Welcome to Red Rose Academy

The Red Rose Society

I was starring out the bus window when everything suddenly came to a screeching halt. The trees stopped moving and I almost hit my head on the seat in front of me, a downside of sitting all the way in the back is that, it's the most bumpy. 

I looked around for a moment before the bus driver spoke. 

"Last stop!"  Without thinking i grabbed my duffle bag and headed to the front but as I approached the bus driver I was confused. 

"Um...where's the school sir?" I asked him as I mindlessly went down the stairs. 

"It's right around the corner over there, just a little climb away." I hurridley grabbed the map from my pocket and turned around to the bus driver but the doors closed in front of my face in a rush and I heard a muffled 'good luck!' before it drove away leaving a cloud of dust for me to inhale and cough out violently 

"*cough cough* hey!!" I waved the smoke away and then dropped my bag and sighed, I took another look at the map and tried looking for some signs to help me guide the way, and in the corner of my eyes I saw a out of place fancy metal black sign with white letters and red roses wrapped around the pole and arm.  

Red Rose Academy 2miles

The sign pointed up the winding hill and I knew I was in for quite the walk, I silenlty cursed the bus driver and picked up my bags and started walking. 



"Wah...." my jaw dropped at the sight of the school, I was standing outside the 20 foot tall metal gates and from the looks on the outside it looked like very expensive and very old gothic architecture, made of stone and high windows. In the center of the building I could mae out a clock tower and as it rung, and as if on cue the giant forboading gates opened and I saw this tall slender woman in front of me, who seemingly came from no where. 

"Hello there Miss Moon. My name is Ms.Kim and I am the assistant principal here at Red Rose Academy and I'm here to show you around." 

Taking a close look at Ms.Kim she seemed to be a young but mature woman, she probably only turned 30 years old, her skin was milky white as pale, and she had these piercing brown eyes and her black hair was tied up in a neat bun, no hair out of place and a pair of red glasses were perched just on the bridge of her nose, she was quite slender and tall kinda like me, but she presented herself much better in her red heels and professional looking black suit with white horizontal stripes, most likely deisnger. 

"Good morning M'am." I greeted her politely, I wanted to make a good impression on her. Something told me she would be a much better person if I was on her good side. 

She let loose a soft elegant chuckle and spoke "Just call me Ms.Kim, now come on, follow me inside, there is much to show you."

I grabbed my bag tight and hurried behind her following her as she quickly walked inside the tall wooden doors, which shut loudly behind me as I barely made it through. 

"Qucikly. You can leave you bag here Miss. Moon, someone will take your belongings to your dorm by the time you arrive there." I did what she said and dropped my bag down onto the ground, and followed her deeper in Red Rose Academy.

"As you can see here, we take great pride in our architectural excellence inspired by the famoud gothic pieces of the past such as the westminster abbey and the chartes cathedral, however don't be fooled by our old style of building, we have the latest techonolgy to accomidate the needs of our students and faculty. There are three b 

I stayed silent and took awe at the tall ceilings and intricate embelishes in the walls and windows. Looking through the windows I saw some of the students heading to class, the uniforms here looked lovely, I couldn't wait to wear mine.

"Here we are quite lenient on our rules due to the exemplementary performence of our students, however there is one important rule that all of the students must follow." 

"What rule is that Ms. Kim?" 

Suddely she stopped walking and spoke, not bothering to look at me.

"Don't go outside after curfew." 

"..W-Why is that? Are there any dangerous animals out in these woods?" I asked nervously, I looked at her and she giggled softly

"No, we just don't want anyone getting lost or injured, this school is in the middle of no where. We wouldn't want any serious injuries to happen."


I sounded some what disapointed to myself for some reason and she continued to walk. Introducing me to the school and all it's inner workings. When out of the great blue sky I bumped into something while gawking at the high ceilings and endless rows of windows.

"Oof!" I rubbed my forhead which was undoubtly red "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention." 

 I looked up and saw a handsome boy my age standing in front of me, he seemed bored and uninterested and quite rude if you ask me, he didn't bother even helping me.

However before I could utter another word he walked away quickly dispearing from my sight.

"U-Um...sorry?" Suddenly Ms.Kim turned to me and smirked 

"I see you have encountered Mr. Oh Sehun."


"He is the headmaster's son and a member of one of this school's many clubs, The Red Rosse Society."

"Red Rose Society? What's that?"

"Something extremly special." 

"How do you join such a club?" I asked as she continued walking and she chuckled softly 

"You so not join, you are simply chosen." 

"Chosen? How are you-"

"I think we had better hurry and finish the tour, after which you can change into your uniform and head off to class, they already know you are here and are being shown around, they will of course, excuse your tardiness. After school the Headmaster would like to speak to you."



"My name is Moon Hyeri, nice to meet you all." I greeted myself to the classroom and was quite surprised with the clear sound of a unified welcoming. Afterwards however they went back to their own books and busisness. 

"You can take your seat now Miss. Moon." 

The teacher motioned to an empty seat in the back of this huge classroom, and it was all the way in the back, and I wondered how on earth could I hear him from back there. But when I sat down I noticed a small moniter wedged into my mahognoy angled so I could see it without looking down. 

Sitting at my desk, I felt as like if i touched anything I would be fined a million dollars because besides being an outrageously large desk with plently of leg room. There was a small surrounding wall that seperated me from looking over anyone's paper during tests, not that I would ever, and two sets of small drawers on the left and the right, inside there was sharpened pencils, black and blue pens and paper for notes.  This was probably a custom made desk for all the students. 


Good thing I have a scholarship.  

Just then suddenly the door slid open in a quick motion and there stood two boys, one of which seemed fimilar. 

"Oh Sehun, Kim Jongin, please come in, take your seats and make youselves comfortable, we just introduced our new student." The teacher waved over at me and I felt the sudden urge to stand up and introduce myself. Then I realized it was the Headmaster's son with his friend.

"Hello I'm Moon Hyeri." They both nodded and walked to their seats, they both sat in the back as well, a few seats away from me, and I sat back down quietly feeling somewhat embarassed. 

I looked at the clock and realized that they were very very late, I was too of course but I was excused due to my new coming but they just waltzed in and was welcomed brightly with no penelty, I know the school is light on their rules but something tells me that being the Headmaster's son helped.

A bit unfair but I guesss that's how school's like this worked. 



Class ended and I remember Ms.Kim telling me to go to see the Headmaster for something, probably something about my scholarship. I walked out of the class and took out the map from my blazer pocket and began walking towards where I assumed the office was. 

I wandered around for a bit before admiting to myself that I might have gone the wrong direction. Then at the end of the hallway I saw a boy bent over picking up a lot of papers he must have dropped.

Immediately I ran over to help.

"Hey!" I excalimed running over, I noticed people were glancing over at me but really didn't pay much attention" Do you need any help?" I asked slowing down to a stop near him 

"U-Um sure." He was wearing a pair of round glasses which reminded me of harry potter -I hope that wasn't a mean thought... 

I nodded and bent down carefully to help pick up his papers, it was silent except for the sound of rustling papers. I looked over at the boy and he looked like a very nice boy, he was almost like a little penguin,  then for a moment our hands grzed and I couldn't help but notice his extremely cold hands. They felt like icicles. 

"Are you okay, you're hands are freezing." I asked him and he retracted his body quickly and hurried up, snatching the papers from my hands and shooting up straight, he suddely got a glazed cold look on his face, pushed up his glasses and spoke

"Thank you, but I'll be going now." 

"W-Wait!" I reached out to stop him but before I knew it he was already out of sight and my arm fell to my side lifelessly and I sighed to myself, I really wanted to ask him for directions.



Fumbling around for a little bit I finally managed to find the main office and as I approached the large double wooden doors, it seemed to open automatially as I walked up to it

"...creepy." I mumbled to myself and walked inside to find Ms. Kim standing in the middle of the room waiting for me. 

"You're late." 

"I got lost."

"The Headmaster will see you now." She motioned me beside her and she began walking me towards another part of the office, and in front of another pair of large doors. 

"Just knock before you enter." She said then seemingly vanished again.

"...People in this school are really quick to get away from me." 

I sighed one more time and gathered the courage to knock at the heavy looking doors. I've never seem the Headmaster, I only know that he has a son and was ncie enough to give me a schoolarship to his school.

*knock knock*

"Come in." I jumped hearing the commanding voice of what I assumed to be the Headmaster. I gulped down my nervousness and pushed the doors, which were surprisingly light and entered the room, closing the doors behind me.

I looked inside and it was just as fancy smancy as everything else in this school, there were shelves upon shelves of books on both the walls and a interesting light fixture hanging on the ceiling, the Headmaster was standing on the far side starring out of the wall of windows, half draped by scarlet red curtains.

"You may sit." 

I rushed over to the only tall leather chair in front of his big desk and sat down, the leather sqeeked a bit when I sat down. Suddenly he turned around and faced me. 

He looked young and handsome but also cold and rugged but as soon as he spoke the previous image of a cold city man shattered 

"Why hello there! You must be Moon Hyeri! The schoolarship student!" He rushed over to me and clasped my hands together in his own and shook them up and down frantically "I'm so excited to finally see you in person! You are much cuter in person than in your school photo."


"Sorry about that but you're the first student here I admitted with a schoolarship. You should be very proud." 

"I am?"


"I would have assumed that many students would try to apply for a schoolarship here."

"Many have, but I have very high standards for those who intend to go to school here on a schoolarship. So far you were the only one to have passed those requirements."

"Really? But even in my school, I was in the top ten but I was only second-"

"My process has less to do with grades and more with personality."


"Yes." He pulled out a yellow file folder from within his desk drawer and sat in his big chair as he flipped through the pages "Ah see, you have tons of volunteer work and outstanding reccomendations from those in your school for being and I quote: "A kind and caring student, truly one of a kind" unquote."

"Oh wow. I didn't know my teachers thought of me so highly." 

"You should congradulate yourself Hyeri." I couldn't help but smile when he told me that, because i did feel proud and I did silently congradulate myself in my own head. 

"Thank you Sir."

"...I also have quite a selfish reason for bringing you here as well." He then got up and faced the window again, the sun looked like it was about to set. 

"What is that sir?" Before he could answer Ms. Kim opened the door 

"Sorry to interrupt Sir, however it is about to turn dark, I think Miss. Moon should head to her dormitory." Ms. Kim said and the Headmaster nodded and turned around once more, silently putting the file away into his desk drawer again. 

"Of course. We will continued our conversation another time Hyeri." And with that Ms. Kim guided me out of the room.



---no one's POV---

"Have the preperations been made Ms. Kim?" The headmaster asked starring outside the window, watching the sun set, the shades of red and orange filling the sky. 

"Yes. Miss. Moon's dormitory preperations hace been made along with her classes." Ms. Kim said bowing her head and tucking her clipboard behind her once more as she pushed up her red glasses. 


"Sir. Are you sure she can do it?" 

There was a silence as the sun set and the sky turned dark.

"...Yes, I believe she can do it." Suddenly 6 dark figures raced across the courtyard and into the woods. "I believe she can change my son for the better."







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Chapter 3: Wow~ Sehun really kind to Hyeri though - Yuki