Ep: 2

Legend of Love

GD sighed while looking at the back of Haru, she who smiled mature like a real lady. 

“Haru is your biggest fan forever, oppa-ah. I’m dead sure that she’ll be the one who stand still even to the time when no one there for you.”

ChaeRin’s look also followed the back of the girl who just left through the door.

“Aigoo. …. You are so lucky to be the prince charming and first love of a young girl. I envy you.”

“It’s lucky to be the first love of a girl and it’s also a luck to be the last of a boy’s love. You should think about my dongseng, Mino.” 


“30 something is not still young, you should acknowledge young man’s heart.”

“Arraso .. Arraso…….. please stop talking nonsense oppa-ah.”

ChaeRin escaped from him when she sensed the unwanted topic on came in her direction. The baddest female of Seoul who was now the infamous producer of YG was still a single and awesome.


She looked back when he called her before she could reach to the door.

“Which time will we gather tonight?” 

“At 9. The usual place NB-2. I alarmed and will there be all of us.”

Even though they were apart for long time according to their carrier, they were still the dongsengs under the name of YG Family. So, when they could gather together again, there’s many memories and experiences to share for sure. 

Almost everyone arrived to the VIP longue of NB-2, even before 9. But there’s still two left thus everyone looked for them. Around ten when they were in the middle of happy conversation and enjoyed their dinner…………..

“Hey Jennie…..”

Mino waved to Jennie Kim who walked towards their table.

“What take you so long?”

Looked likes Kang SaungYoon evoked the anger bomb of short temper girl.

“It’s all because of your International lost child, he still can’t remember even the way to the club to where he had been almost all the days in his past. It’s because of him, even me confused the way here.”

Before she could finish the blame towards her boyfriend, JinWoo Joined them with a grin plastered on his innocent face.

“Yeobo-ah, it’s just for a once. Okie. This is because I couldn’t see clearly of the road ahead as it’s dark.”

“Better lost your way to home in next time and never come back.”

It’s also a miracle that Jennie, the temper devil, and JinWoo, the pure angel, fall in love each other.

“Hey…….. Please don’t make our Hyung who just come back to home, watch your battle. Continue your good fight at home.”

Everyone in table burst out laughing according to Bobby’s peace negotiation.

“SeungHyun-hyung, why didn’t Candy come along?”

“She just came back from trip this morning and caught cold thus said to apologize instead of her that she can’t make.”

SeungHyun aka T.O.P answered then took a sip from the glass of beer, holding in his hand.

“May be that’s why our hyung is free to drink.”

SeungRi and SeungHyun replied with a grin.

“It’s true that I’m afraid of Candy. Ignore the fact that doctors forbade me to drink and if she saw me drinking, she would drink faster than me and black out before I could. Scary! Not like other girls’ confronting in sweet like, oppa ….. blah …. blah…… blah……”

“Cough~~Cough~~ stop giving excuses, oppa-ah.”

ChaeRin chocked with beer because of SeungHyun’s speech.

“All I told were truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth. It’s you who should get married with Candy rather than me. You two were the perfect match that made from heaven who always supports other’s back.”


ChaeRin threw the chopstick that laid on table towards her oppa who mockingly .

All sitting around the table couldn’t control their laugh towards the two who were bickering childishly and felt like they all became younger for a decade again.

And for JiYoung, the bright hopes for all the new things he would face starting from tomorrow, born again.



“Congratulations Aqua. You should be happy to die.”

“Not that much because it’s not the first time I win.”

I pulled off the shoes at the entrance and scoffed to Jihye who congratulated with the tone obviously unheartily. 

“No…..No…… I didn’t mean about your victory again evaluation test.”

I frowned as she continued talking.

“I meant that the come back of your dream price, GD-sanbaenim.”

The mocking tone of her talk was perceivably clear and Julia and Dana kept quiet and watched as they already knew the y attitude of Jihye who always though me as her rival and be scorned whenever someone praised me for something.

“You should keep your tongue Jihye. GD-sanbae is more than half year older than our age and it’s literately can be took as our Uncle.” 

“But was it GD-snabae personally requested your fatjer to let you call him oppa?.”

Why can’t she stop evoking my anger or else I’ll burst our sooner or later.

“I don’t care if it’s you learned by heart about my childhood program, Superman Return, or not. It’s just past and this has nothing to do with now and then situations.”

There’s tightening in my chest when my lips spit those words. But it’s true, it was just the memories of a 5 year old Haru.

“You shouldn’t take serious about my teasing.”

It’s her way to avoid when she knew she took over the limit.

“I’m not bothered. I’m just glad to know that you are my huge fan since so young.”

Seemed my mocking tone punched JiHye. She left me with dark face, without blubbing more.


I stole a deep sigh.

Actually, I didn’t want to throw bickering nonsense. I was drained and out of energy to do nonsense things.

I was really tired and felt like my energy drained out as Minzy-unnie trained me hard because of my lack in skill of dancing y waves. Although I can dance professionally in Popping and Locking, y waves were not my thing and still the next mission for the project was still in dark thus I should prepared in every possible ways for perfect.

Ring~ Ring~

The phone ring tone brought me back to reality and I was nearly jumped with happiness when the screen displayed showed the caller ID was from Appa.

“Hey~ Haru-ah.”

After he learned that I love he calling me in falsetto tone, he kept that as habit. 


“Wuri Haru-ah, how are you? Feel tired?”

“Anni, I’m enjoying what I like to do.”

“Have you met JiYong-oppa?”

I could see him smiling on screen.

“Appa…….. You should tell me instance. You would have no idea how I felt embarrass today.”

Appa was working for Hollywood Art Zone alongside with JiYong-oppa and although they were not under the same department, they spent time together often.

“Haha……… I know you would change your project if you learned about JiYong’s arrival. Yours was perfect and I wanted you to carry on.”

That’s true. I was not that courage enough to talked about him at his presence. 

“And where’s eomma?” 

“Eomma still outside. I’ll make sure your eomma to call our Haru tomorrow. Ok?”


I paused for a while and thought that would appa felt sad if he heard what I will say.

“Yes, Haru?”


As I assumed, I could see tears started welling in his eyes. Even though there’s nothing to worry for leaving me as a trainee in YG, I really missed my family living abroad and I knew that same for appa.

“Saranghae Haru.”

“Saranghae Appa.”

I kissed appa face on screen. 

“Appa and Haru will collaborate together in future, right? Hwaiting!”

After hanging off, I looked up to control my tears that were threatening to roll down my cheeks. Crying was not Haru’s style.

My heaving steps towards the dorm and turned the lights off. 

Not like before, the knowledge of not seeing my appa and oemma in mornings made my heart broken in pieces. 

I just wanted to be the girl again who faced towards the direction where appa would be and shouted 

“Appa… Bo...... go...... shi........ peo .........yeo.”


okie. it's 2nd Chapter and I hope I didn't bother your guys inspectation...... 

Plz ......... plz ...... leave some comments as I want some pushes to continue writing.... 

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Please update!!!!
Chapter 1: Me too.....fangirling with jiyongXharu...thought i was crazy...especially those steal glances from baby haru....and the way jiyong looks at our haru....a new otp was born....yayy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Please update author-nim....yuyuyu ㅜ.ㅜ
ee. . me still ship them too. .
criz2587 #4
Chapter 4: Keep goig i still ship them
Chapter 4: Owwww!!!! Yedam, our next Bang! <3 Thanks so much for the update. Take care!
Chapter 3: Update when you can but remember to update this!
Chapter 3: OMO, please tell me Taeyang or Bang!!! please, update soon! Authornims, YG stans, YG family and Lee Haru FIGHTING!!!
Chapter 1: Please, please continue it!!! I fangirl Haru too, with GD, Taebae, Bobby, Hanbin, Mino... Of course as a grown teenager! ^~^ i can't wait for her debut! ^~^
lady_shizuka #9
Chapter 1: aww it's so cute , I'm also a big fan of lil haru . I'm having a blast with your story