; 사

The Vow
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The hospital cafeteria was dull, a monotonous repetition of lunch trays and mindless chatter. The strong smell of ketchup emanated from the hot food line, and the chocolate milks were cold to the touch. At one corner stood the pastry stand, where lots of baked goods with golden flaked skin were lined up. Tiffany's eyes brightened up at the sight and immediately started grabbing some of the pastries before wolfing them down quickly.


“Hospital food not really your liking?” The short girl behind her spoke up, watching Tiffany biting down on the food at a fast pace. The latter turned around and Taeyeon just chuckled seeing some golden flakes stuck on the corner of her lips. She slightly gestured to Tiffany, pointing to the side of her lips, “You’ve got some…” The caramel-haired girl immediately got her meaning and quickly rubbed the crumbs off within seconds, awkwardly chuckling at her own clumsiness. “And yeah, the hospital food here really tastes like stale bread, or maybe even like uncooked bread.” Taeyeon nodded, “You mean raw dough?”


The both of them just looked at each other, grinning like idiots. “Yeah, like raw dough.” Tiffany replied softly and found herself staring at Taeyeon’s features. Just like her size and height, her face was petite too, a really nice; cute nose and cherry lips, although her ears are really big which made the caramel-haired girl squeal on the inside even more. She just couldn't resist adorable people. It was pretty obvious what Tiffany was doing, the brunette purposely let out a small cough, snapping her out of her fantasy land.


Tiffany blinked and rubbed her hand against the crook of her neck in embarrassment, she then stuttered out, “So… I just wanted to uhm, verify some things about myself.” She paused and slightly glanced at the short girl who nodded back. “Do I live with you? You know, since they said we were married and all.” Taeyeon shook her head which shocked the caramel-haired girl. Weren’t married couples supposed to live together? She pondered to herself.


“We were supposed to move into our new house the day after the accident.” Taeyeo

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Please update the story ? Pretty please ~~~
ShoOoShoOo #2
Chapter 7: Why did u stop please complete the story i need to know what's gonna happen
Chapter 6: oh great now she said she won't moving in with taeyeon ><
tnsl_sone #4
Chapter 6: Holy shiz. Why are you such a tease! Man! Pls! Continue it noow. Im gonna dieee
rachelmc06 #5
Chapter 6: poor taeyeon but hey i know your love for your wife can overcome all this incident
have you been watching movies illegally again, jovi?
What a beautiful story. I really like your writing style and the way you described like the settings and the surroundings, and especially Taeyeon's feelings. The little moment in chapter three were cute too <3 Keep it up, author-nim! Expecting a even more beautiful update from you in future.
tnsl_sone #8
Chapter 3: I watched Dracula Untold 2 days ago! Its was amazing! Not that scary tho. Im surprised that you said you were scared. Anyways, nice update! Loving it even more! Wishing for more dramas! <33 Fighting authornim! Stay strong and stay with us all the way till whenever! //le hives you a big huggg//
Chapter 3: Would Jessica make appearance in the story? :3 Cause I want some drama author-ssi lol