6/Do You Swing That Way?

The Path Yet Taken
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Sehun is seated at the dining table in the kitchen of his one room apartment. Sooyoung is on the other end of the table, stuffing rice balls into with her hands. 

Sehun is glad that Minji is finally back from her ten weeks long Arts immersion programme in Singapore. Though she is not of much help currently, Sehun's still rejoicing. 

"Appa, I want bananas," Sooyoung says. There is rice all around and her hands are sticky.

"What? I don't know where the bananas are," Sehun replies. He returns his attention to his phone where he is having a texting war with Kai.

"APPA!" Sooyoung screams shrilly. 

"Yeah, yeah, what?" Sehun asks, chuckling at Kai's reply.

Sooyoung snatches the slim iPhone out of Sehun's hands and Sehun finally faces her.

"I want bananas."

What an eventful morning. Sehun watches as Minji teaches Sooyoung how to draw an eye. Sooyoung learns with interest and Sehun hopes that Sooyoung will become an artist. 

Three raps on the door and Sehun knows who's on the other side. Kai. He opens the door and welcomes the tanned male. Kai has a habit of bringing gifts each and every time he comes and Sehun hates that. The gifts are usually for Sooyoung and Sehun doesn't want Kai to spoil her.

Kai envelopes Sehun in a bone crushing hug at the door and Sehun feels as though he's being suffocated by an alien force. 

"Ahh~ hugging you feels so nice..." Kai mumbles into Sehun's neck.

"Get off me, you cow!" Sehun finally manages to push Kai away. He scowls at the other guy.

"We're not even close friends, you disgusting worm!" Sehun screeches. "Why would you hug me?"

"Because you're squishy," Kai answers simply.


Kai presses a quick peck to Sehun's forehead like he'd done the last time. Sehun immediately rubs his forehead with his hand.

"Stop kissing me you filthy rat!" Sehun storms off to his room.

Kai follows him into the room and Sehun glares at him. "I'm counting, Sehun. Filthy rat, disgusting worm, cow... Keep coming on, baby."

Kai winks and Sehun rolls his eyes at the big time ert with a witty mouth sitting at the foot of his bed.

Kai turns around. "Oh, I like you more when you're angry."

Sehun slips on his headphones. He glances at Sooyoung who is sleeping on the bed behind him. She's usually tired around this time of the afternoon. Minji is doing her school work outside. She's a a Third Year student in Visual Arts and Designing in the college near by and Sehun knows that she has the hands of a god. When she draws, it's magnificent. He's seen a bunch of drawings. They always get an A no matter what. Behind the colourful pictures is a deep meaning. And Sehun is happy  Minji has that talent.

There is Kai, who, just like Sooyoung, is asleep on the couch. Sehun can't blame him if he's stupid. He was raised in a rich family, still is, but he's not that close to them anymore. Kai may seem like a retarded guy who fools around but he takes night classes on alternate days in ophthalmology. He is extremely reluctant in succeeding his father's business. Several times he has argued, saying that in this very age, women, he's referring to his sister, can hold the same job as a man. He wants her to be the one to succeed her father. The down point, however, is that women get married and don't carry on the surname.

The only thing that interests Kai is eye care. To him, it's a new world where he knows about basic through complex eye care. He won't know how people are born blind, because that is the job of a geneticist, but he will know how to treat blindness.

When Sehun came to know of this, he was amazed. All the while, he had thought that Kai was just one of those city kids that couldn't wait until they were done with school. Kai had - has a bigger dream in mind. Ophthalmologist, that's what he wants to be.

Sehun scrolls the webpage, humming softly to the music pulsing through his headphones. Part time jobs. Sales manager. Cashier. Sehun scrolls through all of the available options. What should he apply for? There is one that catches his eye. Kim Corporation, secretary needed!

It sounds fun. Sehun has only worked as a data entry worker. He's worked part time at a fast food outlet but he didn't really like it. Being a secretary seems fun. Sehun cliks the webpage and skims through the information.

Hello! You're probably here because of the title. We really do need a secretary at the moment. The previous one just left to her hometown to give birth. If you're interested, just fill in the form below and we'll contact you in 1-2 days tops. We'll schedule an interview in one of the following days. :)

Sehun pressed the link to the form. This could be his future job. His future source of money. He doesn't have to keep dragging Sooyoung away from the toy store or places where she wants to eat. Sehun fills up the details and types a short paragraph about himself. The only details he leaves out are about Sooyoung. No one has to  know anyway.

It seems the company is pretty desperate. The very next day, Sehun gets a call from an unknown number.

"Is this Oh Sehun?" The person on the other end asks.

"Yes. You are?" Sehun answers.

"Receptionist from Kim Corporations. Boss asked to call. Also asked if you are free this afternoon for a short interview," the receptionist says.

"This afternoon..." Sehun checks his schedule in his head. "I'm good. What time do I report?"

"Just after lunch. 'Round two or three," the receptionist replies.

"Alright then. Thank you," Sehun says.

The call is ended and Sehun jumps up and down metally. There is only one thing Sehun doesn't know. Kim Corporations belongs to Kai's family. The step in boss is Kai's older sister and she needs a secretary for herself.

Sehun hounds Minji just as she returns from her morning class from the college.

"Hey, can you take care of Sooyoung for me?" Sehun asks.

"Where are you going that Sooyoung can't go with you?" Minji asks, unlocking the door of her apartment.

"It's not that she can't. She'll be a hindrance if she comes. And I get that you're busy with college and all and I sincerely apologize for that, but I'm going for an interview for a job, yay!

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Jung Su and Seung Mi


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Chapter 6: I do hope this is end up with sekai together. :))
Chapter 3: I like the story! Waiting for more. ⌒.⌒