My iPod! DD;

My Complicated First Love [ON HIATUS]
Key POV: 

"Oh Key hyung you got her!", Tae Min smiled.
I still felt the pain from the traffic sign.
"Oh, my iPod!", Eun Mi remembered.
She ran back.
I followed her.
When I arrived she picked up her iPod.
It was smashed.
"Oh, what should I do? It's broken...", she pouted.
"What's so special about it? Just throw it away and buy a new one."
"But... my oppa bought it for me."
"You'll be okay without an iPod. Look, school starts in 3 minutes and you're still here.
But not only you'll be late, Tae Min will be late too. Aish this girl! Let's go."
We went to the car and drove to school.

3rd Person POV:

Eun Mi and Tae Min ran into school.
"Sorry for being late.", they apologized and bowed.
"Okay. But the next time I won't accept it anymore. Go to your seats, please.", the teacher said. 
They sat down.
There was a riot in the class.
"Why... why did she came with Tae Min? What does it mean? I really hate her."
"Eun Mi again? What did she to get Tae Min's attention? I think she's just a crazy fan girl. I hate girls like her." 
"Tae Min and Eun Mi? I see them often together. They are TOO often together. Maybe we should teach her a lesson?" 
Tae Min got mad and clenched his fist but he held his anger in.
He tilted his head to Eun Mi.
It seems like she don't care for the mumbling about her.
"Be quiet, please! We will start the lesson now.", the teacher said.



Jong Hyun POV: 

"Let's start the practice.", Onew said.
"Ne. ~"

They all danced.
Key had many mistakes during the choreography. 
"What's up with you, Key?", I asked him.
"I... just... have a little headache.", Key said.
"Then just rest a little bit.", Onew suggested.
"Hmm... yeah, maybe I should take a break.", Key meant.
Key went outside to the vending machine.
I followed him secretly. Something wasn't right there.
Ki Bum was acting strange lately.
"Aish! That damn girl. If she hadn't pushed me so hard against this damn traffic sign!
I just hugged her. HUG! Every girl would die to get a hug from me. Aish chincha.", Key talked to himself and took out his soda.
I couldn't believe what he said.
I slowly went back to the practice room.
"Hyung, where were you?", Min Ho asked.
"I-I-I just went to the restroom, yeah, right the restroom.", I mumbled. 



Tae Min POV:

Seung Hyun, Eun Mi and me were hanging around the rooftop.
We just stayed there because when I were in the cantine the girls would gather around me.
I felt somehow bad for those two.
They had to stay at the rooftop because of me and Eun Mi got haters.
"Hehe, I feel kinda bad.", I said.
"Why?", both of them questioned.
"You have to stay here and Eun Mi got haters. You shouldn't stay with me."
Suddenly Eun Mi began to laugh out loud.
"You're kidding, right? To be honest I like it to stay here.
And the topic haters: Forget them.
I'm really happy to be a friend of yours because when you guys weren't there I would be strolling around the school alone.
So don't ever think that again, okay?", she smiled. 
"Yeah, that's right. Don't be like this.", Seung Hyun laughed and pushed my shoulder.
"Thanks.", I whispered. 



Eun Mi POV:
"Let's go home, Seung Hyun!", I said.
"Yeah, okay.", he smiled.
We waved goodbye to Tae Min.
On the way home we talked comfortably. 
At the fork he said, he had to go to the other direction.
"Okay. See ya monday!", I said.
He said goodbye back to me.
Today it seemed like that the way home was shorter.
I took my key and wanted to stuck it into the lock.
I looked at it.
"Key...", I mumbled and remembered the incidence in the morning.
I hit my head.
"Why are you suddenly thinking of him? He's just a conceited fellow." 
I opened the door and immediatly went to my room.
I threw my school bag into a edge and let myself fall into my bed.
"Ahhh... I'm alone at home now. Hehe. I can do eveeeeerything now what I want."
I rolled myself into my blanket and fell asleep.

I woke up.
"Uhh... what time is it?"
It was 8pm.
I layed there for a few minutes and stood up.
It was already dark.
I went down to the living room. On the table I saw a note.
"Darling, eat something, okay?
I'll take something beautiful from China for you.
Sleep enough and eat well.
I love you. ~
Umma. <3" 
I smiled.
I went to the couch and the tv.
I zapped through the channels but there wasn't something interesting today.
"Ah, I can call Jong Hun oppa."
I took the phone and called him. 
Jong Hun: Hello?
Eun Mi: OPPAAAA! ♥
Jong Hun: Hey little sis. What's up?
Eun Mi: Nooooothing.~
              Umma went to China for a meeting and I'm alone at home. And what's with your entrance exam? 
Jong Hun: I'll get it on saturday. I will come home on monday if I don't pass it. 
Eun Mi: Oppa, don't say this. You're the most intelligent creature for me on earth. 
Jong Hun: Haha. Thanks.
Eun Mi: If you're in the university don't play with girls.
Jong Hun: What?
Eun Mi: Don't play with girls.
Jong Hun: Huh? Why are talking about something like that?
Eun Mi: Oppa. I know what you did in your old school. Don't deny it.
Jong Hun: YOU KNEW? 
*scratch scratch*
Eun Mi: Oppa, did you hear that?
Jong Hun: What?
*scratch scratch*
Eun Mi: That.
Jong Hun: No.
Eun Mi: I'll hang up.
Jong Hun: Yeah. Eat well, okay?
                   If you don't want to cook something, just order something from your favourite restaurant, okay?
Eun Mi: Ne. Bye bye.

3rd Person POV:

*scratch scratch*

She followed the scratch sound.
She ended at the entrance door.
She opened the door.
It was a cat.
"Mietz, mietz, little cat!", she said.
She slowly bent forward. Near to the cat.
She went nearer and nearer.
The cat ran away into the darkness.
"Pff... weird cat."
She immediatly turned around.
"Sh**! The door closed!", she shouted.
She ran to the door and tried to open it.
"Ohh, what should I do?", she asked herself.

Heeeello again. =D
It's already my 20th chapter! DD;
I'll try to make my story more interesting! =)
Soo please enjoy reading! ~


Thanks to those who left comments! ♥
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Tippy8382 #1
I love your background LOL!! Please update!!
@starlove: Arghh.. you're SOOO nice *_________*
thanks for the waitng. =)
@N1C0L33C0RN: aii.... thanks. ;)))) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Thanks for being so patient. DDDD;
@Miss_Dummie: Ahhhhh, yeaah. ;))) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Thanks for waiing. =))
Awie~~~ Key's just too stunned by her beauty~ XDDD<br />
Anyways please update as soon as you can~~~~ =^.^=
lol. its okay! i'll wait forever if i have to!! XD
@17KpopLover: Haha. Thanks. ;))<br />
Happy Belated New Year! ;)) <3<br />
@kathietee: He asked everyone. ;))<br />
Happy Belated New Year! ;)) <3<br />
@starlove: Keke, yeah. ;))<br />
Oh, I forgot. Hehe.<br />
But A Happy Belated New Year! ;)) <3<br />
@SHINeesGate: Haha, you're a cutie. ;D<br />
Thanks. ;))<br />
If I have time I'll read you fanfics but now isn't the right time. ;><br />
Keke. <3<br />
OMG CUTTIIIE!!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR NOT A GOOD WRITE :O you are amazing <3 i hope you update soon im really likeing the story <3
key is just stunned by her beauty!! XD<br />
<br />
christmas is in two days for me! :)<br />
<br />
update soon please
kathietee #8
who did Key asked to go with him? lol <br />
Merry Christmas to you too!
beeeaaaar #9
Suddenly Minho speaks up :DD Merry Christmas To you in advance too ... :D