Chapter 3

Learn to Treasure Her

Chapter 3

"Why in hell would you suddenly ask a question like that?" exclaimed Victoria.

"Because she... just now she..." stuttered Amber.

"Oooooo Amber you're finally here! I'm so glad we found you." came Krystal's voice from nowhere.

Amber gave Victoria an 'I will tell you later so don't kill me now' look, and sped away with Krystal. 

"Aish, that kid," murmured Victoria, with her suspicions of Amber and Kris dating aroused.


It was not until at night, while the two of them were in their shared rooms, that Victoria finally confronted Amber. 

"Well... she glared at me when Kris was talking to me, glared at me AGAIN when she was talking to Kris, and glared at me also before she left. And I'm telling you, it's a horrifyingly menacing glare."

"Maybe now it's MY turn to ask you a question." Victoria stated suddenly. Amber gave her a weird look but decided to keep quiet.

"Do you have feelings for Kris?"

"What the are you talking about?"

"Feelings Amber, like how you seem to breathe quicker when Kris is around, or how your cheeks get red every time he leans over to talk to you," said Victoria nonchalantly.

Amber kept silent for as long as she could remember, when she finally answered,"Yes." 

"Aha! Just as I have long since suspected!" Victoria's tone was triumphant.

"Yes! I have had feelings for him ever since he became a trainee in SM. I thought I felt a strange connection with him because we were both Chinese who spoke English and were struggling to learn Korean. I thought we had a lot in common because we both adore sports and are good at rapping. We were already great friends since his trainee days.I used to act as a teacher and a guide to him. When he debuted as Exo-M's leader, I was so touched. He really matured a lot, and after he debuted, he would always as a hyung to me, caring for me as if I were his own sister. Maybe that was when our fans started shipping us as a couple. They call us Krisber, right? We thought it was a great idea since we were the best of friends, and we didn't mind giving fans the interaction between us which they longed for on stage." Amber took a deep breath before she continued.

"Things got complicated when he was asked about his ideal type on a show in Taiwan. He tends to be more active in shows which are conducted in Chinese, so when he was asked about his ideal type, he straightfowardly answered, 'Any girl that is like Amber would be perfectly fine for me.' The fans got really hyper after his words, and soon they found a similar interview in which f(x) attended a year ago. Vic unnie, you remembered that, didn't you. I said my ideal type must be someone who is cool on the outside, but warm in the inside, someone who knows how to play sports and likes music. And that was exactly what Kris was like."

"O ya, I remembered that, you caused quite a sensation and A LOT of trouble after that." said Victoria fiercely.

"Sorry unnie," Amber meekly replied, before continuing her story. "Fans assumed that we were both destined for each other, and the Krisber ship went sailing again straight away. However, things got EVEN MORE complicated when Jessica unnie said on another show, that her ideal type was someone like her hoobae, Exo-M's Leader, Kris. Soon, some other fans started shipping them as the Krissica couple. I thought I was okay with that, as Kris and I were just friends all along. I was not jealous of the ship, or anything like that, but......"

"But what?" Victoria was getting impatient.

"ButKriskissedmeoutsideExo'sdormonenightandJessicaunniecaughtus" Amber said it in one breath.



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Chapter 18: Yay!!! go unnie, go unnie, go unnie!!!! *dance*
hopelesslover4268 #2
Chapter 18: Victoria, daebak!!!!!!! Update soon XD
Llamasandpandas #3
Chapter 18: IN YOUR FACE JESSICA B****!!!!!!!!!!!!
DevilNana #4
Chapter 17: Kris is a fool -,-
hopelesslover4268 #5
Chapter 17: Oh hell NO!!!!!!! Seriously Kris????????? Insert sigh here...
Chapter 17: And this is when he decides to leave, for Amber' sake? Amber train to hard for all the troubles that sica made and kick her ugly but*face so hard that it cost to her to made the comeback and presentations. And Amber is ok, cos anybody, even Jessica doesn't know Who made that to her. Kim Young Min finish f(x) contract only for ruin Amber's career. Because Jessica is his lover. And Amber goes to China, to search Kris. He wants her to be the star that she couldnt, so she signs in the same company that he is. And the company who represent them in Korea is YG. SO... TADAAAA~~~
Chapter 16: Do you really want me to kick her ugly a*s? i hate Jessica
Lukber #8
Chapter 16: thank you for the new update
really good.................
Lukber #10
Chapter 15: thank you for the new update .... you are the best !!!