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She slammed the Q-tip on the table with a heave of sigh, "when are you going to stop living like this?" She asked; her last piece of paitence was running thin. "Can we not talk about this now?" His voice soft, as if not wanting to provoke her any further. He knew very well where this conversation was going to lead to; and with brusies all over his body, the last thing he wanted was to get into a fight with his girlfriend.

Things, however, did not go as Yifan wanted it to be. If anything, she got more frustrated. "If not now, when?" Yifan was now walking away from Junghwa; but before he could get any further away from her, she went after him. "You always avoid this question. Why can't you just quit your gangster ways? Live your life in a clean and morally right way?" Yifan, too, grew annoyed.

"It's more than that, Junghwa," he said sternly, yet still in a soft way; trying not to get her any more aggressive than she already was. "Then, what? You never tell me things, how the hell was I to know?" That was it, she lost it. With a softened expression, he looked towards her, "you know, better than anyone, other than me, they don't follow anyone else. What am I supposed to do about them, then?"

"Get their asses out of there, too!" Junghwa stared at his face, once again. However, his softened expression implied that he was still siding with his boys. "I can't deal with you coming home with bruises everyday. I can't deal with living with the fear that you might get killed and never come back. And I most definitely cannot deal with the fact that you'll only learn your lesson after being thrown into prison."

Pulling their couple ring away from her finger, she slammed it against the table, "find someone else who's willing to deal with it, because I can't." She quickly left for the door leaving the boy stunned. He stood rooted to his position, not knowing what to feel, "if she wants to leave a guy like me, I should just let her." He thought pathetically to himself as he picked up the ring, letting the ring linger a while longer on his slender fingers before finally pocketing it.

"Junghwa noona," the boy jumped up in excitement as the older female arrived with a bright smile planted on her face. "Junghwa, thanks for bringing Hyunjin there, I really appreciate it." Bae Hyunjin was the adopted son of Junghwa's older brother and his wife; despite being only 5 years old, he was well aware of the happenings around him, which includes abandonment by his biological parents. Nonetheless, he was already bright and cheery.

"It's fine," she held her hand out for the younger boy to take, in which, he did. "Hey, as long as I get paid, I'm cool with it." She joked as she bent down to his height, "furthermore, I don't mind spending time with such a cute boy." She lightly pinched the boy's nose as he laughed in return. As requested by the young child, Junghwa was going to bring him back to his orphanage to play with his friends.

"Noona, hurry," he yelled as he had to literally drag the older woman to the silver gates of the orphanage. "Noona, you're heavy." He finally stopped, looking down on his feet, sulking a little. With a frustrated yet light hearted sigh, "fine, fine, noona will walk faster, okay?" She grabbed a hold of his hand, swinging it back and forth.

"Hyunjin!" A woman in her mid-fities approached the boy as soon as he entered the office; squating down to his height, she pulled him into her embrace. "I missed you so much! Are you eating well? Can you sleep well?" The woman, who Junghwa assumed was the caretaker of the orphanage, asked; almost as if she was bombarding him with questions.

With a bright smile, he nodded in response, "halmoni, I'm fine." The older woman let out an endearing smile as she stood up, "you must be..." she then turned to Junghwa, prompting her to speak; with the same sweet smile. "Jeon Junghwa, Hyunjin's aunt."

"He wanted to come here and see his friends, so, I'm here with him." She explained before the boy ran off after hearing his name being called. "I guess, I'm free; is there anything that I can help with?" She smiled at the younger female again before pointing towards the kitchen, "you can help with cooking, don't worry, there's another volunteer, so the responsibilites can be shared." Junghwa thanked her before leaving for the kitchen.

Arriving at the kitchen, she saw no one else, "weird, she said there was someone else." Shrugging it off, she carried on with cooking the meals for the chil

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dopsdoe_ #1
Chapter 1: Simple yet touching! I love it~
That was a very nice one-shot. Good job! :)
veline12 #3
Chapter 1: Love it, short and sweet yet touching. Keep up the good work!