Chapter 4


“Where the hell is this pabo yoda? He should help me preparing the ceremony” Jimin walked back and forth in her boutique. She glanced at the clock ‘9.45am’. She dialled Chanyeol’s number for the 10th time that morning and he finally pick up. “Hello? Chanyeol, where the hell are you! You should be here by now and help me preparing this ceremony! And I can’t start this ceremony without you.” Jimin screamed at her phone that make all of her staff looked at her. “I’m still on my way. There’s an accident here so the traffic is stuck. I’ll be there in 20 minutes okay?” Chanyeol hung up. She frowned as she put her phone on the cashier.

“Jimin, is it okay if I arrange the cupcakes like this?” one of her staff named Luhan asked. “It’s up to you, Luhan. As long as it’s not too messy” she said while rubbing her temple. “but you’re the—”. “JUST DO ANYTHING AS LONG AS ITS NOT MESSY OKAY aish” she said while messing up her hair. Luhan nodded. Luhan is used to this type of Jimin because well he worked with Jimin for like nearly 2 and a half years? “um anyway, Jimin-ah, I think you should go change and put on some make up. You don’t want your customers to see you in that condition, do you? I’ll ask Krystal to help you” he pulled her arm and push her to her dressing room. Jimin obeyed Luhan and sit on the chair.

“So Jimin, I’m going to help you with your make up. Tell me what colour is your dress?” Krystal asked as she put her huge make up kit on the dressing table. “White. I’ll wear a white dress”Jimin answered. Krystal is a part time make-up artist that works at Jimin’s boutique. Her job at Jimin’s boutique is to give advices to the customers on how to wear, tips and what colour will match. Well a lot of the customers are impressed with her make up skills and knowledge. Sometimes, Jimin also don’t really get it why won’t Krystal be a famous make-up artist instead of being a part time make-up artist and work at her boutique.

Jimin’s POV

I was deep in thoughts while Krystal busy putting on make-up for me. Thinking about my boutique. Will my customers like the new look? I’m praying they will. Then the thoughts flew to a horrible one. I think about Kyungsoo. All the sweet things he did to me. The surprises. The promises. Everything went numb. He shut me out. And the saddest thing is that I don’t even know what did I do wrong. I don’t even go out with any boys. Except for Chanyeol, duh he’s my bestfriend. He knew that even before we were dating. I remembered that day. A few days after he started ignoring me. We went to Coffee Gallery again. Maybe I do talk to much that time because it’s been days since we last contacted. I wasn’t expecting him to scream at me to shut up and left me dumbfounded. I don’t know how to react. To scream, to cry or to ignore everything.

“Jimin? Jimin why are you crying here?! No nooo. Your make up will be ruined” Krystal calm me down and asked why but I just shook my head. “No I’m fine. I’m just.. um.. nervous” I lied. She wiped my tears and continue putting on my make-up.

-a few minutes later-

“All done! Now go wear your dress. I’ll go out and help the others” I nodded as Krystal closes the door. I sighed. I stare at my reflection observing Krystal's overwhelming make-up skills. Light gold tone as the eye shadows with black eyeliner on it. Slightly brown blush to enhance my cheekbones and a matt red lipstick. After I put on my dress and heels, I sat in front of the mirror and comb my hair and suddenly I heard a light knock at the door. “Come in” I answered. The person opened the door and a tall black haired man came in. “Krystal said you were crying while she was putting on your make-up? Is it because of Kyungsoo again?” I know pretty well who that voice belongs to. “I’m fine now, Chanyeol” I smiled. “Then what took you so long? You think you’re a princess or what?” well I admit it took me about more than an hour to get ready. So I ignored his question. “Yah yoda, should I make a bun or just put my hair down?” I turn around to face Chanyeol who is sitting on the sofa behind me. I never seen him in white tux before. He really looked like an angel in white. Wait. What the hell am I thinking. He’s your bestfriend, Kim Jimin!

Chanyeol’s POV

I stare at Jimin’s face observing her make-up. I swear, at that time she look really really beautiful with that make-up. Red lipstick that enhance her plump lips. White mid-thigh dress exposing her back and white heels. It’s so breath-taking. I can’t even blink at that exact time. I was never nervous meeting Jimin. But this type of Jimin is just too hard to handle. She’s just so beautiful. I’m also confused why Kyungsoo even do that to her. I snapped out from my thoughts and stand in front of her. “I think you should put your hair down. You look even more beautiful” I said while fixing her hair and gave her a smile.

She stood up from her chair and twirled in front of me and asked “Okay so how do I look?” she gave me a cute smile that really melts my heart. “You look beautiful as always” I smile and pinch her cheek. “Stop! Or you’ll ruin my make-up” she said while pouting her lips. Oh my god I swear I could kiss her right now but for the sake of our friendship, I tried to control it. “You better stop making that look or I’ll lose control” with that I walked out the door leaving her dumbfounded with my words. What the hell Chanyeol! Why do you even say that.

Jimin’s POV

The ceremony went well. Amazingly the customers really love the cupcakes that Luhan made! My brother, Jongin and his group also came and perform their new song. Well I wasn’t expecting them to perform but gladly the customers really like it! I enjoyed it too. It was my first time meeting his group members. They’re all friendly! Jongin and s can’t join us for dinner since they have a schedule tomorrow morning so their manager asked them to go back to their dorm. So, the staffs, Chanyeol and I went to a nearby French restaurant to have our dinner. It was fun eating dinner with the other staffs! I almost forgot my problems.

We were busy talking when suddenly a familiar person walked in the restaurant. I’m not sure this but I think it’s Kyungsoo? With a…. girl? I widen my eyes and dropped my jaw. He was holding the girl’s hand. He’s smiling at her. That heart shaped smile. “Jimin, are you okay?” Chanyeol whispered in my ears. I pointed at them “Is that Kyungsoo?”. “What? Where?” Chanyeol asked as he look at every table in the restaurant. “There. With a girl” I stood up but Chanyeol pulled my hand “No Jimin. Don’t” I pulled back my hand and walked to the table. Yes. It’s Kyungsoo. “Kyungsoo? What are you doing here?” Kyungsoo looked at me and widen his eyes in shock “Jimin..”. “Who’s this girl?” I asked pointing at the girl. “No I can explain” Kyungsoo stood up and hold my arm. “Who the hell are you ruining our dinner?! I’m Lee Natalia and he’s my fiancé!” the girl said and pushed me. Did I heard wrong? Is it just me or…? Fiancé? Kyungsoo?

“What?” Tears falling. My leg’s trembling. I feel like breaking down. No. Not in this restaurant. “What the hell Kyungsoo!” Chanyeol came to me and screamed at Kyungsoo. I don’t know what to do. So I ran out of the restaurant. I don’t know where to go. Not home of course. I really need a fresh air so I decided to go to the park near my house. It’s nearly 10pm now. I know it’s not good for a girl to walk alone in an empty alley at this hour but I need to be alone. I can’t believe it. Kyungsoo’s already engaged to someone else? He didn’t tell me that he loves someone else. Why am I so stupid?! Waiting for a guy that already engaged to someone else! I can’t stop crying. My head starts pounding.

Then suddenly I heard a man “Hey girl, what are you doing here at nights like this huh?” the man wrapped his arm around my waist. I was shocked and pushed him away. I tried to run but he pulled my arm to the alley and push me to the wall. “Why are you running babe? Don’t be scared” he said as he traced my face with his index finger while his other hand locking my hand up above my head. I want to scream but I can’t. My voice won’t come out. I’m praying for someone to help me. The man traced my waist and pulled my body closer to his. “It’s okay sugar” the man said. My tears won’t stop flowing. It’s like my energy is drained. Suddenly I saw the man is on the floor. It’s Chanyeol. Thank god. He punched the man’s face and told him to go away. The man said sorry and ran away.

I fell on the floor crying my heart out. “Jimin. Are you hurt? I’ll take you home” Chanyeol said as he helped me to stand up. “No. I don’t want to go home” I said while looking down. Chanyeol sigh and said “Okay okay. You can stay at my home. Let me call your mum”. “Please don’t tell mum what happened” I said while looking at Chanyeol. “Okay okay. Come” he wrapped his arm on my shoulder and guide me to his car.

Chanyeol’s POV

Thank god I was fast. What the is wrong with Kyungsoo?! He didn’t tell Jimin that he’s already engaged to someone else? That’s not Kyungsoo I used to know. I could just punch his face at the restaurant. Seriously he became a jerk after his father gave the company to him. There’s no time to care about Kyungsoo in this type of condition. All I care about is Jimin. I glanced at her sitting next to me in the car. Thankfully she’s already stopped crying. As I parked my car in front of my house “Chanyeol, my head hurts” she said rubbing her temple. I reached out my hand to feel her temperature. She’s burning. “Jimin, I think you’re having a fever. Come let me carry you” I said as I carry her bridal style. She wrapped her arms around my neck and put her head at my neck. I can feel her warm breath at my neck. It’s so sad to see her suffering.

I put her on my bed and went to the closet to find clothes for her to change. “go change. I’ll go get something to help you ease your fever. Tomorrow we’ll go see the doctor if your fever worsen” I hand her a t-shirt and a sweatpants. I smiled at her and went out of my bedroom. I came back with a pail of water and a towel. She was sleeping on the bed peacefully. I dipped the towel in the water and put it on her forehead. She must be so disappointed. I don’t care if I have to sacrifice my sleep to take care of Jimin. I love her. Her happiness makes me happy. I don’t want a jerk to ruin her happiness.

I glanced at the clock ‘2.30am’. I looked at her. Her angelic face. She’s so beautiful even in her sleep. Her eyelashes perfectly curled. I put my hand or her forehead to test her temperature. Seems like her temperature decreased. I stood up to go sleep outside but then she grabbed my hand “I’ll go sleep on the couch outside okay?” I said as I turn to face her. “It’s cold” she said without letting go of my hand. I froze by her action. So I decided to lay beside her to give her the warmth that she needed. She put her hands at my chest and snuggle at my neck. We were too close until I could feel her warm breath at my neck. She was sleeping peacefully in my embrace. I wished that the time stopped at the exact moment. I tried to sleep but I can’t. My heart is beating so fast. I can’t even move or I'll wake her up.

Suddenly she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my face closer to hers. Our nose touched and I could feel her breath at my lips. She spoke “Sleep Chanyeollie”. I widen my eyes in shock when she spoke again “Sleep”. So I decided to wrapped my arm around her waist and drift into my dreamland.



Chapter 4 updated! I’m so so sorry because It took me like 2 weeks to update this chapter. I was so busy. Don’t be mad <333 i love you guys <333

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Yoyoyo bff good luck der kekekeke
syahyukjae #2
Hello authornim..
kyungsoo-akira #3
Chapter 3: I want to know why kyungsoo is ignoring her?
clothesencounter #4
Chapter 3: You're an awesome writer; keep it going!