❀ Him ❀

The Peanut to My Butter

Chapter 2 - Him

"I'm home," Emi announced dully as she handed the maid her backpack and bags of shopped items while slipping off her shoes.

"Welcome back, Miss," The head maid, Ms. Lee, greeted. "I made kimchi fried rice, would you like some right now?"

The younger shook her head, "I ate dinner with Isra already." 

"Yes, Miss, no dinner for the night. I suppose you won't mind a cup of warm milk with half a teaspoon of sugar?"

"That would be very nice, actually, thank you."

"Anytime, Miss."

Emi, tired from hours of walking through the shops, dragged her drowsy body to the staircase. Slowly, she climbed up the stairs, which right now seemed as if it was never ending, preventing her from crashing onto her soft, king-sized bed. Finally, the girl stepped off of the last step. A tiny amount of energy was added to her at the thought of being only so close to her bed, and she did not waste the energy. She sprinted to her room and attacked the poor bed. Seconds later, she was already asleep.


"Welcome back, Mister and Missus," Ms. Lee greeted the couple while bowing 7o degrees. The lady returned a nod with a smile as she passed by the woman, who trail behind them. 

"Where's Emi?" The man asked in a powerful voice.

"Miss is upstairs in her room, sleeping," Replied Ms. Lee with her head down, a sign of respect that all maids in the Kwan mansion were required to do. "Do you wish for me to wake her up?"

Mr. Kwan was about to speak when he's cutted off by his wife. "No, let her rest." She looked back to her husband with a pleasing look. "We can wake her up ten minutes before he arrives, I'm sure it will be fine. I heard that out poor daughter did not sleep well for the past several nights due to a horror movie, so its a good thing that she's resting well right now."

The man chuckled upon hearing the reason for his lovely daughter's sleepless nights. Nodding, he smiled warmly to his wife, "You're always so considerate, especially when it comes to our daughter."


"Sweety," Mrs. Kwan softly called out as she lightly shook the girl. "Sweety, time to wake up."

Emi slowly opened her dolly eyes, full of sleepiness and confusion. She sat up from her bed and began rubbing her eyes. "What time is it?"

"Nine twen-"

"I'm gonna be late for class!" Emi yelled as her eyes rounded. She flipped the covers away from her as she jumped off of bed. But, before she could run off to the bathroom, a skinny but strong hand held her in place. "It's nine twenty-two P.M.," Mrs. Kwan emphazied P.M. as she shook her head with a chuckle at the younger's silliness, who sighed of relief.

"Then why did you wake me up right now?"

"We have a guest, and your father and I want you to meet him, since he will be staying at our house for two weeks," The woman explained as she turned Emi to face the bathroom door and lightly pushed her forward. "And you darling, need to, at least, comb your beautiful bed hair before heading down."

Emi only sheepishly smiled before obeying the request to prepare.


After brushing her teeth and a quick shower, Emi changed into a pair of light-gray sweat shorts and a white v-neck with an oversized burgundy knitted cardigan over them. She tied her hair into a messy bun, but not overly messy since she was meeting a guest afterall. On her feet were a pair of maroon fluffy socks and a pair of polar-bear slippers. 

Two soft knocks came from Emi's closed door, asking her if she's ready. The girl gave one last look to herself before heading out her room. 

"Ready?" Mrs. Kwan asked as soon as the girl was out of her room. The latter nodded her head with a smile and the two headed down to meet the guest. 

I wonder who the guest is. Since my father does not like having guests over, other than Kris oppa, this person must be special, Emi thought curiously as she stepped down the staircase. Deep laughs from her father could be heard from the living room, and that just made the girl even more interested in who this person was. Her father's laughs were not fake, not truly to happiness or funkiness either, but a memoric laugh.

Unconsciously, a small smile formed on the girl's face as well, but not for long. The tiny smile was wiped off from Emi's face when an annoying and unforgetable face was in view. 


→ Author's Note
I'm so sorry for the late update and this short and boring chapter x( I promise that I will make the next chapter fun though ((: I hope you will still enjoy this fanfic ((: idek if what I just said even make any sense...









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karene_liui #1
Chapter 3: Can't wait for the next chapter~~ Good job author nim :]
Tuvshu #3
Chapter 2: Looking forward to the next chap;) hwaiting!
rachelhasnolife #4
Chapter 2: That's it in using that comeback everytime someone calls me a ! Great chapter! Looking forward to the story :)
autumntears #5
Chapter 2: Wow...this seems nice..
.i hope to read more
Taeminboa #6
Looks like fun!