
ஐClub Warஐ - completed -
Opening his eyes jaejoong moaned a little in pain and felt his throat burn as he raised his head a little, he was in his bed for sure but he was not sleeping on his pillow, it was harder so looking up he saw yunho smiling at him and playing with his hair softly

'You are up love?' smiled yunho and helped jaejoong to sit on his lap and at once the pouting jaejoong snuggled into his lover's warm embrace and tried to ask something but opening his mouth to speak no sound came out

'It's ok baby, your voice will be back in a couple of days, you just need to stay warm and rest'

Nodding his head a little jaejoong looked at his lover and yunho looking back into his lover's eyes knew what jaejoong was thinking so nodding he answered:' yes baby, I'm sure he added something into the drink… but don’t worry I will make him pay for sure, you will see!'

Believing in his lover jaejoong wiped a tear away from his eye

'Come on baby we need to get dressed for school' yunho helped the pouting jaejoong out of the bed and into the bathroom to take a warm bath and get dressed

Half an hour later jaejoong and yunho walked hand in hand out of the house and into the car as yunho drove to the school and as usual the squeals and the yells were so loud but as they walked on the red carpet neither of yunho or jaejoong was smiling, they were hugging on to each other and walking slowly until they entered the school and went into their morning club activities

ஐ First floor – Drama club: ஐ

Entering the theater yunho helped jaejoong sit down on one chair in the first row of seats while their drama teacher came running to them:' omo you two are late we thought something bad had happened to you'

Looking at the teacher and back at yunho jaejoong's big eyes looked sad as he frowned and closed his eyes

'Jaejoong is sick today, he lost his voice so he can’t practice with us'

'WHAT?? OMO BUT THE PLAY!!!... OMO…OMO… WHAT WILL WE DO?' panicked the teacher not knowing if the play will go on without one of the famous pair

'YAH! He will be fine till the end of the week, he needs to rest for a couple of days and he will be fine;

'For sure?'

'Yes!' assured yunho to the teacher

'Ok then, it's alright we will practice your parts today and the other parts tomorrow until jaejoong shi is feeling better' the teacher spoke more to herself than to anyone else before she spoke loudly:' OK EVERYONE OPEN THE SCRIPT TO PAGE FIFTY AND START PRACTICING SCENE TEN'

Nodding their heads everyone started to run around preparing the stage as yunho kissing jaejoong's palm whispered:' watch me princess, I won't take long' and with a seductive wink he walked on stage leaving a blushing jaejoong watching his lover practice his role and play it perfectly while stealing glances and winks at the blushing jaejoong who had five students kneeling around him each offering him a cup of tea or a snack or maybe some cold pills

ஐ Second floor - basketball club:ஐ

The practice started as usual five laps around the gym but everyone could see that Yoochun was in a very very good mood today that he even ignored the yells and squeals of all the fans seating on the banks and watching the captain and the vice captain run together hand in hand

After the running they had to practice the basic moves and as usual the yoosu pair was the best and the hottest

'Ok guys, that is enough for now, we will carry on after school' the coach came into the gym and stood beside Yoochun and Junsu

'Oh but we…' started Yoochun

'Yea I know, you must go for business lunch or something, your father called me so it's ok you two are amazing anyway' nodded the coach as Yoochun smiled and hugged on Junsu tighter hearing the bell ring and together hand in hand they walked to their first class

'Chunie~ won't you tell me what did you do to jaejoong's drink?' pouted Junsu again, he was begging Yoochun to know for all night but without a point Yoochun refused to tell him anything making the boy more curious than ever

'No baby I won't' again Yoochun shook his head

'FINE I HATE YOU!' Junsu got angry and frowned, he crossed his hands in front of his chest and stormed his feets on the floor not moving an inch or talking to Yoochun

'W…what? Su baby?' Yoochun tried to touch the boy but Junsu jerked his shoulder away from Yoochun's touch and just looked at the floor stubbornly

'Fine I will tell you everything love, just don't hate me baby please~?' Yoochun pleaded with his lover

'Really?' Junsu's frowned more and Yoochun nodded his head and at once Junsu's frown turned into a victory smile as he jumped into his lover's arms and hugged him tightly:' ok I won't hate you now tell me'

'Aish… you tricked me' pouted Yoochun

'Tell me~'

'Ok I ordered the butler to get me a pill to cause me diarrhea and although he looked shocked he did it and I slipped it into the drink I gave him'

'But he was vomiting' pouted Junsu again

'Well the pill had some side effects too' shrugged Yoochun not caring about anything

'Ohh~' Junsu made his lips to look like a fish mouth and laced his finger on them cutely as he allowed Yoochun to hug him and together they carried on walking to their first class not aware of the young boy standing not far from them and frowning

Entering the classroom yoosu went to their usual table and sat down, everyone or almost everyone was staring at a newspaper that they hid the second yoosu entered the classroom and soft whispers spread everywhere

'What happened chunie?' pouted Junsu wanting to know why was everyone whispering like this

'It's about yesterday's party for sure, they must have spread some rumors about those jerks, that is it baby' smiled Yoochun a little bit evilly

'Oh~' nodded Junsu understanding before he gave Yoochun his best adorable puppy eyes:' I wanna see~'

Knowing he got to fulfill his lover's wish Yoochun snapped his fingers:' newspaper!' and at once a dozen of newspapers where offered by the students in the classroom and sighing Yoochun picked one making her owner squeal in excitement as Yoochun singled his hand and they all went back to their seats and Yoochun opening the newspaper to the front page saw his own picture dancing with Junsu happily and here was a little article about how perfect the pair were while there was no mention about jaejoong running out of the hall twice, Mr. Kim must have bought the pictures so no article will be posted

Suddenly the teacher walked in:' ok everyone we got a transferred student today… come introduce yourself'

A young boy came to stand beside the teacher and bowed:' good morning I'm Kim kibum, hope we can be friends'

'Ok go sit somewhere and we will start our biology lesson' the teacher spoke as kibum walked to the empty table behind yoosu's table and was about to sit down but whispers spread everywhere at once

'YAH! No one is allowed to sit here! This table is for Yoochun shi and Junsu shi's books!' a boy yelled at kibum who linked not understanding anything

'Oh he can sit here' Junsu smiled a little

'But baby…'

'Chunie~ I like him he is cute' pouted Junsu and sighing Yoochun smiled and nodded allowing kibum to sit down

ஐ Yunjae's class: ஐ

Yunho was sitting with jaejoong on his lap frowning a little, jaejoong always hated math and science, those classes made him sleepy and as always yunho will pull him onto his lap and allow him to sleep

'Ok class we got a new transferred student today... introdoce yourself please'

A young boy stood beside the teacher and nodded his head:' i'm shim changmin'

Every eye were on the boy with the nerd attidue, people in this school did not like that, they hated nerds and with the arrival of the new nerd they got thmselves a toy to play with

'Ok go sit over there' the teacher pointed to the bank in front of yunjae and changmin walked dropped himself on the chair and sat down looking super bored

Looking at the boy in front of him jaejoong who was half asleep frowned, the name seemd familiar from somewhere bit he could not remember it clearly and that face, the boy looked younger than any of them here, he was like the baby of the school

Somehow and for some reason jaejoong smiled as he thought of the boy as the school's baby, he liked that and looking at his lover yunho was looking at him wanting to know what made him smile but jaejoong pulled himself up a little giving yunho a soft quick peck on the lips

'Sleep love, i will stay here with you' smiled yunho as he knew what his tired lover wanted so he hugged jaejoong tighter and allowed the boy to sleep in his arms not knowing that the new nerd was peeking at them and smiling a little, at least those two are in love together


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Ahh my feels!
Chapter 38: thank you. i love it
Chapter 38: Waa~ I really love it
It's really fun...
Gonna read it again~
I love all your stories even got confused bcuz I don't really understand.
Never got bored of this fic ^^ good job :D
akihabara48 #6
Chapter 38: What a lovely story!~ I love every chapters of this fic :P 33
morgan47 #7
I enjoy all your stories so it was no surprise when I loved this one!
Hi...somebody recommend this story to me. So I browsed through and you know what I finished this story in one sit, a record for me...

This is a good story...You are a great author...I love this story so much because it was different from the other Yunjae and Yoosu stories. In this story Yunjae and Yoosu couple were good friends but because of a misunderstanding, their friendship turned sour and they hated each other so much. Minbum couple were their friends and they tried very hard to get them back together. Even though they were having hard time during the process but their hard work paid off when in the end both Yunjae and Yoosu couple restored their long lost friendship.
m0zarts0nata-- #9