Chapter 4

Learn to Treasure Her

Chapter 4

"Well it was just about a week ago. I wasn't very happy that night, because all of you had schedules during that period but I had none. So I took out a few bottles of soju and began to drink. Little did I know that by 9:30, I was already half drunk, but none of you came back yet. I wasn't really used to drinking that much, so almost immediately after drinking, I felt light-headed and sick. I didn't want to bother you guys, since you all had midnight schedules-"

"You better call me next time you're sick," muttered Victoria grimly.

"Yes unnie, and back to my story. I was half-drunk and sick, I felt I could faint at any moment, so I just grabbed my phone and randomly pressed whoever was on my speed-dial list. And guess who was on my speed-dial list? Kris. So somehow I got through with him and told him I had been drinking and I didn't feel quite well. He sped towards our dorm in less than 5 minutes (Exo's dorm is just a few streets away), and before I knew, he was already at the doorstep, ringing the bell. I stumbled towards the front door, and just as the door opened, I fainted into his arms."

"That was quite romantic," said Victoria slyly.

Amber blushed,"I lost consciousness for a few minutes, I think he must have brought me into our dorm and revived me, for the next thing I knew, his big brown orbs were staring into mine. I blinked a few times and tried to hide my blush, but failed. He asked me when you guys would be back, and I replied that you all had midnight schedules and would not be back until tomorrow. He frowned and said that I should not be left alone in such a state, and then-"

"Then WHAT?" Victoria positively yelled.

"Ouch, my ears unnie. And then Kris carried me out of our dorm, in bridal style, ran across the streets, and stopped right in front of Exo's dorm."

"O god, you're gonna be so dead if the company knows."

"I know," Amber sighed. 



Amber asked,"Would it be okay if I stay here for the night, I mean- what if the company knows, what if Victoria unnie knows, she's gonna kill me- and... and you're all boys, would that be a bit weird?"

Kris replied gently,"It's gonna be okay, you have always been great friends with my members, I'm sure they will welcome you. And the company won't know if we all kept the secret, as for Victoria, you better tell her the exact truth tomorrow."

"If the others are okay about this, I would be delighted to spend a night in your dorm!" chirped Amber brightly. "I would love spend a night with your members and play games with them, they are a jolly bunch."

"But I just want to spend the night with you."

"You want to what?"

"I just want to spend the night with you Amber, I want to talk things over with you. I know you see this Krisber ship as a whole joke, and you might think we're just friends and all that. But I really wanted to tell you Amber, I wanted to tell you that I have had a crush on you ever since I was a trainee. You were inspiring and bright, and when I saw you dancing on stage, I knew that I had to claim you as my own. I have never been so madly infatuated by a girl. I always wanted to keep my cool city guy image, but you broke my guard down Amber, you really did. I am always at a lost of what to say in front of you. You didn't know how happy I was when the fans started shipping us as Krisber. I wish I had told you my feelings earlier, but I had know chance. I want you to know this Amber, you're not my ideal type, you're my future wife-"

"Aha! So that's your touching little story Kris! I should have known earlier that you have feelings for that little over there." Suddenly came the cool, precise voice of Jessica. "So enjoy your little moment now, for I am going to destroy this filthy Krisber couple.



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Chapter 18: Yay!!! go unnie, go unnie, go unnie!!!! *dance*
hopelesslover4268 #2
Chapter 18: Victoria, daebak!!!!!!! Update soon XD
Llamasandpandas #3
Chapter 18: IN YOUR FACE JESSICA B****!!!!!!!!!!!!
DevilNana #4
Chapter 17: Kris is a fool -,-
hopelesslover4268 #5
Chapter 17: Oh hell NO!!!!!!! Seriously Kris????????? Insert sigh here...
Chapter 17: And this is when he decides to leave, for Amber' sake? Amber train to hard for all the troubles that sica made and kick her ugly but*face so hard that it cost to her to made the comeback and presentations. And Amber is ok, cos anybody, even Jessica doesn't know Who made that to her. Kim Young Min finish f(x) contract only for ruin Amber's career. Because Jessica is his lover. And Amber goes to China, to search Kris. He wants her to be the star that she couldnt, so she signs in the same company that he is. And the company who represent them in Korea is YG. SO... TADAAAA~~~
Chapter 16: Do you really want me to kick her ugly a*s? i hate Jessica
Lukber #8
Chapter 16: thank you for the new update
really good.................
Lukber #10
Chapter 15: thank you for the new update .... you are the best !!!