. "That would mean I respect you."

Luhan took his silence as for him to continue. "And then, if I were to kiss you... here." He leaned up to place a kiss on the boy's forehead. When he finished, he met Minseok's eyes again and brought his arms around his neck like before. "That would mean I cherish our friendship."

Minseok remained quiet. They exchanged small smiles before Luhan continued. "Close your eyes," he whispered, and Minseok did so without question. "Then, if I were to kiss you... here." Luhan leaned in to place a kiss of each of his eyelids before he backed away. Minseok then opened his eyes and Luhan explained. "That would mean I'm thankful to have you in my life."

Luhan was enjoying every second of this. He was taking his sweet time, savoring every moment until it was time for the best part. "Are you paying attention? Because I'm only doing this to educate you."

Minseok laughed quietly and nodded. "Yes. Please continue."

Luhan smiled and shifted to sit more comfortably. "Okay. Now, if I were kiss you... here." He leaned in to kiss his cheek. "That would mean you make me happy." Luhan smiled and kept his eye contact with Minseok, causing him to gulp and his urge to just push Luhan down on the bed and kiss him senselessly was becoming stronger and Luhan was going too slow for his liking. He let him continue nonetheless.

"And," Luhan spoke slower than usual. "If I were to kiss you..." He inched closer to the boy's lips, stopping just a few centimeters away. "Here."

Minseok couldn't take the slowness anymore and went forward to roughly meet Luhan's lips. Luhan reciprocated equally as rough and wanting, not even a second later, as he tightened his arms around Minseok's neck. Minseok brought his hands around Luhan's waist, bringing their bodies closer together to feel each other's heat as lips parted and tongues moved feverishly. The desire was immense and becoming more and more and as Luhan moaned into the kiss, Minseok realized he should've done this so much earlier and that no essay could ever beat this.

Minseok wrapped his arms around Luhan's waist to cautiously flip him over and put him underneath, careful not to break the kiss; or many kisses, for that matter. Luhan's hand held the back of Minseok's neck, deepening the kiss as his other hand slowly creeped under Minseok's shirt, leaving a tingling feeling over the touched skin.

Luhan's touch was making Minseok even crazier and he made sure that before Luhan could initiate anything else, he began with planting kisses on the side of his jaw and slowly making his way down. Minseok placed simple kisses on the side of Luhan's neck and when he felt the boy shiver underneath him, he held back a smile and almost wanted to get revenge for when Luhan made him feel the same way. He decided against it when Luhan voiced a "wait".

Minseok pulled away to see what was the matter and when he saw a certain glint in Luhan's eye, he wasn't sure what to expect. "You know, you never let me finish." Before Minseok could respond, Luhan reached up and spoke in his ear. "And, if I were to kiss you... here." Luhan leaned down to kiss Minseok's neck and at that point, his sanity was draining. Luhan reached up again to whisper in his ear, "it means I want you," and Minseok swore to god he's never felt so in love and he does the first thing his mind tells him to do and he kisses Luhan so hard and pours every ounce of his love into that single kiss, hoping for Luhan to receive it all and know just how much he means to him.


11:23 AM

Minseok wakes up to tiny snores coming from the boy next to him and he can't help but claim it as #1 on the imaginary list of cutest things in the world. He takes a moment to just stare at his boyfriend's sleeping face and just how beautiful and peaceful he looks and a part of Minseok never wants him to wake up. But then again, if he never wakes up, Minseok will never be able to kiss him or tell him how cute he is or.. other things. He decided he likes it best when Luhan is awake.

Minseok turned over on his side to face the boy's and sling an arm over his waist, hoping to wake him up; being the light sleeper he is – usually. He smiled when Luhan stirred, and leaned into his back. He turned around and Minseok backed away to give him some room. Instead of sitting up, Luhan wrapped his arm around Minseok's waist, trying to draw in all the warmth.

"Don't move, I'm trying to get warm."

Minseok laughed and pulled Luhan's arm away from him. "It's almost noon. Go take a shower and get dressed and then we'll go get something to eat."

Luhan groaned. "Why don't you just bring me the food, then. I'm too tired and my body hurts." He remained under the covers, sleepily trying to reason. Minseok knowingly half-smiled.

"Come on, you'll feel better in the shower." Minseok lifted the covers to reveal a mess of a boy. Luhan's hair stuck out in all directions and the sleep-deprivation was obvious around his eyes, as well as the purple marks on his neck. Thank god it was winter.


12:09 PM

Luhan sat on the couch, finishing up on his blog. He showered first, and got dressed for the day (he made sure to wear his thickest scarf), and was now waiting for the other boy to finish up so they could go.

With a slam of the door, Minseok came in, ready to go.

"Hold on, I'm almost done with this," Luhan informed. Minseok plopped down next to him on the couch and started picking at the stitches on his sweater.

"About yesterday, you know how you said you were an 'expert on kisses'"?" He used finger quotations.

"Yeah...?" Luhan had no idea where he was going with this. He finished what he was doing and closed the laptop, setting it on the table. He turned to face Minseok.

"Well, all the other kisses, you told me what the meant. So now I know... but, the kiss on the lips. You never said what that one meant."

Luhan smiled and tried to stifle a giggle. He turned his body to fully face the boy. "You really want to know?"


"Okay then." Luhan looked up at Minseok and cleared his throat. "Well, you see, if I were to kiss you right... here." Luhan gently went in for it and gave him a sweet kiss, pulling away no more than three seconds later. Luhan genuinely smiled and continued. "It means... I love you."

Minseok's features perked at the words before a smile slowly spread across his face. The loving look in his eyes was enough to get across to Luhan, but it wasn't fully given until Minseok went in this time, and gave Luhan a firm kiss, pulling away seconds later with a smile on his face. "I love you, too."

Luhan was honestly surprised by his words, he hadn't expected the confession to be right at this moment. "Wait – what?"

Minseok laughed at his dumbfounded expression. "What, do I have to kiss you again for you to understand?"

Luhan's blank expression stayed. "I think so."

Minseok gladly cupped both sides of Luhan's face with his hands and leaned in to softly meet his lips, putting in all his love to prove to him that what he said was, is, and will be true. When he pulled away, Luhan had a slightly dazed expression; Minseok took it as a good sign. He grabbed Luhan's hand and led him to the door to go get something to eat like they had originally planned. "Come on, let's go."

On their way out the door, Luhan had mumbled, "I'll never be able to believe this." Minseok kept hold of his hand.

"Then I'll just have to keep kissing you until you do believe it."






A/N Hey guys, thanks for reading! If you liked it, would you mind upvoting? I had so much fun writing this, and tbh it was actually supposed to be a drabble but it's about 2000 words too many lol. Also, that almost scene that I put in there was totally impromptu!!!! Like I planned for this fic to be all super cutesy and stuff and then Minseok kisses Luhan all roughly and I'm like NOPE THAT KISS CAN NOT JUST END LIKE THAT IT NEEDS TO HAVE MORE and so yeah. I was debating on whether I should of actually written out the parts but I've only written once and it wasn't super great so I didn't want to ruin the story with bad . I feel very satisfied with this and I hope you do toooo~~ ♥ :D

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Chapter 1: Oh God this was so sweet ♥3♥
Authornim~ /kisses you on the lips/ *you know what I'm trying to say, right? :p kekeke~*
But really, I love you for making this super duper cute story. I can't stop smiling and squealing!
Ah~ istg, xiuhan is gonna melt my heart into a poodle of goo someday. /sighs dreamily/
Now excuse me while I'm going to see a dentist since this fic is too sweet and gave me cavities.

Good job! ^^b
xiiiumiiin #3
OMG I need air. This is so fluffy I think I can die from all this fluffiness. Are you going to write a continuation for this? I hope you do though.. ^_^
afiercesong #5
I love this a lot!
ascarybook #6
Can't wait to read it !