Yumi’s Pov. 

“ Woohyun!! Wait for Me!!” I screamed after my Boyfriend who was up ahead with his Friends, Better known as Infinite..
“Woohyun!!” I called once again. While Running after them, I tripped over a rock and scraped my knee.. 
“Ah!” I cried as the pain came and tears started forming
“Hm?” Woohyun looked back as he heard me cried in pain… When he turned to see me, there he saw me on the floor, with my knee up to my face and tears falling down my is eyes widen, and as he ran towards me. “Yumi! Are you okay?!” He bend down besides me as I shook my head, with tears falling..
“Did you hurt yourself?” He asked me as he looked over to  my knee… Which is now covered at bit with blood
“Mmmm…” I cried as I pointed to my knee..
“Aigoo… Pabo.. Why did you run?” He pushed my forehead with his finger.. 
“Because…(Sniff) Because.. (Sniff) I was running after you…(Sniff)” I told him as tears fell
“Aigoo… Mian.. It’s my Fault, I should‘ve wait then.. Mian…” He wiped my tears, “Here… Can you stand?” He told me as he got up and Helped me up.. 
“Ah~” I said as I lost balance. 
“Ha, Here… Get on my back” He bended down in front of me. “Pali~” 
“(sniff) Araso..” I wiped my tears and got on his warm back.
“Up here we go~” He said as he stood and walked towards Infinite.
“Mian-hae….” He apologized again.. “I should’ve waited for you… Mianhae..”
“It’s okay…” I told him as I snuggled onto his back, and as he chuckled.
“Is Yumi okay?” Sungjong asked as soon as we reached infinite
“Mm…” Woohyun nodded and then walked ahead of them.
“We’re here…” Woohyun Shook his shoulder to wake me up. “We’re here Yumi…” 
“Where?” I groggily asked him
“Home..” He pointed to his house…
“You’re house?” 
“No… OUR house..” He chuckled as he walked towards the house.
“Here…” He set me down gently on the sofa as he walked to bathroom, and then comes back with a medical kit.
“Here… Let me see your knee…” He gently grabbed my knee and observed it. “Good…It’s not too badly hurt…” He said as he cleaned off the blood and applied medicine.. 
“And… A Pretty Bandage.. For a Pretty Girl~” He said as he put on a Hello Kitty bandage on my knee “Plus.. A Kiss To make it better~” He bend his head down and kissed it.. 
“(Smiles) Thanks..” I told him as he got up
“Anything for you, Yeobo~” He gave me a breath taking smile and then headed back to the bathroom to put the stuff off.
“Woohyun..” I called out his name. 
“What?” He yelled from the bathroom
“Where’s Infinite oppas?” I asked as I realized they weren’t here.
“Oh.. Them? They went home for a bit and then they’ll come back…” He said as he walked out of the bathroom and towards me, as I nod my head. 
“So…” He sat besides me, “What do you want to do?” 
“Me?“ I pointed me as he nod
“Hmmm……” I put my finger to my chin and looked up and around
*Hehe.. Cute..* Woohyun Thought
“Ah! I know!!” I pointed my finger up and looked up. “Let’s make a CAKE!” I looked over to him, happily
“A Cake?” He stares at me with dull expression 
“Yeah! A Cake!! Since it’s almost your birthday!!” I smiled widely
“Well, Actually, It’s almost YOUR birthday~” He pinched my nose
“Aigoo~ Oppa! Let’s make a cake!! Please~ For Me?” 
“Mmmm….” He thought for a while and turned his head away from me
“Aigoo…Yeobo~” I said with aegyo, but he still had his head turned around..  “Ya.. Namstar~ Jagiya~” I said with more Aegyo, But that still didn’t work…. Hmm.. I guess I have to use my ULTIMATE.   
“PLEASE~ My nam-pyeon Woohyunnie~”
“Nam-Pyeon?” He turned his head towards me as a smile spread across his face 
“Mmmm… My Nam-pyeon.. My Husband~” I said once again as the smile on his face spread wider and wider, which made me knew it was chance to ask him once again. 
“Soo.. Jagiya~ Can we make the cake? Please~” I asked him
“Hmm… I guess..” He told me as a Smile spread on my face “But!” He hold up his pointing finger, which made me pout
“But What~” 
“But While making the cake, you have to call me you HUSBAND” He emphasized the word “Husband” as I smirked
“Fine.. But you have to call me your WIFE.. My Husband~” 
“Fine By Me.. My BEAUTIFUL WIFE Yumi~” 
“Hehehe.. Araso~” I giggled then stood up. “Let’s go make the cake!!” I ran excitedly towards the kitchen
“Heh, Cute..” He chuckled as he watched me run and then ran to the kitchen.
“Okay…So what do you want to make?” He asked me 
“STRAWBERRY CAKE!! With STRAWBERRY FILLING~” I shouted Happily. Strawberry has always been my FAVORITE FRUIT, but Woohyunnie, My Husband (Hehehe), don’t like strawberry that much..
“How about we make a Fruit cake?!” He suggested 
“Noo~ I want Strawberry~” I whined like a little kid
“Hmm.. What about both?”
“Okay!” I said as I took out the ingredients to the cake. “Okay.. Soo.. We Need Milk.. Check.. 2 Flour.. Check.. 2 tons of Eggs… Check.. Fruits……..?” I Looked everywhere for the fruits.. “Umm… Woohyun..” I tugged his sleeve 
“Hmm?” He turned his head towards me
“We Don’t have fruits..” 
“Yeah…” I pouted and nod
“What?! But I swear I bought some yester- Ahh~ Lee Sungyeol!!”
“Sungyeol Oppa?” 
“Yeah, Him!.. He ate all of the Fruits yesterday…” 
“Bwoh?! Aish! Yeolie oppa!!” I screamed as I raised my fist to my face and looked up.
“Haha. It’s okay.. Let’s just go buy some…” Woohyun told me 
“(sigh) Araso.. But when Yeolie oppa comes, I’m going to kick his but…”
“Ha, Why? Is it because you don’t want to go out shopping with me, right?” 
“Right!” I said with out thinking. 
“Fine.. Then.. I’m leaving~” He said while frowning and walking away.. Realizing what I just said.. I pulled him back
“Woohyun~ Mian.. I didn’t mean too..”
“Sure you didn’t” He crossed his arms and turned his back towards me.
“I do want to go shopping with you! It’s just that Yeolie ate all of the fruits.. When he didn’t save any for me!!” I pouted as Woohyun smiled
“Aigo~ You!” He ruffled my head. “Kaja~” He grabs his wallet and walks outside the house, with me following.
“Ah!” He stopped and turned around to face me 
“What?” I went up to him “Why’d you stop?” 
“Because I forgot to do this…” He locked hands with me and then gave me a Smile.
“Just because of that?” 
“Yeah.. Because I want all the Guys out there to know That you’re MY WIFE~” He said loudly and proudly, which made me blush
“Hmm” I smiled and squeezed his hand “And I want every Girl Out there to also know That You’re MY HUSBAND~” I copied him. 
“Haha, Kaja… My WIFE~” 
“Araso.. My HUSBAND~” I told him as we walked to the grocery store, hand in hand
“So.. What else do we need?” Woohyun asked me as we browse around the store..
“Hm.. Well, we have Kiwis, STRAWBERRIES, Grapes, and mandarins. hmm… What else do we need?” I said as I looked in the cart 
“Ah! Bananas! Pineapples!” 
“Oh Yeah!!” I shouted as I ran to the fruit section to grab the bananas and some pineapples in a jar.
“Hmm…. I think we’re forgetting something..” I mumbled to myself
“Forgetting what?” Woohyun came up behind me with the cart
“Hmm… I’m not sure.. But we’re forgetting something…. I just don’t know what though..”
“Hm… Watermelon?” Woohyun suggested
“Ah! Watermelon!” I went over to the watermelon section with Woohyun following after me
“Ugh!!” I tried lifting the heavy Watermelon. “Ugh!!” I tried once again but couldn’t. 
“Hmph, stupid watermelon” I pouted and glared at the Watermelon as Woohyun laughed 
“Why are you laughing?” I pouted more as he laughed harder
“Because.. You’re Soo CUTE!” He laughed as he pinched my cheek. “Here, Let me do that” He told me as I moved over. Easily for him, he picked up the Whole Watermelon and placed it in the cart. 
“There.. All Done..” He gave me a smile and a proud look on his face “Kaja..” He took my hand and pushed the cart over to the register. 
“Here…” Woohyun handed the register girl his card as I she scan the fruits.. (if it’s possible……. -.-)
“Wow.. That’s a lot of Fruits..” She laughed.
“Ha, I know..” Woohyun laughed along with her as I Stood far away looking at clothes.. (ha, It’s just like Wal-Mart). 
"So Do you have a girlfriend?" The girl asked him as Woohyun nod
"Hmm.. That one over there.." He pointed to me as I looked up to him and smiled then went back to looking at the clothes.
"Ahhhh... She's Pretty~" 
"I know right.." Woohyun told her while looking at me “The MOST Prettiest Girl in the Entire World.. Well in My World... At least” He chuckled. 
"Haha... Well, the totally would be $25 dollars” She told him as she swiped his card.
“Oh okay..“ He signed the little screen in front of him.. 
“Here’s the receipt.. And I hope you have a great day!” She handed him the receipt
“W-wait.. I think you made a mixed up.. The total is $50 dollars..” Woohyun told her as he checked the receipt
“Haha, Nope.. it’s 25 dollars” She told him
“But the receipt says..”
“Trust me, Woohyun.. It’s 25 dollars” 
“Yeah.. But... Wait.. You know me?” He stared at her confused
“Ha, who wouldn’t know you? You’re a member of Infinite, right?” She took out a picture of Infinite and pointed to him, who was standing next besides Sunggyu in the picture.
“Ha.. So You’re an Inspirit?” He smiled widely, knowing that someone recognized him.
“Haha. Yep! naekkeo haja, naega neol saranghae, ou~?
naega neol geokjeonghae, ou~?
naega neol kkeut kkaji, chaekim jil ge...” She sang the Chorus for Infinite’s new Song ‘Be mine’..
“Wooow!!” Woohyun clapped “You sing really good!” 
“Haha, Thanks... But I’m not that skilled though..” She shyly replied
“Haha... Well, I think it was good! And for your present for Being a Inspirit.. I’ll tell the gang about you and the store.. and we’ll come by and give you one of our albums all signed” Woohyun told her kindly as she stood there shocked
“Hmm.. For being a Fan of infinite and Singing our song, it’ll be a great present.. So who do you like in infinite?” He asked her.. As she screamed out, without hesitation..
“Hoya?” Woohyun asked her as I came up besides them.
“Hoya? Howon Oppa?” I looked over to Woohyun and the cash register girl.
“You’re a fan of Hoya?” Woohyun ignored my question and asked the girl.
“Yeah! Hoya! He’s soo CUTEE and SOOO Y When he dances!” She squealed
“Omg! I totally agree!” I screamed and agreed with her, “Hoya Oppa is so Cute!! Especially when he does Aegyo!!” 
“Hoya does aegyo?” She asked me with curious and fan-girl eyes
“Uh huh!! You want to see?!” I took out my phone and went to my videos.. and clicked on the video Sungyeol recorded on my phone.. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1O4sVsqcotU&list=FLJdl_Yf4zjKE0HiJVP_swOQ&index=4&feature=plpp )
“Awww!! How CUTE!” Me and the girl squealed as the video finished. 
“Isn’t he soo CUTE!!” I asked her as she nod happily.
“The Fruit I Like the best..  is the Watermelon” She started
“And You, Clap. like... Ho.. ya~” I finished as we started clapping like Hoya oppa and laughed afterwards 
“Hahaha...” We laughed as Woohyun stood over there by himself, just watching us fan girl over Hoya.
“Yeah.. So I’m Yumi.. Choi Yumi” I took out my hand for her to shake
“Hi! My name is Kim Sooyoung” She shook my hand
“Ahh~ Kim Sooyoung..” I repeated her name as I nod my head... “Well next time I come here again, I’ll make sure to bring Hoya oppa!” I told her
“Jeongmal?!” She stared at me with wide eyes
“Mmm! Hoya oppa Would be thrilled to meet one of his fans!!” I smiled widely. “So Are you older than Hoya oppa or younger?” 
“Ah... Um.. I’m a Noona..” She looked down shyly
“jingja?!” Woohyun butted in the conversation.. “Then that means you’re my Noona Too!” he said loudly as Me and Sooyoung just stared at him with a blank face..
“Uh… Sorry” He backed away and looked around as We laughed
“Haha. Well that means you’re my Unnie!” I said happily
“Jeongmal?” She stared at me. 
“Mmm! I’m 2 years younger than Hoya Oppa! Same age as Sungjongie..” I told her 
“Really? Well, it’s great to have a dongsaeng like you!” 
“Awww! Thanks Unnie.. Well I have to get going..”
“Awww Really? Well Come next time! And bring Hoya Okay?!” 
“Okay!” I gave her a ‘ok’ sign and then walked over to Woohyun
“Ready?” He asked me
“Mmm!” I nod my head 
“Kaja..” He grabbed my hand and then walked out the doors, pushing the cart with his other hand.. 
-Outside the Store- 
“Here.. Let me help you~” I told him as I helped him push the cart with my free hand as I still held on to his
“Thanks” He told me as we pushed the cart to cart section
“Anything for you~” I winked at him as he grabbed the 2 bags while I grabbed the other one..
  “Let’s go” He pulled me along with him as we walked home swinging our lock hands together.. 
“Mmm! Let’s go and make the CAKE!!” I said happily as he chuckled.
“Aww~ Would you look at that..” An Older Women said to her Husband as we passed them. “Isn’t that cute! Remember when we used to do that, Yeobo?” She asked her husband
“Hmm.. Yeah.. Good times” He smiled down to her as they walked inside the store.. (A/N: Haha.. Random 2 husband and wife time) 
-At Home- 
“Wahh! We’re finally Home!!” I said happily, with my arms wide open, as we stepped inside Woohyun’s house
“Haha, Are you that Happy to be home?” Woohyun chuckled as he walked inside.
“Mm!!” I turned to face him with a bright smile and nod… “Ya~ Pali!! I want to make the cake already!” I ran towards the kitchen
“Haha, Alright.. I’m coming!” He yelled as he closed the door and walked to the kitchen.
"Hurry! Hurry!" I waved my hands excitedly as he walked in and set the fruits on the counter top
"So.. What do you want to make first?" 
"STRAWBERRY FILLING CAKE!!" I did fist pump.
"Haha... Okay~" He ruffled my hair as we started making the cake.
"Oppa.... You don't cut the fruit like that" I told him as I watched him slice the strawberries
"What?" He looked up and accidentally cut his finger. "AH!!" 
"Omo! Oppa! Are you okay?" I raced over to his side. "(Gasp) Ya! B-blood is coming out~" I stared at Woohyun's finger, who's now bloody
"Ya! Don't look!" Woohyun screamed at me, knowing that I don't like blood..
"B-but.. Oppa, You're bleeding!" I looked down to his finger which is now covered in blood.. "Give me you're finger!" I told him as he stook his finger out to me.
"Why?" He asked me, but without saying anything, I bend my head down to his finger and the blood to make it stop bleeding
"Y-ya! Bwoh hae!" he screamed at me, but I just ignored him until I thought all of the blood was gone.
*Okay..... That should be enough* I pulled my mouth from his finger and then ran to the bathroom, leaving Woohyun standing there shocked by my actions.
"Here.. Let me see your hand" I said as I set the medical kit on the table. "Woohyun?" I looked up to Woohyun, but he was just there standing, shocked
"Woohyun~" I poked him as he got out of his daze. 
"Let me see your hand" I repeated 
"Ugh..." I rolled my eyes as I took is finger and applied some medicine on it as Woohyun stared at me.
"You know...." He started, still looking at me
"You looked really HOT when You the blood from my Finger~" He chuckled as I smiled 
"Thanks~" I told him with a smile as I put on a Badtz Maru Bandage on him.. “There~ We’re Equal now” I gave him a kiss on the nose and then walked over to cutting board and begin cutting the fruits
“Hey~ That’s my job!” He came up besides me 
“Well now it’s my job... I don’t’ want you to cut your hand again~”
“But I want you to my blood again~” He said as I smiled at his silliness
“Haha, Maybe next time~” I pat his head, even though he’s taller than me.
“Fine…” He pouted as I walked passed him and went to go check up on the cake in the oven
‘Hmm.. They look ready’ I thought before opening the oven. With out a thought, I grabbed the oven tray without the gloves..
“Ah!” I pulled my hand away from the tray as my hand touched it.
“Yumi!” Woohyun came over to my side.. “Are you okay?” he asked me as he looked at my now red finger
“Does it hurt?” He asked me 
“Mm…” I nod as Tears starting forming
“Here..” He did the same action I did to him.. “Don’t Cry…” He said with his mouth on my finger as he wiped my tears 
“There…” He pulled his mouth away from my finger and blew it.
“Gomawo Oppa~” I thanked him as he smiled at me and then went to the kitchen and grabbed some medicine to help the burn (Aish I forgot what the medicine name was again.. You know the medicine… That you use when you get a sun burn..) 
“Ha, You’re welcome..” He applied some on finger and hand and then washed the medicine off his hand
“Now… THIS Is My JOB” He said as he smiled and put on the hot pan gloves and pulled the cake out
“Are you ready to make some STRAWBERRY FILLINGS?!” He yelled while smiling widely at me
“Haha, Yeah!” I giggled and went over to him as we started making the cake.. Soon after making that cake, We started making the Fruit cake..
“Wow! Soo Pretty!” I said as we finished putting the LAST fruit on the Cake.. “Let’s take a picture!” I said excitedly as I ran to go get the Camera and took a pic of it… 
“Woohyun and Mine’s Cake” I said as I stared at the cake 
“Let’s try it out!” Woohyun said as he took some of the cream off the Fruit cake
“Mmm~ It’s GOOD!” Woohyun said Looking at me “Try it Babe!” 
“Haha, Okay~” I giggled as I took my finger and scooped at bit of cream and ate it..
“Mmm~ it is Good!” I said as I looked over to Woohyun as he smiled at me. Soon, Woohyun and I started eating more of the cream from the cake. While the cream off our fingers, I turned my head towards MY Husband…. Hehe, I love saying that now… Anyways, Just looking at him… An Idea popped up in my head… Soon I took a BIG Scoop of the cream and called My Woo-Hubby~
“Woo Baby~” I called sweetly out to him
“Hmm Babe?” He turned his head and then…. 1 , 2, 3.. BAM!! I slammed the cream in his face
“What…What The?!” He screamed as I giggled. “Y-Ya! Choi Yumi!” He glared at me.. Oh Shizz … I Know what’s going to come up next… Soon a smile curled up on his face and then he grabbed a whole HAND FULL of the cream.. And then That was when I started running
“Oh! No You don’t Choi Yumi!!” He Screamed as he ran after me. Soon, We were running around in the house until I reached the Kitchen and surprisely got attacked by Woohyun.
“Ya!!” I screamed at him as he smiled with triumph. Soon, I took a Hand full of cake and threw it at his face.. And then, It lead to a CAKE FIGHT.


“Hey!! we’re here!” Sungyeol yelled as he and Infinite walked through the Doors. “Hello?” He yelled as he looked around for us
“Are they even here?” Sunggyu asked as Sungyeol shrugged. Soon they heard some giggling and screaming from the Kitchen
“What are they doing in there?” Dongwoo asked as Everyone shrugged and curiously walked over to the kitchen. When they got there, There they Saw Yumi and Woohyun screaming and throwing Cakes at each other.
“Ooooooo!! I want to Join!!” Sungyeol screamed as he joined the fight.
“Sungyeol!!” Yumi and Woohyun Screamed
“Yeolie! You’re on my Team!” Yumi screamed to him
“No He’s on mine!” Woohyun shouted
“Hey! I’m on my own!” Sungyeol shouted at them, but then was soon attacked by Yumi And Woohyun.
“L!! Help!! I’m getting attacked!” Sungyeol screamed for help
“I’m coming!” L yelled as he went to Sungyeol and then started attacking Yumi and Woohyun.. Soon, everyone got into pairs. Yumi with Woohyun (WooMi) L With Sungyeol (MyungYeol) Dongwoo and Hoya, the Rapper Line (Yadong) And then Sunggyu and Sungjong, Leader and Magnae(I‘m not sure if they even have a Couple name).


“Ya! Oppa! Attack! Attack!” I told Woohyun as I Hid behind him, while he attacked the others.
“Ya! I’m doing all the Work here!” He screamed
“Of course you are!”
“Well Help!” 
“Oppa! You’re the Man Right?” I asked him 
“Then Protect your GIRL! Which is me!” I screamed at him “Now Attack!!” I told him, but then My eyes landed on Something…. 
“Wait!!” I screamed at everybody as they stopped attacking each other and looked over to me
“Strawberry Cake! My Strawberry Cake!” I screamed as I quickly grabbed my strawberry cake and then put it in the Fridge.. “Woohyun!! Attack!!” I screamed as I ran passed MyungYeol and went behind him.
“Ahhh!!” We all screamed as we threw cake each other. Soon, we got tried of throwing the cake and sat down on the floor.
“Haha, you guys have cake in your hair~” I laughed as I pointed to L and all of them
“So~ you have it Too!” MyungYeol pointed to me as I pout
“It’s not good to point~” I told them. 
“Well you did it Too~” L told me, sticking his tongue out at me. Soon, We all began observing our looks..
“Haha, We’re all drenched in Cake~” Sunggyu laughed as we laughed along.. After 15 minutes of laughing we began talking about how Fun that was and How Funny it was of how Dongwoo Oppa slipped on cake and fell on the floor. While talking to Infinite oppas, Woo-Hubby called out to me
“Yumi~” Woohyun called out to me
“Hmm?” I turn my head to look at him, but then Something soft pressed against my lips. At first I was shocked, but Then I found out It was Woohyun.. He was kissing me.. Slowly I closed my eyes and kissed him back.. Soon our kiss got deeper and then he bit my lip for entrance in my mouth and as a obedient girl, I opened my mouth and soon he began to explored my mouth with his tongue… Soon, we began having a tongue war and our kiss got even more deeper until Sungyeol screamed…
“Ewww!! Get a Room~” 
“Ewww!” The other members said as they threw some cake at us.. 
‘Haha’ I laughed in my mind as I parted from Woohyun
“okay okay!” I laughed as I got up. “Let’s go get change guys” I told them
“Hey! Our clothes are still here right?” Sunggyu asked as I nod
“Yeah~” Woohyun told them
“Oh, Well I’m going to go get my clothes~” Sunggyu said as he walked up stairs while the rest of the members followed after him. I was too going to go upstairs, but something pulled my hand. I looked down and saw that it was linked with another hand.. 
“Stay~” Woohyun told me as I nod and went back to his side. When I looked up at him, Slowly… he bended down towards my face..
“Yumi…” He called out to me
“Hmm?” I looked up at him as I stared at his BEAUTIFUL Brown EYES..
“You Got something on your lip~” He told me as he looked down to my lips
“Really?” I asked him as I got ready to wipe my mouth with my hand, but was stopped by Him
“Here, Let me Do it” He said as he bended down towards my lips and gave me a surprised kiss..
“Mmmm~ Delicious~” He said as he pulled away from my mouth, but then took another kiss.
“Yep… DELICIOUS!” He said as I smiled widely at him and squeezed his hand. 
“Ya! Are you guys Going to Change or What?!” Sunggyu screamed from upstairs
“Yeah! We’re Coming!” Woohyun screamed as he pulled me towards the stairs
“Let’s go Yumi~ Let’s go Take a SHOWER Together!” He said Happily, pulling me up stairs with him
“Oppa!!” I blushed at his words
“What?” He stopped and looked at me. “We already did Something you wanted to do.. Now My Turn!” He raised his eyebrows up and down at me, which me blush even Harder
“Now Let’s Go Yumi!!” He pulled me towards My Room and then Closed the DOOR after him. 

THE END!! (: Wow, What a LONG LONG ONE SHOT! LOL :P Anyways, THIS is My FIRST ONE SHOT! Soo I Hope you Guys LIKED IT ^^ Hehe, Buh Bye~ 

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Chapter 1: Omg, this was do cute!~ hehe myungyeol ~ buy anyways really good story ~
Horany #2
cute :3<br />
keikimie #3
cute story :)))<br />
sooo cute myungyeol<3 woomi<3