Chapter 1 pt1

EXO's adventures in Wonderland ~

A/N: Hi~ First : THANK YOU to those who subscribed just after reading the foreword, you made me want to write faster! 

Second : I’m sorry (;^;) I’m slow at writing and I didn’t realise how much things I wanted to put in the first chapter before doing it! -_- I really want to develop the initial story so the first chapter with Luhan will be cut into parts! I’m sorry if you’re disappointed with this update because it’s the beginning and I didn’t went far but I hope you’ll read it and let me time to write the rest >-<  Also sorry for any error of grammar or typo …

Sorry for this long A/N and for saying sorry too much, please enjoy reading~



I feel the sun on my face, warming me up deliciously and waking me up slowly; a gentle breeze caresses my locks on my forehead and tickles me lightly, did someone opened the windows this morning? I remember how I felt sick and went to my bed before the other yesterday, the drink they gave me was a real head killer. They must have passed out shortly after I left as they were all really drunk … but not before finishing all the bottles we had bought, ahhhh … I hope they didn’t messed up the dorm  too much…

I stretch slowly, not opening my eyes yet but enjoying the moment while mentally preparing myself to find a pile of bodies in the middle of the living room that will have to be taken care of when I’ll have the courage to get out of bed. It must be afternoon already since I got to bed really late last night (or really early this morning, that depend on how you take 2 am for) and was a total mess, but luckily today’s a day off so I didn’t have to put my alarm clock on; Suho must have woken up already though, since he can’t sleep well after 10 in the morning and has to start his day because ‘if he doesn’t his karma will turn bad and he’ll have to do yoga with Tao on the rooftop at 4 in the morning to rebalance it, the icecap will melt faster and the polar bear will be menaced of extinction and the aliens will never be able to communicate with us and save us from destruction’ like Chen says to when he try to justify his strange habit.

He must have made everybody go to their room already before preparing lunch and cleaning the living room like the caring mom he is, it’s so nice to have at last one responsible leader~ I’m sure Kris’ still snoring in his bed with a terrible hangover waiting for him to wake up and a dragon plush in his arms…

I finally hear the satisfying crack sound from my arms and I let them fall beside me on the bed which suddenly yelps and moves away from me. I don’t want to op- … wait… my bed just yelped and moved aside …

He yelped and moved...

My eyes shot open and I’m in a sitting position so fast that my head turn a little, I look around me to see on what I was laying and I’m just amazed by what I’m discovering. I’m not in my bed at our dorm and in fact, I’m not even in a room: in front of me is a beautiful and well maintained garden with huge trees scattered all over the place, their leaves flying in the wind and falling in slow spiral motions onto the floor where beautiful flowers are growing freely, creating a colored and wonderful sea which ran aground a large path of green grass, there’s also a  clear stream that passes just beside me with an enchanting rumor which complete this magic scenery; the park must be vast cause I don’t see any barrier or house nor hear the sound of a road which could be near.

The view’s so peaceful and calm that I almost forgot that I don’t know why I’m here and what did yelp earlier when I was stretching. Almost.

I turn my head behind me to find that I was sleeping under a large willow tree, on the grass and I see that I’m, indeed, not the only one here. There’s someone lying and still snoring near the trunk but I can’t see his face as his back faces me. I must have knock him earlier. I decide to wake him up and ask him where the hell I am because even if the place seams wonderful, I have a bad feeling about this whole situation and I don’t like it.

I stand up and approach him slowly, wanting to be gentle and not scare him when he will open his eyes and see a stranger above him, but as I get closer I see something moving behind him and OH MY GOD THERE’S A SNAKE UNDER HIM!!

I scream (in a very manly kind of scream okay?) and try to kick it with my leg seeing that the apparently boy who’s now awakening slowly, owning to my shout, is mindlessly sitting on it. Doesn’t he feel anything wrong?! Never mind, I continue to kick furiously, trying to hit the snake right with all my force in hope he will not attack me and flee, when I finally get it and keep my foot on it but the boy yells in pain and stand up quickly, looking at me with eyes filed up with tears and hurt. I look at him now that I can see his face properly and I stay stunned.

“W-why did you do that to me m-mistress?” he asks me with a shaking voice.

Xiumin ? It’s Xiumin who’s here in front of me but … he seems weird: he’s wearing fake cat-ears and a tail that he is now … ?? My eyes go wide and I stare at him dumbfounded: Xiumin is a plush tail which had been in the dirt while he was sleeping and doesn’t seem to find it really strange or disgusting.

“Xiu-xiumin?” I call him, unsure that this guy’s really my bandmate and best friend as he lets his tail go and starts his hand before scratching his ears with it. His tail is waiving like it’s alive and his ears look way too real… “Xiumin is that you?” I ask again.

The ‘exactly-looking-like Xiumin’ guy looks up from his work and meets my eyes before smiling widely “Is that the name you’re giving to me mistress? Xiumin? I like it a lot! It’s really pretty!” he takes a few step in my direction and I can hear him purring while saying “Thank you~”. This guy is purring… what the??

I close my eyes, perhaps hoping that when I’ll open them I’ll see a normal Xiumin who doesn’t use his tongue to wash himself, but I suddenly feel something wet on my hand and I look down to find the strangest guy I ever met affectively my right hand and purring even more than before.

I immediately take back my hand, maybe a little too harshly and I must have a disgusted kind of looks painted on my face because I see that the guy is on the verge of crying again “m-mistress?” he calls me hesitantly while staring at me with big teary eyes. I don’t know why, maybe because he looks a lot like my closest friend and he’s just too cute to be real, but I don’t want to see him crying again so I ruffle his hair gently and smile at him to show that I’m not really mad. He calms down immediately and start rubbing his face on my hand again to get more caresses. Like a cat, this guy is like a freaking cat. His tail starts to move again and the purrs come back quickly, louder than ever. Wait a sec, did he called me mistress just now? MISTRESS??!!

“Erm, X-xiumin” the boy stops his actions and looks up, waiting for me to continue “so … erm … you’re, like … a cat, is that right?” I ask him just to be sure that he’s not a racoon with abnormal ears and tail (I don’t want to offend him).

“Yes mistress! I’m a hybrid, a cat-hybrid if you want!” he answers me enthusiastically, getting distracted by the butterflies flying around the garden and trying to catch them.

I must admit that, beyond the fact that my best friend is now a ‘cat hybrid’ who likes to my hands and more generally : everything, with those hazelnuts brown fluffy ears and long tail and his new even more affectionate nature than before, Xiumin-hyung is really, really cute. Wish I could take a photo of him like that~… by reflex, I check into my pockets to see if my phone’s here and I take him in my hands. I have my phone… oh my! I can take all the pictures I want!! I call Xiumin enthusiastically, forgetting my uncomfortable feeling towards him immediately and I ask him to do some (a lot of) poses for me: I ask him to do aeygyo, to do the victory sign, to pout, to fake sleeping in the grass, to climb on the trunk, to lay on the flowers, to go near the stream and play with the water (this one pose was hard for Xiumin who apparently, like his cousins, doesn’t really like be in contact with water too much) …. I’m in pure bliss as I can take all the photos I want from my ‘best friend’ and get to see his cutest side. Xiumin’s usually all shy and reserved but this cat version of him seems to really enjoy all the attention he gets and allows me to fanboy as much as I want without getting angry, what a wonderful moment~

I don’t know for how long we played but my phone suddenly turns off and the red battery sign on the screen tells me that I need to recharge him; this improvised photo-shoot must have been long because the sun is hanging low on the sky which is now wearing beautiful warm colors; I realize a little too late that I should have tried to call at the dorm with my phone earlier instead of playing with it, but I can’t do anything now. Xiumin, unaware of my problem to choose well my priorities, is sitting on a small rock, playing with his fingers while waving his long tail in contentment; he looks up at me and smiles widely “Thank you for playing with me Mistress! It was really funny!” omo, I don’t regret wasting all my battery, I just want to take this cute chubby face of him and squish those pinkie little cheeks so hard right now~! … He begins to himself again and I look at him intently, but there’s this ‘mistress thing’ again… does he take me for his owner or something? And why in the world does he call me Mistress? Isn’t it only for women?

“Xiumin” at his name, he stops his cleaning work and smiles at me, waiting for me to continue “erm … I-I was wondering why you called me ‘Mistress’?” I finally decide to ask him because I’m really intrigued; Xiumin looks at me with a surprized expression on his face “Aren’t you a girl mistress?” … it’s my turn to look at him with a surprized face (well, it’s more like a confused and slightly angry face), yes I’ve delicate features and my body isn’t as manly as Chanyeol’s or Kris’ but nobody ever took me for a girl for real!!

“I-I’m, no! I’m a boy… why do you think I’m a girl?” I try to defend but Xiumin doesn’t seem very convinced by my male gender even if he tries to not show it and answers my question “W-well, you’re wearing a dress… you made squirrel sounds when we played earlier and … you’re pretty?” he says the last part hesitantly like he knows I won’t really enjoy the compliment (he’s right) but right now I’m more focused on what he said first, I’M WEARING WHAT?? I look at my chest and discover that I’m, effectively, wearing a nice blue and white dress with little black ribbons here and there … Okay. Breathe. Don’t get angry. Don’t scream. Don’t hit the poor boy in front of you because he surely doesn’t have anything to do with this and just don’t torn ALL OF THOSE ING FEMALE CLOTHES OF YOU…. Breathe.

I open my eyes which probably closed by themselves as I was in deep mental control session and I achieve to put a, not weird, smile on my face, how comes that I didn’t saw this earlier or felt that something was weird? It’s not like I’m used to wear that kind of thin. In fact I never wore female’s clothes in my life… well…

Okay I had.


But I was being forced to do it!! Because I lost to a bet of those evil three maknaes: they made me wear a black leather mini skirt and dance on Apink’s ‘NoNoNo’ song in front of the other while we were watching a film at our dorm… I swear it was one of the worst moment of my life, I felt so humiliated!! But right now, it’s not just a skirt that I’m wearing, it’s a flounced blue dress with a white apron and ribbons everywhere and white long socks… whyyyyy??

As I’m crying inwardly, my face must be a bit weird because Xiumin frowns and asks me shyly if I’m alright and if what he said made me annoyed; he keeps his gaze on his feet and is fidgeting nervously with his fingers. I sight and look down at my own feet dejectedly, oh, at last I’m not wearing heels, that’s better than nothing.. I think when I see that I’m in comfortable but nice looking black baskets.

“No… no, I’m not annoyed by what you said” I finally say to Xiumin who hadn’t move an inch from his apologizing position “I understand why you thought that I was a girl but in fact … I’m a boy … and I don’t usually wear those kind of clothes so…” I can’t finish my sentence as Xiumin had come closer and closer to me and is now staring at my face, studying it with attention “You may be a boy mistress, but you’re very pretty no matter what…” he states after a minute with a nod “so … do I have to call you mistress or master now?” he asks me with a small smile before I can complain about how he just called me pretty and mistress once again.

“I… I don’t know… why I have to be your ‘master’?” it’s not like he’s a pet or something you can buy… Xiumin’s smile falter slightly at this words and he answers me with a quiet voice “I had never meet anyone here, before you, I was alone during a long time and you’re the first person I see since I live in this garden. I-I thought, since we enjoyed playing together, that you wouldn’t mind if I stayed with you …” he looks really sad all of a sudden “Don’t you want me around you anymore?” he finally asks, his ears flat on his head and his tail hanging low, he stayed alone here, without seeing or talking to anybody? He must have felt so lonely, poor boy…

I definitively don’t like seeing Xiumin sad or crying like this so I quickly reassure him “No! I wasn’t saying that I didn’t want to stay with you; in fact I really enjoy your company, you’re reaaaally cute and funny so don’t worry about that!” Xiumin face light up as I finish my friend confession and his tail isn’t down anymore; I truly find him amusing and adorable, it’s like I’m with my hyung but with the whole ‘cat-thing’ in extra “and since I consider you as a friend, you can just call me Luhan ! I don’t own you, or anything, and you’re not a pet so … let’s be friend okay?!” Xiumin suddenly jumps on me and hugs me tightly while nearly shouting “Really?? I can be your friend? Whoa, I’m so excited!! That’s the first time someone asks me to be his friend!” I smile and he releases me “I’m glad to be your friend Luhan!” he adds while smiling brightly like a child when receiving presents on Christmas, I just nod and tap his shoulder affectionately, I’m relieved he doesn’t consider me as his owner anymore and knows that I’m a boy but I still don’t know what I’m doing here and why?

“Erm, Xiumin, do you know by any chance what and where is this place we are in?” I asks to him because to tell the truth, I’m getting a bit worried as the night is already here, since I wake up late and we played a lot, and I still don’t have any ideas of why I’m here with a cat-boy and wearing a dress … I also hope Xiumin has a place to sleep and live in because I would really not like to sleep outside even if the weather’s nice and the grass’ comfy, he doesn’t sleep under the trees every night right?

“To be honest, I don’t know” Xiumin answers with a perplex expression, like he didn’t think of it before now “I live here since forever and I never had the need to know… But don’t worry! It’s my home and I know it by heart, it’s my place!” he smiles while looking lovingly around him at the garden and then, suddenly takes my arms and starts to lead the way as we walk further into the yard “I’ll show you where I stay for the night and live and we’ll eat some sweets okay?!” Xiumin says excitedly, like he heard my fears from earlier about sleeping outside.

We walk silently, Xiumin’s walking confidently in the now almost full darkness without releasing my hand (surely because if he did I would get lost immediately) and humming quietly while I’m trying to not trip and fell on the ground. As we come near a grove Xiumin stops and claps in his hand, the whole place lights up magically and I’m once again amazed by what I’m seeing: we’re in front of a huge oak tree with big intertwined roots that somehow manage to create a sort of cocoon just in the middle of the trunk, the whole place’s illuminated by fireflies. It’s like I’m in a fairy tale …

A door in bark has been sculpted and positioned just above a large root which seems to serve as a natural ladder to the entry of the cocoon-house which has been decorated with flowers and beautiful leaves from different trees “This is amazing Xiumin” I say in pure admiration, the place looks so peaceful and magic that I just want to stay here forever and forget about everything else.

“Thank you” Xiumin just responds with a hint of proudness in the voice, he’s smiling and looks sincere while saying “I put a lot of effort to make it, this place is very important to me, it’s my treasure you can say, when I’m being sad or lonely I look at it at nights and I’m feeling immediately better… I’m glad you like it!” he then makes me enter and after eating some sweets I never seen before, we go to bed and I fall asleep right away without dreams.

I’m awakened by the sound of someone humming softly and Xiumin greets me happily when I get off bed and sit down at the wooden table in the middle of the room, I’m still wearing my dress because I don’t have anything else with me and Xiumin seems to wear only what’s on him right now (and was on him yesterday too) because I didn’t spot other clothes or dressing room in the rather spacious cocoon when he made me a short visit yesterday. While eating fruits (that I’ve never seen before too) for breakfast, Xiumin explains to me that if I want to clean myself a little we have to go to the stream and wash there. After eating, we walk towards it, enjoying the birdsongs and the calm atmosphere surrounding us, and we stop where we meet yesterday, near the willow tree. I start to clean my face with the fresh and clear water of the stream, when I hear hurried footsteps that are coming in our direction and a grumpy voice following them, what’s this??

I stop my actions and call Xiumin who confirms he’s hearing something too but doesn’t know what it could be; before we can assume anything, someone suddenly comes out of the thickets and walks in our direction: he’s looking at something in his hand while cursing out loud and doesn’t seem to have seeing us. As he comes closer, I try to understand what he’s saying and finally hear his shouting “I’m LATE so horribly LATE, he will CUT MY HEAD OFF for sure, what I’m going to do??” he’s now just a few meters away from us and I can see a worried expression on his face, but, this face …. Oh my …

“WHAT WILL BECOME OF ME?? I’m TOO YOUNG for dying!!! I DON’T W-“ he suddenly stops his tragic show when he realizes he’s not alone and looks at me in the eyes while liking unconsciously (or not) his lips and saying lowly  “… Hey ~ … Hi there cutie ~ ”

I want to throw up. I never heard anyone use a tone this much flirtatious and honey like in my life when talking to someone (not even Baekhyun when he’s chatting with Chanyeol in the dorm (Chanyeol who’s definitely dumb or deaf to not hearing it)) and even less Sehun who’s just Yehet and Ohorat and just … ‘I’m-the-cool-stone-and-cold-guy’ type.

Why talking about Sehun? Because the man who’s currently checking me out and wiggling suggestively his eyebrows at me in a disgusting way is none other than Sehun … with rabbit ears and tail.

Oh no…


Thanks for reading, I’ll try to update as soon as possible ~

Merry X’mas and Happy New year in advance to everybody! ^o^

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Suzume1096 #1
I'm so excited for this!! Can't wait ^_^