Panda Plushies

Kris looked up to see Tao walk in their shared apartment with yet another panda plushie. He rolled his eyes at the younger. Who knows what number of panda plushie this is. Tao has spent way too much money on these. They even have a whole room in their apartment dedicated just for panda plushies. 

Kris walked over to Tao, planting a kiss on his forehead. "Another one, eh?" He asked. Tao beamed up at him. "Yep! His names Coco. Cute, right?" Kris hesitantly nodded as he watched Tao head over to bring his new "child", as he called them, to the panda room. 

The only reason kris hasn't exploded over the amount of money spent on these things, is because of the happiness it brings Tao. Every time he come home with a new plushie, he has the biggest, brightest smile on his face and kris loves that. 

Kris went into the kitchen and started preparing dinner, kimchi sphagetti. The infamous recipe of their great friend, kyungsoo. Tao hastily walks into the kitchen and takes a seat cooing over 'beans', another one of his "children". Kris glances back and sighs, wishing his boyfriend would give him more attention then he does to those stupid pandas. 

"I got Coco all set up in the other room. He's so cute!" Tao beamed once again. Kris gave a small smile as he finished up with the cooking. He handed Tao a plate and took one himself. "I really can't wait to buy another one! What should I call that one? Oh! What colour should it be? Maybe it'll have a cute blue bow on it." Tao thought aloud while scooping up some food. Kris looked up at him. "I really think you should hold off buying those things Taozi. They're expensive.." Tao looked up, looking about ready to cry. "Kris! They are not 'things'!" He spat, putting emphasize on the word things. "Sorry. But really, we don't have a lot of money as it is. I don't think you should spend the little amount we have on stuffed pandas." Kris explained. "I don't think you understand kris! I love them! So much! I need to buy more kris! Really I do!" Tao was crying by now and his voice was raising with each sentence. Kris' eyes widened at the crying boy in front of him. He's never confronted him about this and had no idea the younger would start crying. "I'm sorry baby! Please don't cry! I'm sorry, ok?" Kris said, moving over to the other side of the table to comfort him. Tao buried his face into kris' chest and sobbed.

Tao finally stopped crying and went to bed, not eating any dinner and dragging Beans along with him. Kris cleaned up the kitchen trying to think of a way to stop Tao without hurting his feelings again. He didn't know what to do. 

Kris woke up he next morning to the sound of clattering in the room next to theirs. Also, no Tao was in the bed next to him. He slowly got out of bed and made his way to the panda room. He went in and saw Tao dragging the biggest panda he has ever seen into the room. He watched as he pushed it into the far corner and smiled at his accomplishment. 

Kris glanced at the clock. 9:23am. He looked up at Tao with his eyebrow raised. "What are you doing?" Tao turned around to face his boyfriend. "Oh. I got him this morning!" He pointed back to the huge panda, "Do you like him? It's Bigs! Do you like the name? It's so soft! Come feel it!" Kris stepped into the room. "Tao, how much was this?" Tao scratched his head. "Um.. 234,000 won.." He quickly and quietly mumbled he last part, hoping kris wouldn't hear. "What? 234,000 won!? Are you crazy? We need that for rent!" Kris yelled. "But kris! Look at him! He's so cute. And fluffy! He's really fluffy, you haven't felt him yet" he grabbed kris' hand only for kris to yank it away. "Ok.." Kris tried to calm down, "how and when did you get this" Tao smiled "well, they were having a sale at the store I usually buy my pandas at, so I woke up at 6am and waited for the store to open! You see kris, this panda was normally 300,000 won! I got a good deal" Tao gave a thumbs up. Kris was on the verge of bursting.

"Are you crazy Tao? We need that money to live! That money could've bought us a lot you know!? This seriously need to stop! I'm tired of this! We are tight on money every month because of this room full of stupid panda plushies! I can't believe you spent 300,000 won-" "234,000" Tao in. "Whatever! The cost of all these things added up is way more then that! Tao I'm being very serious right now ok? This has to stop!" 

Tao looked at the ground and mumbled a quiet "ok" and left the room and soon, a shutting of the front door could be heard. Kris felt bad but it had to be said. How else were they gonna live?

Tao finally came home at around 9pm. Kris looked up from his seat on the couch and was about to say sorry for all the yelling when he noticed yet another plushie in the youngers arms. That's it. He's had it. He walked straight past Tao and out the door. Tao tried to call to him, but to no avail. His legs went limp and he fell to the floor, he looked at the cheap 2,000 won panda plushie he bought from the corner store. It was holding a red heart with the name 'Kris' engraved onto it.


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Lmao this is cute aurthor-nim please continue so that kris could see what the panda was for!!!
blueberrygirl91 #2
Chapter 1: Aw so cute plz write more! Good job! :)
Chapter 1: i loved it!! lol taoris so cute