In Which I Go To School

Marry The Prince

Now , I am better , in a way ,I guess . I talk to my parents . But if there's one person I talk to all the time , it's definitely Sookyung . 

I walked downstairs to the kitchen in my pajamas . 

"Good morning Jisun ! " One of our chefs , Yuna chimed . 

Okay , so . Maybe I lied . I truly enjoy talking to Sookyung AND the staff in my house , they know I'm alone most of the time , so they try their best to comfort me . 

" Good morning Yuna ! " I replied , happier this morning . 

"Breakfast is almost ready so you can just sit down or play the piano for ten minutes . " She told me 

" Oh , okay . I'll play the piano for a bit then . "  I started to walk over to our black grand piano . 

I got myself situated onto the piano bench . I was contemplating whether I should play Yiruma's River Flows In You , or Yiruma's Maybe . It's been a while seen I had played River Flowers In You , so I started to play . I finished after a while . I loved playing the piano , it made me feel free and let me relieve my stress , or sadness . Even until this day , my parents' have never had time for me . They're always on buisness trips and meetings , that part I understand . But they always go to optional dinner parties . It's annoying . I don't consider myself an unloved child growing up . I don't think I'm unloved because the staff was always around me . Even my butler helped me with my homework when I was younger . But for some reason , everyday that passes , seems emptier . I try to run from the feeling , but it's attached to me for a reason I hate . 


When I finished , Yuna clapped quietly and I smiled . 

"Beautiful as always , Jisun . " She complimented . 

"Thanks eonnie . " I replied . 

She layed out the perfectly cooked breakfast in front of me . 

" What's wrong , Jisun ? " She asked me , obviously sensing my sadness . 

" I don't know eonnie , the house just seems like it's becoming emptier everyday my parents aren't here . " I replied , I was close to Yuna and Hanmi , our maid . 

" I know , I know . But all we can do is hope they will be around soon . " She told me , trying to lighten my mood . 

" Eonnie , that's all I've been doing this whole time . Hoping . Hoping they would spend time with me . But no . All they do is go to dinner parties and optional things the DO NOT need to do . And by the time they come over for once , it'll be to late . I'll be in university . And I'm going to be in a dorm . They just don't care . " I said , Yuna was only a year older than me , and Hanmi was the same age as me , but they worked for us . 

"That's true . But we can't do anything about it . It's just one of those things that are bound to make you stronger later on in life. " She answered . Even though Yuna was only eighteen , she gave good advice . Always . 

She was right . It would HOPEFULLY make me stronger . I just hope I don't get into a situation where I actually have to use it . 

"Now get ready for school  , you'll be late . " Yuna said to me . I placed my dishes into the sink and went up to my room . 

I paced around my room , wondering if I should wear shorts or pants . I decided on pants . I put on dark blue skinny jeans , and a red flannel button up . I rolled up the sleeves . I brushed my hair and pinned my bangs out of my face . I went to the the bathroom and washed my face . I decided that i wouldn't wear makeup because I had a test today and I didn't want my face to sting accidently from the makeup . 

I brushed my teeth , I took out the pin that was in my hair . I brushed it out again and then tied my hair into a messy bun and placed my glasses right above my nose . I took my backpack and walked down the stairs . 

"Eonnie , I'm gonna go now . " I said waving goodbye . 

" Do you want me to drive you ? Hanyeol isn't here yet ." She asked me . 

" That's fine , I'll just take the bus today . " I said 

She nodded her head in response and told me to be safe . 

I slipped on my sneakers and headed out the door . 



Sorry the next part will be in different font , my laptop is being stupid , lol ^^




I walked over to the bus stop , it wasn't that far , about three minutes from my house . There was a boy standing there , slim , lean , and tall . He had black jeans on and a dark blue dress shirt on , I only saw the back side of him but I could tell he took care of himself , more than I do . His brown hair was dark , and was styled into a neat shape . I didn't want to look creepy so I just stood a good five feet from him . I've never seen him before either , so that would be more awkward .

After what seemed like ten minutes of silence the school bus rolled in . I took out my school bus pass and let the new student go first . I showed my pass and sat down in the front . I heard quiet shuffling in the back and I turned around , It was Park Sookyung , my best friend . She was heading towards me . She sat next to me . I was suprised at what she was wearing , she had a good sense of style , but never really shows it at school . Even if it was the first day of school , like today , she wouldn't even dress girly .


" Hey . " Sookyung greeted me .

" Hey Kyungie , what are you wearing ? " I asked her curiously . And yes , Kyungie is her nickname . My is Sun , but like , my nickname is basic .

" Oh , the dress , it's ID day , we're gonna get our ID pictures taken after first period . " She replied to my question .

" WHAT? It's picture day ! I was not prepared , Look at what I'm wearing ! I dressed comfortably for the diagnostic test I'm gonna take from my math teacher ! He told us that before school was going to start . " I had to admit , I'm nit that good at fashion , but I would dress up a little bit for my ID . And I was not prepared for this . My ,ath teacher told us we were going to have a math test for the seniors on the first day , and I for once , just wanted to dress comfortably .

I just looked at Sookyung's outfit , she was rich , and her parent's had the money .

I'm very wealthy too , but , I just didn't want to spend the money my parents give me . My parents say giving me money every week shows me how much they love me , yeah right . Money means nothing to me anymore . I value the people I care about more than money , and if they really did love me , wouldn't you think they would visit me ?

She had on a pink dress and a headband , it was simple , but cute .


We arrived at school in thirty minutes .

We got off the bus and instantly , a hoard of what seemed like fangirls , came hurling over to both of us .

" HAVE YOU SEEN SEHUN OPPA ? " A petite girl , probably a sophmore , asked Sookyung .

" Sehun ? Sehun Oh ? " She replied .

" Yes , him ! I LOVE HIM . " The petite girl said , obviously excited .

" I know of him , but I haven't seen him today , sorry . " Sookyung said .






Sorry sorry sorry *sings suju* , I have a couple mistakes , grammatically , but I'll field them! ARE YOU LEFT WITH A CLIFF HANGER?! That's okay , I'll add a new crappie tomorrow annyeong!!

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Jxiong246 #1
Chapter 4: It's okay Author-nim I'll wait for you to update!~