Feelings That Were Hidden

Feelings that were hidden.

You slowly walk behind the seven boys you've known for a little more than two years now. Jungkook was your best friend and classmate and he was the one who had introduced you to them. Since then, you had grown closer to all of them except Jimin. You had a crush on him since you met him but you were never able to get close to him. He always seemed to distance himself from you. You talked about common things but that was all. Now, you were here in the amusement park with them. Jungkook noticed you were walking a bit behind and fell back with you.

“What are you thinking about?” asked Jungkook


“I know it’s not nothing. I’ve known you long enough to know that.”

“It’s just…that ride is huge! We’re not…going on that, are we?” you said staring up at the rollercoaster.

“Knew it.” Jungkook said, laughing. “Of course we’re going on it! It’s the main ride.”

“Well, can I not go on it?”

“Just like Jimin hyung.”


“Even he doesn’t want to go.”

“No..it’s just..it’s too scary.”

“Alright. Wait with hyung near the ice cream stall, okay?”

“Okay. You’re the best, Kookie.”

“I know.” He said, giving your hand a little squeeze.

He jogged towards the others who were already so ahead and explained. You walked towards them in a hurry.

“So Jimin hyung and she will sit over there till we come back.” You heard him say, pointing towards an empty table under a tree near the ice cream stall.

“Really? You’re still scared?” Seokjin asked you with a smile on his face.

“I’m sorry…it just looks so scary.”

Seokjin laughed. “No need to say sorry. Eat an ice cream and relax.”

“You’ll be fine right? Jimin hyung will be there.” Taehyung said. He had his usual wide smile which was really adorable.

You cast a glance toward Jimin. He was staring at the floor. When we suddenly looked up at the mention of his name, your eyes met. He quickly averted his eyes and so did you. You could feel your face heating up. “Yes I’ll be fine, oppa.” You quickly said.

“Are you alright? You look a little red.” Jungkook asked with a concerned tone.

“Yes yes. I’m good.” You smiled.”Where are the others?” You noticed Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok weren’t there.

“They went to stand in line and now we have to go too!” Taehyung said waving his hands in the air. “Rollercoaster fun!”

You giggled. “Go ahead then! I’ll just eat an ice cream and not give you any.”

“Mean! I’ll buy the ice cream stall and not even let you touch it.” Taehyung said with a pout.

“Can you kids stopping playing around? Hyung let’s go!” said Jungkook, grabbing Taehyung’s and Seokjin’s hand, dragging them away.

“We’ll be back soon! Jimin hyung, anyeong~” said Taehyung doing aegyo poses.

“Aish this kid. Don’t scream and bring down the rollercoaster.” Said Jimin in a playful tone.

You watched as Taehyung Hopped along with Jungkook dragging him and Seokjin laughed at the dongsaeng’s cuteness.

As you slowly turned, you heard Jimin’s soft tone.

“So…shall we go and get ice creams?” he said, staring at his shoes with his hands inside his pocket.

The sky was slowly turning dark and there was a slight breeze. You and Jimin walk towards the ice cream stand and orderd two chocolate ice creams. You walked towards the table and sat under the tree, facing each other.

To make a conversation, you slowly start talking.

“So oppa, how is university going? Did you get used to the new feeling?”

“It’s going good. How about your studies?” He smiled a little.

“Oh…it’s good too.”

Silence followed for another two or three minutes. Then Jimin broke the silence.

“How come we never talk to each other much?” he suddenly asked.

“I..don’t know. I guess it just…happens…” You look down at the ice cream that was slowly dripping down your fingers.

“Oh wait. Let me get you a tissue.” Said Jimin, seeing the melting ice cream. “Here hold mine. I’ll be right back.”

He rushed back to the stall to get a couple of tissues and came back to wipe the ice cream off your fingers.

“Oh it’s alright. I’ll-“Before you could finish, he had kneeled down and wiped off the dripping ice cream.

“There! Done.” He said.

When you looked up, your eyes met his. You suddenly looked away and handed him his ice cream back. He got up and went back to his seat. He was shifting uncomfortably in his seat, eating what’s left of his ice cream.

“Thanks, oppa.” You said in a mumble.

“No problem.”

You’re heart beat was quickening. You stole a glance at Jimin. His black hair was shining from the sun that was slowly setting behind his back. How could he be so perfect? You couldn’t control your feelings.

“Oppa…” you slowly said.

He lifted his eyes to look at you. “Yes, what is it?” he smiled at you.

“How would you feel…if…a girl who’s been around you for a while…and you know her…said she likes you?” You said staring at the floor.

There was a two second silence and then Jimin slowly said, “If I like her too…I would date her.”

“Okay…” You didn’t dare to look up. Some mysterious courage within you forced you to ask that question and now, you felt embarrassed.

Just as you got up in a hurry to throw away the tissue, Jimin spoke up. “By any chance…do you like me or something?”

That question caught you off guard. As you turned to look at him, your hand hit the table.


“Are you alright?” Jimin sprang up from his chair and came to your side.

“Ye-yes I’m fine.”

“Okay then. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. Forget I asked that.” He turned to go back to his seat.

Everything was quiet again but something within you told you that it was your only chance.

“Oppa…about your question.”

“I’m sorry. Forget I asked that. I know I startled you.”

Nervously you looked up at him, trembling a little and said, “I do like you...I’ve liked you for a long time.”

There was a stunned silence. You couldn’t see his face as he wasn't looking straight.

Realizing what you had just done you suddenly stood up. You were trembling. You grabbed your bag and got ready to walk away when he grabbed your hand. He pulled you closer and back hugged you. Your eyes turned wide in surprise.

“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to hear that? Ever since I met you.” He whispered into your ears. A sudden shiver ran through your body.

“W-what?” You said with a stutter.

“What I mean is…I’m in love with you.”

Unknowingly, tears formed in your eyes. You felt a bit of confidence creeping in you.

“Oppa, do you know long I’ve been waiting for you to say this?”

“How long?”

“Since we met.” You smiled as you put your hands on Jimin’s which were around you in a warm hug.

You slowly broke loose from the hug and turned around. You took his hand and kept it on your chest where your heart was beating wildly.

“That’s what you’ve been doing to me.” You whispered to the surprised Jimin.

Jimin slowly lifted your chin to bring you to his eye level and took your hand. He did the same. He kept your hand on his chest. You could feel it through his t-shirt. His heart was beating just as fast as yours.

“You’ve been doing the same.”

You broke into a wide grin and he smiled too. For the first time, you saw him smile at you like that – his cute little smile where his eyes turned into a line and perfect lips curved into a beautiful white smile. He pulled you in closer for a hug. You wrapped your hands around him. Nothing could explain the joy and the mysterious feelings that were rushing in you.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked softly.

“I’d be mad to say no.”

Just as you were pulling away, you heard a shout.

“We’re back!! The ride was AWESOME!!” It was obviously, the dorky Taehyung. When he saw you both so suddenly pulling away from each other and looking as red as a tomato, he stood in his tracks. “What…were you just doing?”

“We? Uh..oh..I…”

“No way!! JIMIN HYUNG! Did you finally ask her out???”

“I…me…yes…”? Jimin replied, stuttering with shyness. You just stood next to him with equal shyness.

“OMG!! ALL OF YOU COME FAST OVER HERE!EMERGENCY!!” Taehyung shouted towards the others.

Then all rushed towards you three.

“What happened?? Is my precious dongsaeng hurt or something? Or did our Jamless Jimin do something?” asked Namjoon.

“I’m sure it's Jimin. Yah, what did you do?” Yoongi said.

“Hyung list-“ Taehyung began but got interrupted by Hoseok. “What did you do that you both look so guilty?”

“Hyung, what happened? My chingu! Why do you look so red?” Jungkook asked with concern.

“Dongsaeng, what’s the emergency?” Seokjin asked.

“Hyung, do you all want to hear what happened then ask questions later?”

“What is it Taehyung that you’re so worked up?” Namjoon asked

“JIMIN FINALLY ASKED HER OUT!!!” Taehyung shouted, dancing in a circle around you and Jimin.

“WHAT??” The others said in unison.

“He finally did it!!” Yoongi said. “Ya imma, congrats! Finally you did it.”

“Finally! Jimin, you got jams.” Namjoon said with a thumb’s up and a wink.

“So what was your answer my adorable sister? You know,he loves you a lot!! He keeps telling about you again and again and won’t stop. Have you noticed he keeps staring at you everyti-“ Before Seokjin could finish, Jimin cut him off.

“Hyung!! You’re not supposed to say all that!” You looked up to see the blushing Jimin and you couldn’t help but giggle.

“Why are you giggling? I can finally tell the world!! This girl swore me to secrecy that I’d never tell that she likes Jimin hyung. She’s crazy for hyung, I tell you. Everytime Jimin oppa this Jimin oppa that. She keeps asking what did hyung say? How is he? Is he sick? Is he-“ This time you cut off Jungkook who was slowly revealing your secrets.

“Yah Kookie!! You said you’d never tell!!” You yelled at him.

He started laughing at you and said, “Congrats, chingu. You’re dreams came true.” Then he turned to Jimin and said,”Hyung, congrats to you too. After all your waiting and staring~~” He giggled.

“Yah Jungkookie!” Jimin punched him on his hand slightly.

Many secrets were revealed that night about how you both were madly in love with each other but failed to notice each others feelings. And that’s how a love story between you and Jimin, the love of your life, began.


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minhoshawols #1
Chapter 1: Ohohohohohoh i like this xD its simple, but i rly like it :D