


Trying out the wedding dress, I looked into the mirror and smiled.

'' You look beautiful Yuna! '' Vanessa smiled at me, clapping her hands together.

I sighed, '' I'm getting married in 3 months. '' 

Vanessa patted my shoulder, '' What's wrong? ''

I hesistated before telling her, she was my best friend, but I don't know if I should speaking about this.

Vanessa waited patiently for my reply, and I looked down.

'' I think I love Jungkook. ''

'' You can't. '' She replied almost immediately and I frowned.

'' Why? '' I asked.

'' You're getting married! '' She protested, but I wasn't convinced.

'' There's another reason. '' I pushed, but she turned away.

'' You really don't remember? '' She asked, sighing.

I frowned at her, what was she talking about?

My head spinning, a memory appeared again.

'' Jungkook I can see you. '' Vanessa spoke.

I looked around, what was she saying?

Jungkook's gone.

'' Yes, I can! '' She raised her voice, and I jumped.

Jimin and I stared at her confused.

Vanessa placed her hand in the air, as if holding someone's wrist.

She walked out of the cafe, as Jimin and I stared at her.

She seemed to be talking to someone invisible, like a ghost.

I followed her out, standing behind her.

'' Jungkook, I was sent here to make sure you never marry or fall in love with Yuna. ''

I remembered.

'' Vanessa, I know what you mean. ''

She widened her eyes, '' You do? ''

I nodded my head, '' You're an angel... and so is Jungkook ''

She lowered her head, '' You don't want to know what happened when I married Daehyun. '' She sighed.

'' Yuna.. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for deceiving you when I first came back. I know I should have just told you it was me.. But I was too timid, and I knew you wouldn't belive me. I'm sorry you to had find out about this that way. I want you to know, that I will always love you. Even when I leave you, my heart hasn't left you.. When I leave in 96 days, take care of yourself.. Jimin. Jimin is a nice person, give him a chance, alright? But.. I want to spend my remaining 96 days with you. I sound so selfish, but I need you by my side. I want to spend my last moment with you, like how I spent my last second of my life the previous time, with you, while protecting you. I'm sorry I didn't get to protect you this time. It's my fault. Yuna, wake up, wake up for me. '' 

Another memory.

How many memories of Jungkook and I are going to play in my head?

'' Here Yuna, have some tea. ''

I sat up, grabbing the cup from Jungkook.

'' Thank you. '' I silently said.

He smiled at me, and that brought back so much.

I know, I know my past with Jungkook.

And the one I want, was him.

But I love Jimin too.

I feel like a cheating girlfriend.

I sighed, taking a sip from the tea.

It tasted familiar, as if I have drank it before.

'' Jungkook.. ''

He looked up, sadness in his eyes.

I smiled bitterly, '' I'm getting married. ''

He lowered the corners of his eyes, and gulped. 

'' I know. '' He spoke.

My heart hurt.

Why didn't he say more?

Maybe he didn't love me anymore.

'' Jungkook, why did you leave me? I love you Jungkook. '' appeared in the notebook.

A tear rolled down my eyes.

'' I always did. ''

13 June 

'' Are you ready? '' My mum stood before me.

I cleaned my sweaty palms on my dress, as I shook.

'' N-No.. '' I stuttered.

My mum smiled at me, '' This is your important day. ''

Today, 13 June, I was going to get married to Jimin.

I was excited, yet, sad.

Why? Because Jimin wasn't Jungkook.

I didn't exactly know what to do.

'' Yuna, get ready. '' A voice spoke, and I shivered again.

I carefully walked in my heels, not wanting to fall over.

I walked to the huge doors, where Jin was waiting.

'' Hey there, sis. ''

I smiled at him, walking over to him.

I wrapped my hands around his, as we got ready to enter.

Normally, dads would their daughters.

But our of a father left, so Jin took over.

'' Are you ready? ''

I lowered my head, shaking my head.

'' To be honest, I don't know whether I want this. '' I admitted, biting my lips.

'' Jungkook? '' Jin asked.

Widening my eyes, '' How did you know? ''

Ignoring my question, '' Just do whatever you want, alright? ''

I know what I wanted, and I was ready.

The door opened, Jin and I walked in.

Jimin was standing at the end, with his groomates next to him.

J-Hope, Suga, Namjoon and Taehyung.

No Jungkook.

I approached Jimin, as he smiled brightly at me.

'' Hey. '' He greeted once I stood next to him.

I smiled as well, getting ready for the ceremony.

'' I charge you both, here in the presence of God, and the witness of this company, that if either of you know why you may not be married and in accordance of God's word, do now confess it. ''


The celebrant continued.

'' Park Jimin, will you have this woman to be your wife; to live with her in the covenant of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and comfort her and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful unto her, as long as you both live? ''

'' I will. '' He said, nodding his head.

I gulped.

 '' Yuna,  will you have this man to be your husband; to live together with him in the covenant of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful unto him as long as you both shall live? ''

'' I- I.. ''

'' I'm sorry.. I can't do this. ''

Gasps were heard, as Jimin lowered his head.

A single tear ran down my cheek, as I hugged Jimin.

'' I'm sorry.. ''

He sniffed, looking up.

'' Jungkook? ''

Hesistating, I nodded.

He nodded, '' Go get him. ''

Another tear escaped my eyes, as I stepped off the platform, running away.

Like the typical run-away bride.

I turned to look at Jimin one last time, he smiled at me, but a tear betrayed him.

I smiled, going off to the park near our dorm.

'' To Seoul Park please. ''

The cab driver looked weirdly at me, before taking off.

I would do, I was still in my wedding dress.

After 10 minutes, we finally reached.

Handing the cab his money, I got off.

I looked around for Jungkook, and finally saw him.

He was sitting at the quieter part of the park, and I slowly approached him.

'' Jungkook. ''

He snapped his head up, widening his eyes when he saw me.

'' Yuna? ''

I nodded my head, '' I'm here. ''

He looked at my gown, '' Why? ''

'' I love you Jungkook, and I always will. ''

He stood up, '' You remember? ''

I nodded my head, tears leaving my eyes.

I hugged him, '' I'm sorry for forgeting all that we ever had. ''

He hugged me back, '' I'm sorry for leaving you. ''

'' Will you be mine? Again? '' He asked, and I smiled.

'' You didn't have to ask. ''

ANDDD the story ends here.

I'm deciding on a epilogue and a special chapter, but I'm not sure.

PLEASEEE leave comments on this chapter, and if I should write an epilogue ^^

Thank you for reading up to here, I love all of you T^T

I hope you enjoyed the storyy :))))



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ChoSaku_ #1
Chapter 22: Poor jiminnie :'
Chapter 23: So good ^-^
Chapter 23: OMGOMGOMGOMGH S HEKEKG....oops my bads...
Chapter 22: Very good story and i love it so much <3...You should definitely make an epilogue. I'll be waiting for it :)
Chapter 18: Jungkook is back and he will win yuna'z heart
Great up- wait scratch that FANTASTIC UPDATE~~~!
Chapter 18: Jungkool is back?! Again??? I wonder how Yuna will a bestfriend or still....a girlfriend to him..Update soon!
HakitarunEka #8
Chapter 17: Chapter 17 : ooo..It's hurt Jungkook very much..FIGHTING author-nim!!!
Chapter 17: Jungkook will still her heart again...i hope
Good update wait no....FANTASTIC UPDATE
Chapter 17: Huhuhuhuhu anyways Yuna is happy !! But still I feel sad for Jungkookie! Author-nim FIGHTING!