

If there is one thing that Irene would be afraid of, it’s heights. For some reason, she had always loathed going up stairs that are too high or going up the building using an elevator.


She hated it so much that she once cried after getting in an elevator on her own, with no one to hold on. Her members did asked her on why she was crying and all she could give as a reply was a cute pout along while pointing towards the elevator, sobbing like a little child.


It was then the other three girls realized that there would be no limit to their leader’s cuteness. As if her childishness weren’t enough, god just had to add another lovable quirk to Irene that made people love her more and more.


One particular girl, out of the other three was the one who found her the cutest though.


And so, she decided to be the knight in the shining armor for Irene.


It was in the middle of a practice-break where Irene excused herself to go to the toilet and tried to drag Joy along with her to accompany her but to her dismay, the maknae was far too tired to even move a muscle and in the end, she ended up going on her own.


Irene did thought of asking Wendy or Seulgi to come along with her but since she didn’t want to be rude and interrupt their conversation with their dance instructor, she decided to drop the thought.


Irene slowly came to a stop in front of the elevator, dwelling on whether she should be getting on it or just head down the stairs that would take her much longer to reach the toilet.


Why on earth is there not a single toilet in the floor where their practice room is located at anyways?


Just as she was about to go for the second option, a hand reached out to grab hers and immediately pressed for the elevator button. And it turns out to be Wendy, humming nonchalantly as she waited for the door to open.


She didn’t even spare Irene a glance and just stood silently, as if holding Irene’s hand while waiting for the elevator is the most natural thing to do.


Irene on the other hand, wasn’t complaining though.




“Hey, where did Irene unnie go?”


“She’s heading for the toilet downstairs.”


“Why on earth didn’t you accompany her then?!”


“Well excuse me, it’s not my fault that she’s scared of heights. You should’ve gone with her then instead of scolding me!”


“I didn’t know that she’s going downstairs… And I’m not scolding you!”


“Yes you are!”


“Nu uh!”


“Maybe you should hurry now before your precious crush holds on to another guy instead.”


“Oh my god, please don’t.”




“Yah guys, wait for me!” Irene tried to call out to both Seulgi and Joy as the two ran down the stairs in a hurry, the last one to arrive at their car were to wash their laundry for week they say.


Truth to be told, Irene was the one to suggest their little race first but little did she forgot that she had to go down the stairs that were terrifyingly high for her to go down quickly.


“Looks like I’m the one washing the laundry then,” Irene grumbled as she stopped in front of the staircase and watched the two girls disappeared from her sight.


Now that she thought about it, where’s Wendy anyways? She blinked for a few times, wondering if the latter had already arrived at their van first but her question was answered when a familiar voice suddenly came out of nowhere.


“What are you doing here unnie?” Wendy quirked a brow before tugging on Irene’s hand, intertwining their hands afterwards and Irene would be lying if she weren’t surprised by the younger girl’s sudden appearance.


For some reason, Wendy seems to be good in appearing without a notice. Especially whenever Irene is on her own.


“O-Oh nothing.”


“Come on now,” she smiled and slowly made her way down the stairs, careful not to drag Irene too quickly. The older out of the two just nodded happily in return, glad that Wendy was there for her.




“Uhm, may I ask what are you doing hiding behind the vending machine?”


“O-Oh, hello there Bora sunbae! I uhm… I was just waiting for someone.”




“Just someone…”


“…Your crush?”


“Something like that…”




“I’m not gonna do it!” Irene quickly cowered behind Wendy, trying to save herself from the evil bear and their maknae. There was no way on earth she’s going to do the bungee jump.


Seulgi and Joy might’ve done it but that doesn’t mean that she’s going to do it as well.


“Oh please unnie, we’re still alive after doing the jump. You can do it with Wendy if you want. There’s the couple bungee jump,” Joy grinned to the two of them, with Seulgi following suit.


Irene hesitated for a moment as she looked over to Wendy, who mouthed to her that everything would be okay before patting her arm reassuringly and for the first time in her life, Irene was actually willing on facing her fear that she gave in to the other two girl’s request in the end.


At least she won’t die alone if anything were to happen.


She nervously stood by the edge while waiting for the staffs to finish putting on the gear for her and Wendy, and now that she’s taking a closer look at the lake underneath them, she was starting to contemplate on withdrawing from the jump.


“Hey, it’s going to be alright unnie,” Wendy whispered softly as she caressed the older girl’s hair soothingly, as if she could read what was going on in Irene’s mind at the time.


Meanwhile, Seulgi and Joy just stood at the side, watching the adorable scene with a smile.




“Hey, shall we go for bungee jumping tomorrow?”


“What? All four of us?”




“…You do know that Irene-unnie is-“


“Duh, yes. And that’s the reason why I wanted to do it. Knowing Irene-unnie, she would probably be too scared to do it on her own, so you and Joy can persuade her on doing the couple bungee jump with me!”


“…Oh wow, such a brilliant plan Son Seungwan.”


“I know right?”


“I was being sarcastic there.”




“Oh my god, I can’t take this anymore!”


“What is it Joy?” Seulgi raised her eyebrow questioningly at Joy’s sudden outburst in the middle of their movie night. She swore that the girl was just fine laughing at some of the jokes from the movie a few minutes ago.


“Them! It’s irritating me!” Joy groaned in frustration as she pointed towards both Wendy and Irene, the latter having rested her head on Wendy’s lap.


“Excuse me?” Irene blinked for a few times, ready to lecture the maknae for interrupting their movie night but Joy was the first one to speak instead. And what came from the younger girl’s mouth surprised her.


“Wendy unnie likes you and you two are acting like a couple and yet the two of you aren’t together!”


“Y-Yah!” Wendy widened her eyes immediately upon hearing what Joy had just said in front of their faces before looking over to Irene frantically, her ears growing red as she does so.


It took Irene a while to absorb everything that had just been said to her and she slowly rose up from Wendy’s lap, all eyes watching her every move.


“Is that true Wendy?” Irene spoke softly as she looked over to Wendy and judging from the way Wendy was avoiding her eyes, Joy was probably right.


“I-I uhm…” Wendy fidgeted in her seat, trying come up with some excuse that would help her in getting away but she couldn’t think of any. This is probably going to be the end of their relationship, Wendy thought.


What if Irene doesn’t like her the way she does? Or worse, what if Irene never liked girls all along?


All of her thoughts however, soon went away the moment she felt a pair of warm lips against hers. And Wendy could just taste the strawberry lip balm that Irene is so obsessed with. 


If it weren’t for the awkward cough that Seulgi was giving them, the two probably wouldn’t have pulled away from the kiss and took things further with the other two members still in the room.


“So… Does this mean that the two of you are together now or...”


“I…” Wendy turned to look at Irene for an answer but the older girl just gave her a chuckle along with a flick on Wendy’s forehead.


“Of course we are. What’s that kiss for then?” Irene smiled and boldly hovered on top of Wendy, giving the latter another peck on the lips. Her action just caused Wendy to blush even more and Joy to throw a pillow at the two.


“Now, I didn’t get you together just so I could watch you two make out. Please do keep in mind there are lonely single people in this room,” she sulked and shove a handsome amount of popcorn into . “I’m just helping out Seungwan unnie since she seems so pitiful watching over you from afar and all the plans that she made. The stairs, the bungee jump-“


“Bungee jump?”


“Oh, didn't you know that Seungwan unnie was the one who suggested to go for it? So that she could try the couple bungee jump with you-“


“Park Sooyoung!”


The blush on Wendy’s cheeks grew a shade deeper as she shouted in retaliation to the maknae but it only caused Irene smirk devilishly in return.


“Huh, I see. Looks like you and I have something settle up tonight then.”


A/N Sorry for the crappy ending smh. I know I’m late but Happy WenRene day guys! ; u ; I’m still working on the shots for the collection actually, but my brain is not giving me ideas these days. And I didn’t know that some of you are actually waiting for me to post this thing actually quq; I’m sorry if I disappoint you. Sobs. 

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Chapter 1: Cutie Seungwan..... ^^
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: ❤️
aglaonema #3
Chapter 1: ❤️
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 1: Seriously this is very funny
seungwan15 #5
Chapter 1: Lol and it was almost always Irene who will initiate the kiss, kyaahhhh :)))))) i love how wendy makes it seem subtle when she plans it all along. It could happen in real life u know ~~
Chapter 1: Lol. Traitor maknae.
Zanz20 #7
Chapter 1: Arhh. Oh my gosh. I squealing in happiness. This is so super amazingly cute awesome stories. Your wenrene story make me fall in love with them more. Good job!
wolfette #8
Chapter 1: omg this was really cute and well written!! i never paid attention to wenrene as a ship but this was so nice!! it's really refreshing to find nice girl group stories