A Piggy-Back Ride From A 'Stranger'

My Complicated First Love [ON HIATUS]


Eun Mi POV: 

I felt so dumb. 

I didn't bring something useful with me. 

I just wore my sweatpants and a t-shirt with a cute penguin on it. 

I didn't even wore shoes I just wore slippers with bobbles. 

I really liked them but back to the main topic: I just locked myself out of my own house. 

I looked down on the ground and just went somewhere. 

I went around and didn't pay attention where I was going. 

I was just pitying myself too much and found myself in the park. 

I looked down to my bobbles. 

They were dirty. 

"Poor bobbles.", I mumbled. 

I pouted and went to a bank and sat down. I pulled my legs to me and rested my head on them. 

"What should I do?" 


I touched my head as I felt something wet falling on my head. 

I looked up to the dark sky. 

Suddenly I felt more raindrops falling down. 

They hitted my face and I squinted my eyes. 

"Damn...", I cursed, "Today's not my day." 

The rain got heavier.
I couldn't know what made my face wet. 

The raindrops or my tears? 

I just didn't know. 

But I didn't care about it now. 

The rain soaked my clothes and wetted my skin. 

I embraced my legs tighter and buried my head in them. 

I cried of course.
I didn't even know what time it was-the last time when I looked on the clock it was 8pm. 

My wet hair was glued on my skin. 

I freezed on my whole body. 

I closed my eyes to forget the situation. 

A few moments later it seemed like that it didn't rained. 

I felt dizzy and it was really cold too. 

I shivered on my whole body. 

"Are you okay?" 

I looked up. 

"Do you need any help?" 

"Huh, what?", I whispered weakly. 

It was a person I couldn't recognize and held an umbrella over me. 

"Come with me. I'll help you." 

Could it be a ert who searched for dumb girls like who locked themselves out in the rain?

"Uhh... no, let me be, please", I answered. 

"You need help. Come with me." 

"Noooooo...." I tried to escape. 

I stood up and wanted to go away but my legs got weaker and the darkness overtook me. 

I felt myself falling. 


When I regained consciousness someone piggybacked me. 

I slowly opened my eyes. 

It was still dark outside. 

"Leeeet meeee doooown!", I begged. 

"You're sick. You have a fever. You have to get treated." 

"Nooo, don't mind me!", I shouted and struggled. 


I became silent. 

This person was reaaaaally scary. 

"Please", I begged, "Don't do something bad to me" 

"I'll just bring you to my house." 

"Then don't do bad things there." 

"I'll take care of you and you can rest there. No need to panic." 

I hugged this person tighter. 

I got a piggy-back from a guy I didn't know. 

But I wanted to get my first piggy-back from my first boyfriend. ;(( 

I smelled the perfume from this person. 

He s
cented good.~ 

Even when it rained.
I closed my eyes and fell asleep. 


When I woke up I layed in a bed.

I looked around. 

I noticed that it was a bunk bed. 

So this person didn't live alone. 

I went to the door. 

I slowly opened the door. 

I saw a familiar room. 

The person turned around. 

"You woke up?"


Updateeee! :D
Just a few weeks more and it's christmas! 
I don't even know what to buy for my family. DD;
And I'm soooo tired of learning. (-ㅅ-')
I spent the last TWO weeks with learning.
Sooo thanks for the patience. *bows* (ㅅ_ㅅ)
I'll try to update soon so comment and subscribe! ~
Thanks for the comments! ♥
Love youu ALL! =)

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Tippy8382 #1
I love your background LOL!! Please update!!
@starlove: Arghh.. you're SOOO nice *_________*
thanks for the waitng. =)
@N1C0L33C0RN: aii.... thanks. ;)))) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Thanks for being so patient. DDDD;
@Miss_Dummie: Ahhhhh, yeaah. ;))) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Thanks for waiing. =))
Awie~~~ Key's just too stunned by her beauty~ XDDD<br />
Anyways please update as soon as you can~~~~ =^.^=
lol. its okay! i'll wait forever if i have to!! XD
@17KpopLover: Haha. Thanks. ;))<br />
Happy Belated New Year! ;)) <3<br />
@kathietee: He asked everyone. ;))<br />
Happy Belated New Year! ;)) <3<br />
@starlove: Keke, yeah. ;))<br />
Oh, I forgot. Hehe.<br />
But A Happy Belated New Year! ;)) <3<br />
@SHINeesGate: Haha, you're a cutie. ;D<br />
Thanks. ;))<br />
If I have time I'll read you fanfics but now isn't the right time. ;><br />
Keke. <3<br />
OMG CUTTIIIE!!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR NOT A GOOD WRITE :O you are amazing <3 i hope you update soon im really likeing the story <3
key is just stunned by her beauty!! XD<br />
<br />
christmas is in two days for me! :)<br />
<br />
update soon please
kathietee #8
who did Key asked to go with him? lol <br />
Merry Christmas to you too!
beeeaaaar #9
Suddenly Minho speaks up :DD Merry Christmas To you in advance too ... :D