



Taehyung's blushing ears and cheeks became redder. He gave a slight pout and another eye-roll. 


Jimin noticed and giggled to himself. 


☆ ☆ ☆


"Ayy guys, let's play 'Shoot, Shag, Marry'!!" Hoseok suggested.

"Call, call!" Seokjin said excitedly. 


Jinhee froze. Obviously she didn't feel like playing 'Shoot, Shag, Marry' with complete strangers. She wondered how Miyoung and Soowon managed to go to gōkons regularly. 


"Yah, let's ask the girls first," Namjoon, the gentleman, said.


"Call," all the girls but Jinhee said.


Everyone had their eyes on Jinhee as she awkwardly played with her fingers, trying to think of a plan to escape the situation. Taehyung noticed her uncomfortable-ness and decided to help, only because she looked very uncomfortable.


"Aish, why am I doing this for that little kid," Taehyung thoguht to himself.


"Let's just play truth or dare, it's simpler." Taehyung declared.

"Oh, that's true, let's play that then!" Hoseok happily chimed.


Jinhee looked up at Taehyung, unsure of what he just did.

"Did Kim Taehyung just help me? Or was he feeling uncomfortable as well?" Jinhee decided to belive the latter.


"Ok let's spin this bottle," Jimin used his coke bottle and placed it on the table. 


With that, he spun the bottle. 


Ah, what fate does to you. The bottle stopped spinning and pointed at Jinhee. The shocked but cute look on Jinhee's face made Taehyung chuckle a little, but of course he couldn't let her know that. Never.


"Jinhee-yah!!!" Miyoung and Soowon hollered, much to Jinhee's disappointment.

"Alright alright, truth or dare?" Jungkook asked.

"A-ah, my tummy suddenly feels a little nasty, I think I'm gonna go to the-" Jinhee said but was cut off by Taehyung.

"Aish, just pick one so you can get it done and over with," Taehyung said with a frown.


Jinhee pouted and secretly stuck her tongue out at Taehyung.


"Okay fine, truth." Jinhee picked.


"Hoho, don't think you can get away with picking truth because you think it's easy~" Hoseok giggled like a child.

"Think of a good one!" Yoongi added.

"Hmm... Why not we let the person sitting opposite the player decide?" Jimin schemingly suggested. 

"Huh?" Taehyung slowly turned his head in Jimin's direction, all ready to send a death glare when suddenly the girls agreed with Jimin.

"Yeah so the girls can choose for the guys and the guys can do the same! It'll be fun!" One of the girls said.


Jinhee inwardly sighed. "Why him, whyyyy," she thought to herself.

"Aish fine, whatever. Lee Jinhee. Your truth question: why do you hate me?" Taehyung said with zero hesitation.

For a moment, the table went silent as Taehyung stared at Jinhee intensely. Even Jinhee herself was shocked to hear the question.


Seokjin was the first to break the silence. "Okay Taehyung, maybe a different ques-" 

"Me? Hate you? I actually don't hate you, Kim Taehyung," Jinhee tilted her head to the side, a little confused as to why Taehyung would think so. She could be a complete airhead at times, but so could Taehyung.


"Uh, yeah you totally do. I'm not saying it's wrong or anything, I'm just asking why," Taehyung shot back. Everyone just quietly watched as Taehyung and Jinhee tried to hold a proper conversation.


"Um, no I don't, Kim Taehyung. I thought you hated me, so I didn't bother being friendly with you. Also, I can get a little awkward around boys," Jinhee quietly said the last part, but Taehyung caught it. 


Taehyung actually blushed a little, and he felt his heart beat a little faster. "I mean, I'm not happy that she doesn't hate me or anything, I just... I'm just a little shocked, that's all. Yeah, just shocked." Taehyung thought.


"A-ah, is that so? Well then honestly I don't hate you either..." Taehyung tried to be cool as he talked, but he ended up looking like a shy boy.

"I'm also awkward around girls," he quickly and quietly added, just so Jinhee could hear him.


Jinhee blushed as she made eye contact with Taehyung. She didn't expect him to hear the part about her becoming awkward around guys, but she was glad he did.


Jinhee gave Taehyung a slight smile as she felt a little more encouraged to talk to him. "Well, that's settled then." She said, trying to hide her happiness. 


"At least he doesn't hate me as much as I thought," she thought.


"Well isn't that just adorable?" Jimin rasied his voice, happy that his friend was finally able to confess to a girl that he was awkward around them. "Just look at those two, they're so good for each other! I totally ship it. TaeHee, hehe!" Jimin giggled, enjoying the moments he got to tease Taehyung. 


Jinhee just blushed while Taehyung gave his friend the middle finger.


☆ ☆ ☆


"Alright Jimin, enough! Come on let's continue, Jinhee will you please spin the bottle?" Seokjin said. 


Jinhee nodded as she took the bottle and spun it. Ah. It stopped at Taehyung. What were the odds?


Jinhee let out an awkward cough as Jimin tried his best to contain his excitement. 


"T-t-truth or dare?" Jinhee asked.

"Yah, Taehyung if you don't pick dare you're not a man!" Jungkook shouted.

"Aish you idiot, I was going to pick dare anyway," Taehyung lied. The boy did not want to do a dare picked out by Jinhee.

"Okay um.... Take a picture of yourself kissing Jimin on the cheek and post it on Twitter!" Jinhee suggested.

"What?!?" Taehyung placed his hand on the table.


Everyone else around the table started going wild as they started to chant "DO IT, DO IT, DO IT," repeatedly.


"This is stupid," Taehyung got up from his chair and walked towards his best friend.


Jimin started to act like he was shy and reluctant, which resulted in an aggressive and quick kiss from Taehyung as he quickly snapped a selfie.

Everyone started laughing and taking pictures to get a copy of their own as well. Little did they know, Jinhee was silently recording the entire thing. 


As Jimin pretended to blush, Taehyung whacked him in the head and posted the picture on Twitter.


"Here," Taehyung flashed his phone infront of Jinhee to show that he posted it.


"I got dared to do this by a stupid girl #sorrymum" Jinhee read the caption out loud. 

"HAHAHA, not bad Kim Taehyung, you're not as boring as I thought," Jinhee laughed as she gave Taehyung's phone back.


Taehyung just blushed as he frowned and crossed his arms, but the sight of Jinhee laughing cutely at him made his heart feel a little warm. He then proceeded to laugh along with the group. Jungkook and Jimin looked at each other. They were happy that Taehyung was starting to feel comfortable around girls, around Jinhee to be more specific.


☆ ☆ ☆


After many rounds of truth or dare, it was time to go home. The teenagers were all gathered outside the train station as they began to bid their goodbyes.


"I had a lot of fun today, we should all go out again sometime!" One of the girls said.

"Yeah, it's been awhile since I enjoyed a gōkon this much," Seokjin agreed.

"We shall be seeing each other very soon, then," Yoongi added.

"That'd be nice!" Soowon chirped.


"Alright then, I'm heading towards this direction, anyone else coming?" Namjoon pointed at the left side of the train station.

"Me!" A few voices chimed. Scratch that, everyone but Taehyung and Jinhee replied.


"Huh? Jin, we're literally neighbours, aren't you heading this way?" Taehyung pointed at the right side of the station.

"Oh, yeah, but I need to stop at the grocery store before heading home," Seokjin replied.

"Well then, let me tag along-"

"No! Don't you see how late it is? Go home with Jinhee, there have been a few reports of molesters these days, you gotta take her home safely!" Seokjin pointed out.


"No, no it's alright! I can defend myself!" Jinhee waved her hands infront of her.

"Yah, Lee Jinhee, don't make us worry about you! Let Taehyung take you home!" Miyoung and Soowon instructed.


Jinhee pouted at her friends as they all left her and Taehyung alone.


Taehyung awkwardly let out a cough. "Let's go," he quietly said. Jinhee just followed behind.


"Oi, why are you walking so slowly? If you go missing everyone will kill me. Walk infront of me." Taehyung pointed at the space infront of him.


Jinhee quickened her pace and walked infront of Taehyung.


"You don't really have to walk me home, y'know? I don't wanna trouble you," Jinhee told Taehyung.


"Aish, does she really not want to be alone with me that much?" Taehyung thought.


"Ah, okay then. I guess that'll save me the trouble." Taehyung coolly said. 


The two teens got on the train and awkwardly stood opposite each other. 


"Um... Which station are you getting off at?" Jinhee asked to break the awkward air.

"Mia* station. And you?"

"Oh! I get off at Gireum* station, that's like two stops before yours,"

"Oh cool," Taehyung said as he tried to hide his blush.


He really hated his tendency to blush around females.


"Well, uh, here's my stop. See you in school tomorrow," Jinhee bowed at Taehyung, to which Taehyung got conufsed at. Jinhee was so awkwardly polite around guys it was amusing.


"See ya," Taehyung replied with a small wave.


☆ ☆ ☆


Jinhee got off the train and Taehyung stared at her tiny little figure walking away. He looked up at the sky and saw that it was pretty dark. He started to think if letting her go home alone was a good idea. 


"Doors are closing," the train voice announced.


Taehyung had about 10 seconds to decide whether or not to get off the train. He quickly flipped a coin.


"Heads, and I'll stay in the train," Taehyung flipped the coin.

"Tails, and I'll walk her home," Taehyung caught the coin in his palm.

He quickly opened his hand to reveal that the coin showed heads.


oooh cliffhanger!!!! HAHAAH ok not really but meh



sorry for the long hiatus, i've been busy with school and all that nasty stuff hehhe i'll try my bestetsetstetstetst to update more often sO BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE!!!!!


  love y'all



*i actually googled seoul's subway map and i just randomly chose those 2 stations bc they were near myungdong/dongdaemun, places where teenagers like to hang out, or so my korean friend says hAHAH


do check out my short jungkook story :-) 

Stupid & Annoying Boy








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Chapter 8: I was googling tsundere bts and this popped in the results lol
Really nice story so far. I hope you can still continue with this because i can totally relate my personality to Taetae and Jinhee^^
Yonnaaaa #2
Chapter 8: please update? i miss this story
Chapter 8: Yassssssssss<3 I sheep 'em! Sho kawaaii >.<~ Plesh update soon! I'm looking forward to it! :) P.S, Love this story~ Huehueuehueueuueue.
Ati5aTHSVR #4
Chapter 8: They're sooooo cute omg i swear >_<
Cant wait for the next chapter
Hope u hv a good day ^_^
Sunlightshadow13 #5
Chapter 8: This is so kawaii!!!!! I'm dying from laughter at their interactions
Chapter 8: lol taehyung styled his hair? ooohhh i see what u did there :P
JeonMinyoung #7
Chapter 8: &ehhehehe that was so freakin' adorable ^w^
Taehyung's siblings are the cutest"
mgdlnanic #8
Chapter 1: tae = bae
1004gif #9
Chapter 7: Wahh just read this ff by now, and they're really good! And I think some of their scenes looks a like anime or smth. But really, they're really CUTEEEE pls update soon kay?
Chapter 6: omg why is tae tae so cute?!