First Strike


Second day of their class..

So their teacher Mrs. Lee decided to have seating arrangements..


TaeYeon was the first girl in their section so she was assigned to seat beside LeeTeuk, who was the first for boys.


At first, TaeYeon was disappointed at the same time uncomfortable sitting beside a guy especially LeeTeuk because they weren’t close since their sophomore years.


She doesn’t like LeeTeuk’s personality. TaeYeon was LeeTeuk’s opposite side. He’s noisy, lazy but he’s fun to be with. And it took her a week to adjust and accept the fact that her seatmate was a guy!


After a week, they started to feel comfortable especially LeeTeuk. He’s trying to act as if he’s TaeYeon’s close friend. He even tried to make small conversations with her. Sometimes he asks..


“How’s Nickhun? ”..


A/N: Nickhun, another character. He’s TaeYeon’s ex boyfriend. Hmm, actually I don’t know how LeeTeuk knew about him.


“Yah! I already forget him! I already have new one!” She answered.


“Name?” He questioned.


“SungMin.. Lee SungMin!” I smiled.


-- Taeng’s Mind --


Sometimes I wonder why I still answered that SungMin was still mine. In fact, he’s not. We broke up almost a month before school days began.


-- End --


+ Break Up +


A month before school days, we’re still good friends, just like in a relationship. But then, Taeng realized that SungMin takes her for granted because he knew that Taeng really loves her a lot. She ended it up and told SungMin..


“Forget about me and everything! Don’t dare text or call me! Be good always, Goodbye!”..


After saying those words tears fell from her eyes.. It took her one week to get over those crying moments.


But until school days she still can’t move on to SungMin, even he already had a new girlfriend after a week they broke up..


+ End +


Days passed.. TaeYeon and LeeTeuk became closer and comfortable to each other.. TaeYeon didn’t feel something wrong between their closeness because she’s used to have friends who were boys because of her attitude (BOYISH TYPE)

A/N: No doubt LeeTeuk was also comfortable with her.


Sometimes between their conversation, JongHyun and ShimHye joined them..

JongHyun and ShimHye are seatmates at the back of TaeYeon and LeeTeuk.

They all had a good time talking about their classmates, jokes and other stuffs.

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likeastar #2
nnaahhh !! love it ^^