
ஐClub Warஐ - completed -
It was nine o'clock already, Yoochun and Junsu were all dressed and ready standing on the white marble stones they took a deep breath before they took a few more steps entering the party and looking around, at once every eye in the room was on them as whispers spread between the guests but used to that Yoochun and Junsu held tighter on each other's hands and pulling a fake smile they entered the hall looking around for anybody they know or for their parents but there were a lot of guests that they could not see anyone so sighing they decided to go to the other side of the hall and make sure they won't bump into those couple of jerks they must befriend

Leading the way Yoochun pulled Junsu with one hand holding his and the other around the boy's waist stating clearly he owns this body to the other side of the room planning not to see the idiots but his plan backfired at them at once as they saw the two boys standing leaning on the wall and chatting together

Hoping that they were not spotted Yoochun and Junsu turned around at once trying to escape but at once they felt a hand on their shoulders:' here you are'

Looking up they saw their fathers looking at them with a smirk

'Oh I see you met my son and his lover' smiled Mr. Jung

Pushing Yoochun and Junsu toward the two chatting boys Mr. Park sighed and just hoped nothing bad will happen as they reached the two boys and smiled as Mr. Kim spoke:' Jae son, yunho you know Kim Junsu and park Yoochun, I believe you go to school together'

'Yea sure' yunho hugged jaejoong's waist and eyed Yoochun with hateful look that he did not bother to hide

'Ok then we will leave you alone now and remember what we talked about' Mr. Jung hissed to his son as the four men walked away leaving the two couples standing there wishing to jump and rip each other's faces right now. Ten minutes passed and the two couples stood there in the same position without a word just like wax statues or something

'So…' began yunho but had nothing to say

'So…' repeated Yoochun

And again they stood there not knowing what to say or do until the butler came by holding a tray with champagne glasses on it and they took one each but none drank, they all stood there facing each other with hatred

'OH yunie I love this song' smiled jaejoong and looked at his lover as he heard the sweet melody echo in the hall

'Come then, let's dance' yunho placed his and jaejoong's glasses on the nearby table and pulled jaejoong to the dance floor

'I hate them!' mumbled Junsu pouting

'Excuse me' Yoochun smirked and signaled one butler

The butler came and bowed to Yoochun who whispered something in his ear as the butler bowed again and left

'Chunie~ what was that about?'

'You will see baby, but now… have I told you how stunning you look tonight?' grinned Yoochun making Junsu blush and smile

The butler came back, bowed and handed Yoochun some small pill before he bowed again and left leaving Junsu frowning wanting to know what is going on and Yoochun smirking evilly holding tightly on the pill in his hand

'Chunie tell me already~' whined Junsu

'You will see sweetheart' smirked Yoochun and walked slowly to the table and placing his glass on it and watching his lover carefully and for a split second Junsu imagined Yoochun slipping something into his glass but blinking his eyes he saw nothing so thinking he must be dreaming he shook his head a little and smiled at his father who was walking with Yoochun's father and Mr. Jung and Mr. Kim toward them

'Not going to dance?' smiled Mr. Jung

'Err not now no…' Yoochun forced a smile to the old man

'Oh father' yunho and jaejoong walked back hand in hand and smiling, jaejoong was panting a little

'Oh thirsty baby?' smiled yunho

Jaejoong nodded his head a little:' you took my breath away'

Grinning yunho walked to the table wanting to take his and jaejoong's glasses back but he found only one glass

'Where are our glasses?'

'The butler took them, he said he will get you new ones when you come back' grinned Yoochun a little making yunho frown, he never liked it when Yoochun grinned this way, it always meant troubles

'Oh but you can have mine, I did not touch it' smiled Yoochun and grabbed his glass offering it to jaejoong

'Err it's ok I can…' jaejoong began but as he looked at his father's face and saw the way he looked at him he sighed and took the glass:' thank you'

Smiling a little Yoochun hugged on Junsu tightly watching jaejoong sip a little of his glass and look at yunho tiredly as softly a new melody started to echo in the hall and smiling Yoochun pulled Junsu to the dancing floor and hugged his waist at once while Junsu circled Yoochun's neck with his arms and slowly they started to move at the soft melody like they were on clouds and like there was no one else beside them in the hall while every eye in the place was on them, whispers and squeals were heard all over the hall as people gathered around the dancing floor to watch the charming young men dancing together perfectly like they were created for each other

Minute after minute the song ended and everyone stopped dancing bowed to their partner and some waited for the next song while others walked out the dance floor and Yoochun still hugged on Junsu's waist waiting for the next melody and slowly he was yunho pull jaejoong into the dancing floor next to them doubling the whispers and the squeals all around them and now smirking Yoochun waited for his plan to work while softly he led the way dancing with his lover and looking straight into those dark eyes whish always managed to make him feel like drowning in a deep sea of emotions

Looking at yunho's eyes for a split second he saw the hate and the challenging look in those eyes and smirking he swept Junsu off his feet as he turn around himself in a full circle before placing the boy back down slowly on his feets and speeding up the dance a little challenging yunho to top his move and so yunho took one arm off jaejoong's waist as he pulled jaejoong to close to his body, close enough to be glued together and they started to dance faster and ier too not wanting to lose to the other couple

The song ended and so did the one after it and the one after that and still neither of the two couples stopped dancing neither wants to be the loser and to give up

Finally after the third song ended jaejoong's charming smile turned into a small frown and as the song went by the frown became more serious and bigger until he finally stopped dancing and looking at the confused yunho for a second he broke off running out of the dancing floor, out of the hall and yunho blinking once not understanding anything ran after his lover leaving people whispering about them while Yoochun waited till the song finished and bowed a little with Junsu in the midst of the loud applause and walked back to his father and the rest

'I wonder what happened to them?' asked Mr. Jung

'Oh I'm sure it's nothing serious' smiled Yoochun softly trying his best to hold the evil smirk back as he looked at Junsu in the eyes

'But still it was a rude way to leave, something is wrong' frowned Mr. Kim jaejoong's father

Just then yunho and jaejoong walked back into the hall hand in hand and walked to the rest

'Kim jaejoong, why did you leave in such a rude way?' his father asked

'Oh sorry uncle but Jae is suffering from an upset stomach' yunho bowed a little and hugged jaejoong who did not seem very well as he frowned a little and relaxed leaning on yunho's chest

'Oh are you ok jaejoong shi?' smirked Yoochun facing jaejoong

Looking back at Yoochun jaejoong's eyes widened at once, no matter what happened to him he was sure now that Yoochun caused it somehow, he added something to the drink maybe, it was his glass after all he drank and now this evil smirk on his face, he knew this smirk very well ever since they were little kids Yoochun had this smirk on his face every time he did a prank on someone and now he was flashing him this smirk so…

Wide eyes jaejoong tightened his fist around his stomach and again ran out of the hall with yunho running after him and once again everyone stated to whisper about the couple

'Aish… this is bad' sighed jaejoong's father knowing that this will be on the front page of tomorrow's newspapers with a lot of deferent rumors about fighting between the couple or something like it, just what they need now!

'Yoochun, why don't you and Junsu go and make sure he is fine?' asked Mr. Park in a demanding tone so sighing Yoochun held Junsu's hand and walked out of the hall with a proud smile on his face noticing that everyone was staring and whispering as usual about the perfect couple

Standing in the other end of the hall a young boy, maybe the youngest in the party between all the mid aged business men and the rest shook his head holding tightly on his glass and wondering what the hell happened here, how come Yoochun pulled such a prank on one of his best friends and how come they face each other like strangers?

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Yoochun walked his hand around Junsu's waist to the bathroom bear the hall where he was sure to find the two jerks and truth enough he could hear vomiting sounds inside the bathroom and smirking wider Yoochun knocked on the door which was opened shortly after by an angry looking yunho who faced Yoochun wanting to punch him in the face

'What had you done to him park?' hissed yunho in a dangerous tone

'Nothing Jung' hissed Yoochun back in the same dangerous tone yunho used

'Oh Yoochun how is jaejoong doing?' came the voice of Mr. Park as he and the other three fathers walked to them

'He is still vomiting' Yoochun tried his best to hide his smirk

'He must have ate something bad' sighed Mr. Kim (jaejoong's dad)

'Must be' hissed yunho angrily as he went back inside the bathroom to be beside his lover


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Ahh my feels!
Chapter 38: thank you. i love it
Chapter 38: Waa~ I really love it
It's really fun...
Gonna read it again~
I love all your stories even got confused bcuz I don't really understand.
Never got bored of this fic ^^ good job :D
akihabara48 #6
Chapter 38: What a lovely story!~ I love every chapters of this fic :P 33
morgan47 #7
I enjoy all your stories so it was no surprise when I loved this one!
Hi...somebody recommend this story to me. So I browsed through and you know what I finished this story in one sit, a record for me...

This is a good story...You are a great author...I love this story so much because it was different from the other Yunjae and Yoosu stories. In this story Yunjae and Yoosu couple were good friends but because of a misunderstanding, their friendship turned sour and they hated each other so much. Minbum couple were their friends and they tried very hard to get them back together. Even though they were having hard time during the process but their hard work paid off when in the end both Yunjae and Yoosu couple restored their long lost friendship.
m0zarts0nata-- #9