
Daily Dilemma [Editing Chapters]


When the semester ended at the end of April 2007, Nanami immediately wanted to transfer to Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan.  Her parents were concerned about the sudden change because she was attending a very good university in America.  She told her parents that she wanted to become more connected with her culture as well as visit her distant cousins and other relatives.  However, in the back of her mind, that was definitely not the only reason. 

At first she thought that she’d be able to handle the breakup.  Because she and Jiro didn’t have any classes together, she assumed that she would not see him as often, and that the time and distance would heal everything.  However, she was wrong.  Ever since the abrupt break up, Jiro had made an effort to cross paths with her.  He wanted to talk to her, to explain everything.  However, she would never give him the chance.  She tried her best to just concentrate on her studies but his constant appearances and trying to avoid him was draining her. 

She had finally had enough and decided that she needed to transfer schools.  Her parents suggested that she attend Tokyo University, the top school in the country, however she preferred Sophia, a smaller university, not only because classes were taught in English and Japanese, but because a close high school friend was also attending. 

Being the overprotective parents, they were extremely worried that their daughter was not only moving farther away from them for college, but she was moving to a completely different country, not to mention, continent.  To make matters worse, she was going on her own to a country that didn’t speak English.  How was she going to survive on her own?  At least she was fluent in Japanese.  Her parents probably would’ve flipped if she told them she wanted to move to Korea. 

So after spending a few weeks back home with her family, she planned to fly to Tokyo, Japan.  Although classes wouldn’t start until August, she wanted to adjust to the new atmosphere as well as visit some family and friends. 

“I can’t believe you’re actually leaving!” a sobbing Isabella cried as she hugged her best friend in front of the airport terminal. 

“Come visit me when you have time,” Nanami said as she hugged her back. 

Isabella could only nod her head furiously as her eyes spilled with tears. 

“Make sure you call your sister to pick you up.  I don’t want you taking a taxi or the JR with your huge suitcases,” her father instructed. 

“Yes, Daddy,” Nanami said as she hugged him. 

“Don’t forget to call home every week, okay?  And be careful,” her mother said as she hugged her daughter. 

“Don’t worry,” Nanami said. 

As she was walking to her gate, she turned back one last time and waved.  Isabella’s face was a mess with her eyeliner smudged on her cheeks from all the crying.  Her mother waved as her father held onto her shoulder for support while smiling proudly at their daughter. 



After a 7 hour flight, Nanami finally arrived at Narita International Airport.  She then took the airport shuttle to Haneda Airport where her sister was supposed to pick her up.  She sat on a window seat on the shuttle bus and leaned her head against the glass, closing her eyes.  She was able to sleep well on the airplane but she was still tired.  Plus, it takes about an hour and 30 minutes to drive to Haneda Airport. 

Half way into the ride, Nanami woke up remembering that she had to contact her sister.  She pulled out her cell phone from her purse.  However she was unable to pick up any service because the Japanese phone plan is different from the rest of the world. 

‘I can’t believe I completely forgot to call her when I landed,’ she thought to herself.  ‘I guess I just have to call her when I arrive at Haneda.’    

When she arrived, her plan was to immediately look for a pay phone.  However, a young lady with large sunglasses came running to her and immediately hugged Nanami. 

“Nana-chan!” she exclaimed.  “I missed you!  I can’t believe Mom and Dad actually let you stay here.” 

“Oneechan!” Nanami replied.  “I missed you too!  I’m so excited to be here!” 

“We have a lot of catching up to do,” her sister said as she helped roll the suitcases to the car. 

As the two drove towards the apartment, they excitedly shared their stories since they hadn’t seen each other in so long.  However once they arrived, her sister, Manami, had to leave right away to go to work.  So, Nanami was left in the apartment to unpack her things. 

By the time she finished unpacking, it was only 1 o’clock.  Nanami decided to go out since Manami wasn’t going to be home till dinner.  She grabbed her purse and walked to the JR station. 

‘Hmm...the students should still be in school so the places shouldn’t be too crowded yet,” she thought to herself as she rode the JR to Akihabara, the Electronic Town. 



Meanwhile, DBSK was busy promoting in Japan. 

“Jaejoong-hyung, Yoochun-hyung, what are you two doing?” Junsu asked as he saw the two sitting at the dining room table with notebooks and a pile of crumpled papers.  Yoochun had even brought his electric piano out of his room to the dining room. 

“What does it look like? We’re composing obviously,” Yoochun said. 

“But the dining room is a place to eat,” Junsu tried to reason. 

“Tell hyung that.  He’s the one who asked me to help him,” said Yoochun. 

“Come sit,” Jaejoong said as he pointed to an empty seat. 

“They want a song for the back side of our ‘Summer Dream’ single that’s supposed to come out mid-summer,” Yoochun explained. 

“We wanted to compose a song for Nana.  Or at least have it dedicated to her,” Jaejoong said. 

“Yeah, she’s been through a lot recently,” Junsu said in agreement.  “Alright, I’ll go get Changmin and Yunho-hyung.  I’m sure she’ll like it if we all wrote this together.” 

“Changmiiiiiin!” Junsu called.  “Ow!” he yelled as Yoochun hit the back of his head. 

“Yah! We’re trying to work here,” Yoochun complained. 

“Can’t you walk?” Jaejoong asked. 

“Ugh.  Fine, hyung,” a defeated Junsu said as he walked to Changmin’s room. 

“Yah! Changmin! Jaejoong-hyung wants to see you in the dining room,” Junsu called as he knocked on the door. 

The door immediately opened. 

“Did hyung cook something?” the excited maknae asked. 

“I don’t know,” Junsu replied.  “Have you seen Yunho-hyung?” 

“No.  He went out,” said Changmin as he walked passed Junsu and quickly headed to the dining room in excitement. 

He suddenly frowned at the sight. 

“Where’s the food, hyung?” he asked. 

“What food?” Jaejoong asked, keeping his eyes focused on his notebook. 

“What are you guys doing anyways?” Changmin asked. 

“Junsu, explain,” Yoochun said as he too was deep in thought. 

“We’re writing a song for Nana.  Now sit down and think,” Junsu said as he took his seat as well. 



As four of the members were busy composing a special song, their leader was out taking a walk in Akihabara, in search for a new mp3 player.  He wore large sunglasses, a facemask, and a cap in hopes that he would not be recognized. 

As he entered one of the stores, he noticed a girl leaning over at a display cell phones. 

‘She looks a lot like Nana,’ he thought to himself.  ‘But why would she be in Japan?  She’s supposed to be studying in America.  Do I really miss her that much that all the girls seem to look like her now?’ 

He needed to walk past the phone department to find the mp3 players anyway, so he thought he should take a closer look.  He was really curious about this Nanami lookalike.  As he walked by, he took a glimpse at her face as she turned around, disappointed that she didn’t find a phone she liked. 

‘I swear that is Nanami! It’s impossible to look EXACTLY like her.  And I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have a twin sister,’ Yunho thought to himself. 

He approached the girl and gingerly tapped her shoulder. 

“Nana?” he asked softly. 

The girl’s eyes widened.  She gasped and covered .  In the blink of an eye, Yunho found himself being hugged by the girl. 

‘Oh no don’t tell me she’s just a fan girl who recognized me,’ he thought as he tried to come up with a way to escape from her. 

Then the girl said quietly in Japanese, “I really missed you, Yunho.  It’s so nice to see you again.” 

She let go of him as he bent over to take a closer look at her. 

“Is that really you, Nana?” he asked. 

She nodded excitedly with a grin.  He suddenly hugged her again. 

“I can’t believe it’s really you,” he said as he held her. 

“What are you doing here?” he asked as he let go of her. 

“I’m here to buy a phone.  Want to help me find a nice one?” she replied. 

“Sure!” he said excitedly.  “I saw some nice ones at the store across.” 

He suddenly grabbed her hand and walked with her across the street. 

Nanami thought a friendly hug was alright between the members since they had become close over the past few months, but she was really surprised that the U-know Yunho was now holding her hand.  She tried to release her hand from his grip, but she was unsuccessful. 

When they entered the other store, Yunho still refused to release her hand.  He enjoyed the feeling of holding onto her small, soft hand. 

They walked around the displays looking at the phones.  The selection was a lot better than the previous store Nanami was in.  

“Pick whatever you like, Nana.  I’ll buy it for you,” Yunho said. 

“Oh no.  You don’t need to.  I can pay for it myself,” Nanami refused. 

“Just let me at least do this for you, okay?  I haven’t seen you in months and I never got to do anything for you,” Yunho pleaded. 

Nanami sighed in defeat. 

“Alright,” she said reluctantly. 

Yunho rejoiced to himself in victory. 

“How about this one?” he asked as he pointed to a pink phone.  However, Nanami was busy looking at a bright blue and white flip phone that was located on a different display. 

“Do you want that one?” he whispered in her ear as he stood directly behind Nanami, causing her to jump in surprise. 

“Oh my gosh! Don’t do that,” she said as she placed one hand over her chest. 

“Sorry,” Yunho chuckled. 

“Excuse me.  We’ll take this one,” Yunho told the sales clerk as he pointed to the blue and white phone. 



Yunho and Nanami left store and walked to a nearby coffee shop. 

“So why are you here?” Yunho asked.  “And why didn’t you tell any of us?” 

“I just decided last minute,” Nanami said as she looked down at her lap.  “I never told anyone yet actually.” 

“Well I’m glad you’re here,” Yunho said as he reached for her hand. 

Nanami just smiled at him, not realizing that he was holding her hand. 

“I’m going to get something to drink.  Do you want something?” she offered as she smoothly slipped her hand away from his. 

“Oh no, let me get it for you,” Yunho said as he stood up. 

“What if someone recognizes you?” Nanami whispered.  “Sit down.  I’ll get it,” she said with more authority as she tried to push his shoulders down.  However she was unsuccessful in pushing him down since he was so much taller than her. 

“Wait here,” Yunho said, as if Nanami was not having any effect on him. 

“Fine,” Nanami said as she sat down pouting. 

“What would you like?” he asked her. 

“A milk iced tea please,” she said, still pouting. 

Although he was still wearing a facemask, you could tell that Yunho was smiling in victory. 

He returned with two cups of iced tea and iced coffee.  The two talked for about an hour before Yunho received a call from a worried Jaejoong. 

“I’m sure you want to see the other members too, right?” Yunho asked Nanami. 

Her eyes lit up instantly. 

“Of course!” she said excitedly. 

“Let’s go.  Join us for dinner tonight,” Yunho offered. 

“Sure,” Nanami responded immediately.  “Let me make a phone call first.” 

After Nanami made a phone call to her sister, she and Yunho drove back to the DBSK dorm. 



“I’m home!” Yunho’s voice echoed through the halls of the apartment. 

“Wait here,” he whispered to Nanami as he led her to the sofa in the living room. 

He then walked to the dining room to find his four other members hard at work. 

“Guys, you won’t guess who I--what the heck happened here?!” Yunho yelled in horror. 

Crumpled papers were spilled all over the table.  There were also various piles of randomly thrown paper across the floor.  An empty pot of ramen and crushed soda cans were left on the dining room table.  It looked like a storm had gone through the room, but the members were left unfazed. 

“Guys, we gotta clean this up.  Now!” Yunho said, taking on his leadership role. 

“Why?” chirped Junsu.  “You can’t interrupt a good composer.” 

“I invited a guest over for dinner,” Yunho said calmly.  “Now.  Clean.  Up.  This.  Mess.” He said between his teeth. 

“A guest?!” Yoochun and Jaejoong exclaimed at the same time. 

“Who?” asked Changmin. 

“Nanami,” Yunho whispered. 





“Oh my God, our place is a mess!!”

“Sshh,” Yunho tried hushing them.  “I left her in the living room.  Hurry up and clean this mess and yourselves,” he instructed. 

Yunho returned to Nanami as the others quickly grabbed everything and rushed to the showers. 

“Sorry to keep you waiting,” Yunho said.  “Do you want anything to drink?” 

“Oh no, it’s fine,” Nanami said.  “Where is everyone else?” 

“They were composing all day so they’re all quickly freshening up right now,” Yunho explained. 

Nanami giggled at the thought of the other members becoming flustered if she were to walk in on them working.  She wondered what they would look like concentrated, probably just in sweats and wife beaters with their hairs messy and unmanaged. 

“What are you laughing about all by yourself?” Yunho asked confused. 

“Oh nothing,” Nanami said as she giggled again.  “I think it would’ve been funny to see their reactions if I walked in on them.” 

“We’re men.  We have our pride too,” walked in a freshened up maknae. 

“Plus I don’t think you’d want to be near Yoochun,” said Junsu.  “He stank!” 

“Yah!” cried Yoochun.  “You smelled too!” 

As Yoochun and Junsu were arguing on the side about their scents and whatnot, Jaejoong and Changmin took the opportunity to greet Nanami with a giant hug. 

“Jaejoong...” Nanami said softly. 

“Hmm?” he responded while hugging her. 

“Too tight...” she said almost out of breath. 

“Oh.  Sorry,” he said as he released the hug and scratched the back of his head.  “I just missed you.” 

Nanami smiled at him.  “I missed you too.” 

“My turn!” called Changmin. 

“Woah!” Nanami cried as Changmin hooked his arms under hers and swooped her up.  Afraid of falling, Nanami was forced to wrap her legs around his waist.  All eyes were focused on them.  Even the bickering Yoochun and Junsu had stopped to stare.  Jaejoong and Yunho were both glaring more than staring however. 

“How has my baby girl been?” Changmin asked hugging her in the air. 

Nanami giggled. 

“Just because I’m so much smaller than the five of you doesn’t make me a baby girl,” she said pouting. 

“Aww you don’t like the attention we’re giving you?” Changmin asked as he put her back down. 

Nanami sighed in relief. 

“Are you alright?” he asked. 

“Oh my God!  I thought my head was going to hit the ceiling!  Why do you have to be so tall for?” 

Changmin just chuckled and scratched his head, as the others laughed. 

“And I don’t even get a greeting from you two?” she said facing Yoochun and Junsu.  “I guess I should just be heading out now.” She said sarcastically as she was pretending to reach for her purse. 

“NO!” all five of them called. 

Nanami chucked.  “You guys really think I’ll leave that easily?” 



“Dinner was delicious, Jaejoong,” a satisfied Nanami said as she carried plates into the kitchen. 

“I’m glad you liked it,” he replied smiling as he helped her. 

As she the warm water and reached for the dish soap and a sponge, a low voice full of authority asked, “What are you doing?” 

The voice made her jump.  She turned around to see Changmin staring at her. 

“Umm...washing the dishes?” she said softly. 

“But you’re the guest.  You shouldn’t have to do that,” he said crossing his arms.  “It’s Junsu’s turn to do dishes today anyways.”

“Let me just do this since I can’t do anything else for you guys, okay?” Nanami said smiling. 

“Fine,” a defeated Changmin said.  “We’ll be in the living room watching tv,” he said as he walked away. 

“Do you want me to help you?” Jaejoong asked as he brought the remaining dishes from the dining room. 

“Oh no it’s ok.  You can watch tv with the others,” Nanami said. 

“I haven’t seen you in person in so long,” Jaejoong said.  “I’d rather be here with you than there with the others watching tv, even if it means washing the dishes,” he insisted. 

Nanami turned away from him, blushing. 

Noticing her reaction, Jaejoong said cautiously, “Unless you don’t want to see me...”

She immediately turned back to him.  “Oh no it’s not that.  Really!” she said trying to be as convincing as possible. 

Jaejoong laughed.  “I’m just kidding.  I saw your face turning red earlier.” 

Nanami pouted.  “Just help me,” she said as she handed him a plate. 




[MusicMyLove 01.18.2011]


I don't think I've ever been motivated to write in my life.  I'm surprised at how much DBSK has changed me...or it could just be writing about them since I still hate all my papers that I'm supposed to be writing right now instead of updating for you guys.  Sorry nothing really happened in this chapter.  Have you figured things out yet?  Have you taken a side on who Nanami's boyfriend is?  Let me know what you think!  Let's see how close our thinkings are ^^

Again, comments and suggestions are much appreciated (^-<)

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jungminian0403 #2
update more! haha >:D
Wiiii you update! Thanks so much!<br />
mmmm I think that she should forgive him, I love so much JaeNa couple^^
I don't like rated graphically or hardcore xD <br />
depends on how u portray it <br />
I wish JJ and Nana's relationship would get stronger though and that they have more understanding of each other going on <3 <br />
gotta run for hwk T_T <br />
will comment more next time but loving the chapter!
OMO Poor Nana~~ Yes, she have to take Jae back... so they can enjoy the Saipan trip^^<br />
I looooved the fangirl mode part... was really good!<br />
Thanks so much for the update Dear... <br />
Can't wait for the next one^^
flirtygurl23 #6
Yes, please unrated! >.< Rated is too much for me TT___TT
MusicMyLove #7
just out of curiosity, would you guys want this to be a rated story? it probably wont be any time soon since theyre not really close yet but would you guys be interested? cuz im completely fine either way