Our Love

Our Love

Title: Our Love

Pairing: Kazuryu Karina x Okamoro Keito, Rin Walker x Yamada Ryosuke

Genre: Romance

Rating: Pg-13

Summary: They like/love each other but they don’t know the other feel the same way

*Another song fic? Maybe ^^*


It was a normally quiet and nothing is going to happen, yea like real nothing going to happen, once I reach the meet place from far I can see my 2 best friend’s is having a fight again, so I shook my head before heading towards those two


“Ohayou futari tomo” I say when I reach them

“Ah Rin-chan ohayou, this English boy is fighting with me again” Karina says

“Rin-chan ohayou, this buta started it first” Keito says

“Hai, hai do you guys really have to fight the first thing in the morning? Seems like you guys have a lot of energy ne” I says while chuckled

“By the way where is Ryo-chan?” Keito ask

“We should be the one asking you English boy, where is he?” Karina ask while I just look out if he comes

“Ne Rin-chan” Karina-chan call me and tap and shoulder

“Hm” that’s all I reply and she pull me to a corner

“Did Yama-chan answer you?” she ask and I look down

“Tsk what the hell is he thinking” she says and I flash a smile for her

“Maa, I’m waiting so” before I can finish she cut my word

“He didn’t accept you to wait for him until we graduated didn’t he” she ask me and I didn’t know how to answer her

“Rin-chan” Karina-chan word was cut when Keito says

“Ryo-chan da” Keito say and I look up seeing him running over to where all of us are

“Go-gomen I over slept” Ryosuke apologize

“Nah is ok, come on let’s go” Keito say and all of us nod

“Ohayou Rin-chan” Ryosuke smile, I know I’m blushing but who the hell can handle his smile

“O-ohayou yamaDA” I says and got pull by Karina-chan

“Ouch, that’s hurts a lot” I say and Karina-chan just walk and didn’t reply me

“Well you are blushing like a red fresh strawberry just now” Karina-chan says and I widen my eyes for a while and look at her

“Thanks” I smile and she smile back

“Is there something funny about?” Keito ask and Karina-chan and I exchange look and shock our heads


Everything goes very well nothing happen or wrong until, break time


~Break time~

“Me and Rin-chan will be on the rooftop” Karina-chan say while I pack my stuff

“Ja Me and Ryo-chan will meet you there soon” Keito say and we all nod in agree


Then suddenly someone come into our classroom


“Ano is ah Rin-chan”

“Ah Satsuki” I say and I point at him

“Great, I found you here before you when off somewhere again, and I can’t found you” Satsuki says

“Hey, don’t say like I’m a puppy who always don’t come back home” I says and we laugh for a while

“Ah Kazuryu-san, Okamoto-san and Yamada-san hisashiburi, but I got to borrow Rin for a while” Satsuki say and held my wrist

“Eh me?” I says with full of question on my head

“I called you last night, saying that we need to rehearsal for the upcoming event, during break time, the others already there waiting for you” Satsuki says and that struck me

“Oh sorry, I forgot it” I say and Satsuki just ruff my hair and smile

“Gomen ne Kazuryu-chan, Okamoto and Yamada” I give them a apologize face and they just smile

“Ja matta ne, come on the others are waiting” Satsuki say while pulling me as I still look at my friends

“So that’s left the 3 of us” Keito says and the others nod while looking at Ryosuke

“What?” Ryosuke ask and Karina and Keito just smile


~Keito and Ryosuke Side~

“Say Ryo-chan, have you reply her confess?” Keito ask Ryosuke

“Not yet, I still don’t know my own feeling” Ryosuke reply Keito

“But you know is not good for a girl to wait too long, and by the way are you jealous about Satsuki holding her hand?” Keito ask but Ryosuke just smile and say nothing


~Music Room~

“Here she comes” Satsuki say while sliding the door open

“Come on we better get starting” Ren says and we all agree

“Gomen ne minna, ja let started from here” I say and we stated our rehearsal


The rehearsal when pretty good and we event meet after school, to make sure we have everything ready until that day comes


~After school~

“Gomen guys I need to run, I will see you guys tomorrow” I say not waiting they reply and rush out to the music room and rehearsal again


~After rehearsal~

“Ja everything is set, all we need to do is waiting for that day come” I say and they nod

“Rin wants me to walk you home?” Satsuki ask

“Nope I’m not a kid you know, ja matta” I smile and the wave good bye


As I was walking down the stairs and out of the school, I saw Keito is standing there waiting for someone to come, I look around and I decided to walk towards him


“Keito” I call and he turn to look at me

“Rin-chan~” Keito say as he hug me suddenly

“Eh nani, what happen?” I pat his back and after the hug we went to the park near by the school and sit down



“Here” I pass him the drinks I just brought back and sit on the other swing

“What happen?” I ask but Keito didn’t answer me

“Keito tell me, if you keep quiet like this, how am I going to help you, tell me everything” I say

“Ok is like this” Keito started to explain


~Back to After School~

“Ah~ Rin is leaving me alone” Karina-chan pound when she saw her best friend left her

“Karina-chan let’s go” Keito says and she nod

“Eh where is Yama-chan?” Karina-chan ask him

“He have stuff to do, he left already didn’t you notice?” Keito say while walking with Karina-chan

“Oh HEY what do you mean by that” Karina-chan pound and so they left the school

‘Ok, since Rin is brave enough to confess to Ryo-chan, then I think I can also do it’ Keito thought and soon they are outside Karina-chan house

“Ja matta ne, thanks for walking me home” before Karina-chan walk in to her house Keito stop her


“Hm” Karina-chan turns and faces Keito

“I like you” Keito say while closing his eyes, then suddenly he heard a ‘bang’ which make him open his eyes, but Karina-chan was gone



“So…” I have no idea what to say

“Un” Keito looks down on his drinks

“Hm want me to talk to her?” I say and Keito look at me with his eyes widen

“Really, you can?” Keito ask and I nod my head and give him a smile

“Arigatou Rin-chan” Keito smile and I pat his head

“Um Rin-chan” Keito says

“Hm” I say and give him a smile

“You and Ryo-chan” he says and my smile was gone and I look down

“Daijobu I will help you too, since” Keito can’t finish his word as I cut him

“Don’t worried about me, you should worried about Karina-chan answer, come on let’s go” I say while standing up getting my school bag, so did Keito

“Don’t worried I will do my best” I smile to Keito and he smile back and suddenly my phone rang

“Moshi, Moshi Karina-chan…un…wakatta I will be right there” I hung up and when to Karina-chan house


~Karina-chan House~

“Karina-chan” I call as I rang the doorbell, once the door is open she pull me in

“Rin-chan I have something to tell you” she say seriously

“Tell me that Keito confess to you” I say

“Yea Keito confess to, eh HOW DO YOU KNOW” she shouted

“He told me” I say while going in the living room

“Oh” Karina-chan say and when in the living room with me

“By the way where are your parents?” I ask

“They are out, they will be back in 3 day’s time, and today is the first day” Karina-chan says and I nod

“Want to talk about Keito?” I say and Karina-chan blush a little

“Ok~ you like him too” I says and her eyes widen looking at me

“Yes?” I say and she nod in answering

“But you know that I don’t know how to is to have a boyfriend” Karina-chan say and I pat her back

“I know, but I think you should at least tell Keito how you feel” I smile and so did Karina-chan

“Thanks Rin-chan” Karina-chan hug me and I hug her back

“Save it, we are friend desho” I say as we broke the hug

“How are things going with you and Yama-chan?” Karina-chan says but I didn’t reply

“Well my stuff here is done, got to go” I say changing the subject

“Ah no don’t leave please, just stay with me until my parents are back” Karina-chan stop me

“Ok, but” I say and Karina-chan smile


“Don’t ask stuff about me and Yamada” I say and she gives up

“Hai I won’t ask” Karina-chan say and I have a sleep over at her house


~The Next Day, During Break Time~

“Tell him” I say but Karina-chan didn’t reply me

“Tell what?” Keito says

“Guess I have to do it myself” I say to myself

“Keito, Karina like you and the same goes to you Karina-chan” I say and they blush together

“I got rehearsal to do so clear things up before you goes kay, come on Yamada let’s leave them alone” I says while Yamada and I leave them alone on the rooftop


~Behind the Wall~

“Ne, are you sure about this?” Yamada ask

“Of cause I’m sure this two is too stupid when it comes to things like this” I say as we spy on them

“But I kind of feel bad about this” I continue as I head him chuckled

“Did she change her shampoo? It smell nice” Ryosuke though


~Keito and Karina~

“Um” they say together

“You first” Karina-chan say before Keito can

“What Rin-chan says is it true?” Keito ask and Karina-chan look away but nod

“So…” Keito say and Karina-chan took a breath and let it out

“Ok, I like you too but I don’t know want to do having a boyfriend but I like you” Karina-chan say everything in one go


~Behind the Wall~

“Wow” Yamada and I say together

“That was fast” Yamada says

“Ne do you think Keito can get what she is saying?” I ask him but by look at his face I can sure that he’s not sure by himself too


~Keito and Karina~

“Wow that was fast” Keito say

“Um yea” Karina say and look at him

“Me too but I guess we can find a way” Keito smile and Karina blush while smiling back to him

“Ok” that was all Karina-chan says


~Behind the Wall~

“Seem like everything is done, well I got to go” I say and when out of the rooftop


~After School~

“So you guys talk it out already?” I ask and they nod

“Great, omedetou na” I smile

“Arigatou” Keito smile and Karina blush

“If you bully her or make her cry I won’t for give you, the same goes to you Karina-chan” I smile and they nod their head

“Rin-chan arigatou” Karina-chan says and hugs me and I hug her back

“Save the thanks” I say and they nod


After what happen with Keito and Karina-chan as their a couple now, I was happy that they know each other how they feel and stuff, when I was on my way back home, I saw something which makes my heart broken into pieces, Yamada and Ayu-chan from our classes are hugging each other, my tears run down by itself, the next thing I know is I’m running home, I mean who won’t like Ayu-chan she’s pretty and beautiful, when I reach my room crying all day, Karina-chan called me many times  but I didn’t want her to know I’m crying, that very night I cry myself to sleep, when I woke up the next morning I still can’t forget what happen, but I have to no matter what today is a big day a big even is happen in our school



“Keito Did you saw Rin-chan anywhere, I call her last night bit she didn’t reply my call” Karina-chan ask in a worried tone

“She will be fine” Keito say trying to calm her down

“Where is Ryo-chan” Karina ask as Keito don’t know too

“Ah Rin-chan is over there with Satsuki and the others” Keito say and the went to where they are

“Rin-chan” Karina-chan says and I turn to face her

“Ah Karina-chan, Keito” I say

“Why didn’t you reply me call last night? And what happen to your eyes?!” Karina-chan ask and I smile

“I put it on silent so gomen, sorry we need to go ja matta” I told them and when up the stage with Satsuki and the others

“Is about to start where the hell is Ryo-chan” Karina ask and Keito call him but no answer

“He didn’t answer” Keito says



“Hey guys, are you guys ready for some songs?” I ask and they shout and I look at Satsuki for the song to play

“This song is for all the lovers out there, and especially for my friend Karina and Keito, this if for you guys” I look at them and wink

“I remember like it was yesterday, first kiss and I knew you changed the game, you hand me, exactly, where you wanted, and I’m on it” I started singing Baby Love by Nicole Scherzinger and after that I sing Stick with you by The Cat Dolls and others Love song

“Thanks for hearing us guys” I say and when down the stage with Satsuki and the others

“We were great” Satsuki say and we all agree with him

“Rin-chan” I heard Karina-chan calling my name and hug me the minutes she come to me

“Thanks you so much” Karina-chan hugs me tightly

“Um can’t breathe” I say and she let go of me

“Thank you Rin-chan is lovely” Keito say and we suddenly have a group hug

“Hey you don’t have to, the song is for you guys hope you like it” I say and they smile

“Thanks Rin-chan we like it” Karina-chan says and Keito nod

“Glad you like it, I still have stuff to do, so I will leave first kay” I say and about to leave

“Thanks again” They say together and I give them a wave


~Somewhere in the school festival~

“Thanks” I thank the person and take the cotton candy from them

“Now what am I going to do with you” I say while looking around couple are sharing things together I sigh and keep walking around the festival

“Didn’t know you have such a beautiful voice before” Ryosuke say while walking towards me and I look at him

“Um…thank you” I thank him and I feeling weird around him

“Wh-where is your girlfriend?” I ask him

“What girlfriend?” he ask me and we started walking together

“Ayu-chan I saw you hugging her” I says and he look at me

“What did you hear?” he asks me

“Nothing? Just you two hugging each other” I say even heart is breaking but I didn’t show and walk away

“Hey, come here” Ryosuke grab my wrist and start to run


~In front of a haunted house~

“Why are we here?” I gulp

“I got ticket, since Keito and Karina a couple they properly when in already” Ryosuke say

“No, I’m not going” I was able to go and Ryosuke grab my hand and we go in


During haunted house I keep screaming because the monster ONLY scared me and not Ryosuke and then a mammy come towards as is not scary but the light make it scary and I run off letting go Ryosuke hand


“RIN!” Ryosuke shout and run after me

“Rin, is ok is just a mammy” Ryosuke say and put his hand on my shoulder and I scream again

“Rin is me Ryosuke” Ryosuke say while turning me around and once I saw him I hug him

“Get me out of here!” I cry and Ryosuke pat my head

“You’re cute” Ryosuke smile

“Please” I cry

“I got something to tell you, before we go” Ryosuke says and break the hug

“Can’t we go out somewhere and say I hate here” I sob and Ryosuke wipe my tears

“Ok” Ryosuke smile and held my hand tightly



“Seriously don’t pull me in there ever again” I say and Ryosuke hand me a warm milk

“Sorry” Ryosuke laugh and I look at him and then I look away

“I got to go bye” I was about to go Ryosuke held my hand

“Ayu is not my girlfriend, sorry I know is late but I love you” Ryosuke say and I was shock

“When you confess to me that day, I really don’t know what to do, I found out I love you when I saw you with Satsuki together happily rehearsal in music room, and the way he held your hand, I felt jealous and” Ryosuke unable to continue

“And?” I ask him looking at him

“I’m jealous when Keito hug you, I found out that I love you” Ryosuke look at me

“Will you be my girlfriend?” Ryosuke ask nervously that can be hear

“Is it true?” I ask him

“Of cause it is” Ryosuke say


I look at him blushing and being nervous I smile and nod, Ryosuke smile and hug me

Now 4 close friend being 2 couple kind of awesome yet amazing


“But why you hug ayu-chan?” I ask him while holding his arms

“She is my cousin from my mom side and she help me to put up my courage to confess to you so I hug her” Ryosuke hug me tightly from behind

“She’s your cousin?!” I shock

“Yea no one know about it expect sensei, don’t jealous ok?” Ryosuke kiss my cheeks and I blush

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