
Next to You
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July 2nd

My hands are small and my legs are not as long as my dad's. Dad is talking to Mom, laughing about something with her. They look happy. I smile. I call out to them but they don't hear me. So I call them again, louder each time until their heads whirl around. I smile at them. They smile back at me. I run up to them.

They stop and stare.

I look into the mirror that appeared out of nowhere. My reflection is me with bigger hands and my height slightly towering over my dad's. I look back at my parents but they were glaring at me now. I try to talk to them but they only shout things back at me. They begin to walk away. I run until my lungs burn to reach them. But their silhouettes keep getting smaller and smaller, blending in with the dark. The background fades to black along with their retreating shadows. No.


No no no No!

Don't leave me please. I scream. My shrilled voice sound pathetic even in my own ears.

Don't leave. I cry out.

Please. I plead.





I didn’t remember sleeping again. I remember pieces of memories of waking up and crying, but the rest was dissolved over my head. I thought I slept on the couch last night but apparently I was back in my bed. My eyes felt swollen like the times I woke up from crying heavily. Oh man. Taemin was here yesterday, did he leave last night? Or was he here and witnessed me crying again? Jesus, how many times does he need to see me being such a wuss? Plus, did I walk back into my own bed unconsciously? Or did he tuck me to sleep?

Frustrations pent up inside me as I struggle to form proper memories of last night. I was better at forgetting.

The sounds lead my feet towards the kitchen. Taemin was performing some witchcraft with pans and kitchen utensils. Or also known as cooking but he looks more clueless than actually making food. He gasped and jumped back when he saw me. "Hey! You're up!" he exclaimed and quickly flipped the panca

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oblxviate #1
Chapter 26: Ahhh this is so beautiful. Clutches heart. All the feels are flooding inside me
oblxviate #2
Chapter 19: Oh my god can I just. This is just so precious thank you for pouring your hard work into this--- this gave me so much feelings and I am so stupid for reading this just now but really, thank you for writing this. I just love how you build up their character and how the story goes so easily and relateable cries i love u
Naina_122 #3
Chapter 32: I really enjoyed the switched point of views!!! I like having different perspecyives on the same situation.
Naina_122 #4
Chapter 19: At first I was conflicted. I love taemin and jongin together but sehun was so sweet to jongin that I couldn't help but want him to be happy, too! Sehun was so kind to Jongin and so understanding in giving him the support and encouragement he needed! I truly hope he finds happiness! TaeKai finally together!!! I'm so excited!!!
Naina_122 #5
Chapter 12: I really like the progression of their relationship!!! I enjoy your style of writing as well!!!
Nullaniscnazani #6
Chapter 33: This story is really good. It's really warm heart. I hope you will make part2 or season 2 ..
Chapter 31: Love this soo much. Thank you for writing this! You are an awesome human being. :))))))))))))
Milla58 #8
Chapter 32: THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING THING I HAVE EVER READ!!!!!! You have a gift dude.Your writing is purely beautiful.Its 3AM and ive been reading this for 4 hours! I was crying i was laughing...i still am crying! it is just beautiful <w> !!! again you are a wonderful writer and this story had me dwell up my heart in joy! please continue writing such awesome stories and TAEKAI forever!!!!!!! <33333
Chapter 32: My personal congratulations to you for making this awesome-heartwarming fanfiction. I just love how you took things slow with the characters interactions at the beginning and didn't rushed things up. I always enjoy seeing how the love between the characters develops in such a cute way >w<

Good job, you deserve all the subscribers and readers of the world :)