
Sketch of Love

The sun shine through his window and shown the arts around his room that he drew. As he got up and stretch from left to right, he walked into the bathroom and looked at his reflection " I look like ... a panda!" his dark circles around his eyes ,from staying up drawing his main sketch that he did late at night, were as dark as panda eyes. 

"Jungkook-ah~ ! Jeon Jungkook!" Shout his mother from down stairs. 

Jungkook quickly washed his face and shove his tooth brush into his mouth and ran down stairs to his mother. 

"Yes mom?" said Jungkook as he brush his teeth at the same time as he talks. 

His mother gave him a "oh my gosh son" look due to how childish he looks. 

"Jungkook-ah .... can you not come down if you're not done bru-"

"But you were calling me so many times so i had to come down to see what you want ... " said Jungkook as he cut his mothers sentence while his toothpaste were flying out from his mouth. 

"AI-aigoo aigoo ! AISH ! YAH JEON JUNG KOOK!"

Jungkook smiled and kissed his mother on the cheeks and ran back up into the bathroom up stairs. His mother smiled and watched as Jungkook run upstairs. 

"My son has finally grew up .... " 


At the sametime as Jungkook, ChungAe also woken up. She went to the hall bathroom and look at her relfection "Awesome look.... no wonder i don't fit in with any other girls because i look this awful ..." She wash her face and brushed her teeth. She carefully wipe her face with her towel. *Bang bang* as Jimin knock on the bathroom door ...

"HURRY CHUNGAE I GOT TO PEE~!" Shout Jimin as he was closing his legs together can't hold in no longer.

ChungAe smiled and purposly stayed in the bathroom longer. 


Jimin knocked even louder.  


ChungAe made farting noises and flushes the toilet multiple times. Jimin couldn''t hold it in anymore so he ran as quick as he can into their parents room for their bathroom, but sadly his mother was in it. 

"AISH SERIOUSLY?!" Shout Jimin 

ChungAe slowly opened the bathroom door and took a peek out into the hall "How stupid can he be?" as she laughed. 

Jimin popped out of no where and pulled ChungAe out from the bathroom "YOU'RE DEAD WHEN I COME OUT!" ChungAe started to laugh out loud at Jimin as he slam the door close and went to go do his business. 

She walked into her room and started to get ready for her day. 

~Ding Dong~

As the door bell ring ...

"Oh, that must be Taehyung oppa!" 

ChungAe ran downstairs into the living room and towards the door, she tripped over her fathers shoe and her body slam on their door. 

"*Jumps* what the heck ...?" said Taehyung

ChungAe rub her forehead and slowly opened the door. There stood infront of her was Taehyung, her crush. She smiled at him and moved her hand off from her forehead. Taehyung looked straight at her forehead and smiled " Did you get hurt? " he said as he softly rub her forehead with his thumb. She felt like it was HEAVEN, she roll her eyes back and closed her eyes and thought about falling but he walked past her into her house. That's when her reality came back to life. She was about to fall back but she held onto the door knob which made her balance equal again. 

"V~ You're here dude how you been?!" Said Jimin as he rap his arm around Taehyungs neck and took Taehyung towards his room, Jimin looked back towards Chungae while she was watching them, he stick out his tongue at her. She made a ugly face at him, Taehyung look back and saw her expression. "Haha, ChungAe's cute." said Taehyung, ChungAe opened her eyes and realize that he was looking, her cheeks turned bright red from the embarrassment. 


Jungkook packed his things getting ready for the moving to Seoul. He carefully organize his arts together and put them into the box. "These pictures are really something to me huh .... " he thought, one picture caught his eyes. The picture that he sketch while closing his eyes and imagining the look. The type of girl that he would love to have for himself. 

"It would be a miracle if there's a girl that looks like her...." 

Jungkook puts the picture in a different box from the others so that he could find it easier. His mother walk into his room and saw his drawings all over the floor. She picks them up one by one and hand them over to Jungkook. 

" Jungkook-ah ... " She said as she kneel down next to him.

He looks at her and had a slight smile. "Yes?" 

She hugged him. 

"Everything will be fine ok? Don't you worry .... even though your dad isn't here to help us, still know that you have me and your younger sister Jinji ok?" said his mother. 

She got up and walk out from his room. Jungkook rise up the picture he drew of his father. 

"It's ok father, i'll take care of mother and Jinji for you. We all know that you're in a happy place." 

His mother was standing out side his room and heard what he said, she burst into tears and over . 

"Son ... you don't know ... your father abandoned us when you were little ...." she whisper as she walked away. 

The truck arrived at their house, Jungkook carried all the boxes and stack them up into the truck. He took one last look around ther house before they move into Seoul. "I will miss this place ..." 

"Jungkook-ah ! Jungkook!" shout his friends as they came running towards him to say their good byes to him. 

"Oh! Friends!" 

They shook hands and gave each other hugs before he leave. 

"Come visit us soon ok?" said one of his friends

"Of course i will! You guys come visit me at Seoul to ok?" said Jungkook

They all smiled at each other and did their group hand shakes. Jungkook climb up their car and wave good bye to his friends. 

"Off to Seoul he goes ..." said his friends.


For the first chapter .... it's pretty short ahaha sorry ! Longer chapters will appear soon :) THANK YOU FOR READING PLEASE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE! Sorry for the bad grammars .... 

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Chapter 4: Ohhhh!!! Love it! Nice nice! Update more! Love the moves! Haha so cute how he just stopped and blanks out before realizing he's late. Haha then it was even more cute when they realized they were all late! Lol. Love their chemistry and all of BTS. Keep it up! Don't delete! XD
yeahgottaproblem #2
Chapter 4: It was really cute.Haha jungkook got to show his move.Friend plz tag JunkookxOc and jungkook and other characters in the fic.More people will subscribe to the story.^__^
yeahgottaproblem #3
Chapter 3: They're cute..cnungae and jungkook.
Chapter 3: Too short!!!!!! Update! Update! Update!!!!!!!!!!
Girl it was good. I liked it. Should've been longer!
Chapter 3: oh my- the part at the store was so cute! they're already stealing glances at each other hehehe. Jimin and chungae are so funny LOL. thank you for the update author-nim! update soon !
yeahgottaproblem #6
Chapter 2: Oho..jungkook finally :) Thanks for the update
Chapter 2: oh my gah author-nim ! I love the chemistry between chungae and jimin it's so cute w eeps. and I see something going on between taehyung and chungae? this is interesting ohohoho. I'm so glad jongkook and her finally met though < 3 i can't wait on how the story will be developed in the next chapters.
thank you for the update author-nim and update when you can ! : )
Chapter 1: Update!!! New chapters please!!! >.<